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KubeWeekly #209

Last updated at Posted at 2020-04-03

The Headlines

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2020/03/27に発行された Kube Weekly #209を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


※この記事は、Z Labの業務の一環として作成したものです。

Kubernetes 1.18: Fit & Finish

Kubernetes 1.18: Fit & Finish
Authors: Kubernetes 1.18 Release Team We’re pleased to announce the delivery of Kubernetes 1.18, our first release of 2020! Kubernetes 1.18 consists of 38 enhancements: 15 enhancements are moving to stable, 11 enhancements in beta, and 12 enhancements in alpha. Kubernetes 1.18 is a “fit and finish” release. Significant work has gone into improving beta and stable features to ensure users have a better experience. An equal effort has gone into adding new developments and exciting new features that promise to enhance the user experience even more.

Kubernetes 1.18がリリースされました。


  • NUMA環境でのCPUとデバイスを考慮する Topology ManagerがBetaに
  • Serverside ApplyがBeta2に
  • Ingressの機能拡張と、IngressClassの登場
  • kubectl alpha debug コマンド
  • Windows CSIサポートがAlphaに



Kubernetes 1.18, with Jorge Alarcon

Kubernetes 1.18, with Jorge Alarcon

Kubernetes Podcast, 今回のゲストはリリースチームのリードである、 Jorge Alarcon.

ICYMI: CNCF Webinars

CNCF Project Webinar: How to Migrate a MySQL Database to Vitess - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Project Webinar: How to Migrate a MySQL Database to Vitess - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Though starting off new projects on Vitess is generally a friction-free process, in a lot of cases, the need for horizontal sharding doesn’t become apparent until rapid growth has already...


CNCF Member Webinar: Lowering the Barrier to Kubernetes Proficiency - Navigating the Stormy Seas of Information Overload - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

CNCF Member Webinar: Lowering the Barrier to Kubernetes Proficiency - Navigating the Stormy Seas of Information Overload - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
Kubernetes is an incredibly powerful platform. Companies of all shapes and sizes are embracing this powerful technology in a number of ways. The widespread adoption of Kubernetes is evidence of...


The Technical

Anatomy of my Kubernetes Cluster

Anatomy of my Kubernetes Cluster
A year ago, I decided I would build my own Kubernetes cluster. As a software engineer, I either use a local single-node Kubernetes cluster, or a remote multi-node cluster, to test my work on a daily basis. I wanted to have the benefits of both, that is being able to use a multi-node cluster, without any of the latencies you can experience while working with a remote environment.

RaspberryPiで作られたkubernetesクラスタ。 電源もmasterから切れるようになっているらしく、auto-scalerと連動して電源をon-offできる

Writing Kubernetes network policies with Inspektor Gadget’s Network Policy Advisor | Kinvolk

Writing Kubernetes network policies with Inspektor Gadget’s Network Policy Advisor | Kinvolk

Inspektor Gadget というKubernetesアプリ開発用の便利ツール集の中の1ツールである Network Policy Advisorの紹介。

Okteto Push - Your Code to Kubernetes in Seconds

Okteto Push - Your Code to Kubernetes in Seconds
We’ve been talking to a lot of developers since we started building Okteto. Every team has very unique challenges, but one that came up pretty regularly was how long it takes to ship a line of code fr

OktetoというKubernetes as a Serviceに実装された Okteto Pushという新機能の紹介。

Converting an Old MacBook Into an Always-On Personal Kubernetes Cluster

Converting an Old MacBook Into an Always-On Personal Kubernetes Cluster
TL;DR: I set up Minikube on an old (2012) MacBook Air and configured it to be able to connect from outside my home network so I would have an always-on Kubernetes cluster at home to experiment with.

Photo Attribution: flickr

古くなったMacBook AirにMinikubeでKubernetesクラスタを作った話。電力コストでみると月$1.44程度と試算しています。
勝手にスリープしないような設定、DDNSの設定などMacBook Air特有の設定も紹介されています。

quality of service and oom in kubernetes

quality of service and oom in kubernetes
into the details of resource reservation and oom killing

KubernetesにおけるQoS Classの設定により実際に何が起きているのかをDeep Diveした記事。

kubernetes secrets

kubernetes secrets
exploring kubernetes secrets from the kubelet's perspective

KubernetesのSecretがどのようにetcdに格納され、そして各Podの環境変数、Volumeに晒されているのかをDeep Diveした記事

Setting up a ProxySQL Sidecar Container - Percona Database Performance Blog

Setting up a ProxySQL Sidecar Container - Percona Database Performance Blog
Setting up a ProxySQL sidecar container to manage connections in AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service).

AWS Auroraの最大接続数を超えないようにするためにPodのサイドカーとしてProxySQLを入れる話。

OpenShift 4.4 OKD Bare Metal Install on VMWare Home Lab

OpenShift 4.4 OKD Bare Metal Install on VMWare Home Lab
Let’s face it, the cloud is too expensive for OpenShift enthusiasts to set up a test OpenShift environment. Used hardware for a home lab…

OpenShift 4.4 OKDをおうちのベアメタルにインストールする話。

Building a TODO API in Golang with Kubernetes

Building a TODO API in Golang with Kubernetes
This is post is aimed at newcomers to Kubernetes or Go who want to learn by building a practical REST API with SQL and Go.

kubernetesはk3dで用意し、 Kubernetesアプリの管理としてarkadeを、 アプリケーションは OpenFaaSでデプロイしています。


A Guide On The Installation Of Spinnaker in Kubernetes Clusters

A Guide On The Installation Of Spinnaker in Kubernetes Clusters
Spinnaker is a multi-cloud deployment tool for releasing applications with high velocity and reliability.


A Primer: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)

A Primer: Continuous Integration and Continuous Delivery (CI/CD)


The Editorial

Threading the Needle on Kubernetes Complexity with AI-Powered Observability - DevOps.com

Threading the Needle on Kubernetes Complexity with AI-Powered Observability - DevOps.com
If you run down the laundry list of major industries–transportation, retail, healthcare, automotive, financial services–you’ll see that the major players


A 'No-BS’ Checklist for Kubernetes - The New Stack

A 'No-BS’ Checklist for Kubernetes - The New Stack

IaaSはどうするか? ログメトリクスはどうするか? 認証・認可はどうするか?などなど、 Kubernetesを扱う人が考えるべき事項が網羅的に紹介されている。


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