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KubeWeekly #159

Last updated at Posted at 2019-01-29


KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(http://bit.ly/kubeweekly )この記事は 2019/01/16に発行された Kube Weekly #159 ( https://mailchi.mp/cncf/kubeweekly-159 ) を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。

9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices Everyone Must Follow - Cloud Native Computing Foundation

9 Kubernetes Security Best Practices Everyone Must Follow - Cloud Native Computing Foundation
By Connor Gilbert, product manager at StackRox  Last month, the Kubernetes ecosystem was shaken by the discovery of the first major security flaw in Kubernetes, the world’s most popular container orchestrator....


  • 最新バージョンを使う
  • RBACを有効にする
  • Namespaceを使う
    • NetworkPolicyなどで通信を分離しやすいため
  • 大事なPodは独立したNodeにスケジュールさせる
    • 読み書き可能なSecretはNode単位で制限されるため
  • クラスタメタデータへのアクセスをセキュアにする
  • NetworkPolicyを使う
  • PodSecurityPolicyを設定する
  • Nodeのセキュリティを強化する
    • kubeletの使うポートは不必要インアクセスできないようにしておく
    • 管理者権限でNodeにログインできる人を最小限にする
  • AuditLoggingを有効にする

Container Storage Interface (CSI) for Kubernetes GA

Container Storage Interface (CSI) for Kubernetes GA
Author: Saad Ali, Senior Software Engineer, Google The Kubernetes implementation of the Container Storage Interface (CSI) has been promoted to GA in the Kubernetes v1.13 release. Support for CSI was introduced as alpha in Kubernetes v1.9 release, and promoted to beta in the Kubernetes v1.10 release. The GA milestone indicates that Kubernetes users may depend on the feature and its API without fear of backwards incompatible changes in future causing regressions.

CSIがKubernetes v1.13でGAになりました。
またCSI Driverを作るときに便利なサイドカーコンテナを紹介している。

Proposing an enhancement to Kubernetes: The story of a KEP

Proposing an enhancement to Kubernetes: The story of a KEP
Kubernetes is a big project — it has a wide range of users and a large number of people working on it at any given time. For simple…

Kubernetes Enhancement Proposals (KEPs) の話。大きな機能をKubernetesに導入する際に事前に作成するドキュメント。

The Technical

APIServer dry-run and kubectl diff

APIServer dry-run and kubectl diff
Author: Antoine Pelisse (Google Cloud, @apelisse) Declarative configuration management, also known as configuration-as-code, is one of the key strengths of Kubernetes. It allows users to commit the desired state of the cluster, and to keep track of the different versions, improve auditing and automation through CI/CD pipelines. The Apply working-group is working on fixing some of the gaps, and is happy to announce that Kubernetes 1.13 promoted server-side dry-run and kubectl diff to beta.

kubectl diffについて
kubectl apply --dry-runでは不十分だが、サーバとの完璧なdiffを取るにはいろいろ考慮すべき点がある。

How to Create a Kubernetes Custom Controller using client-go


Scaling Jupyter notebooks with Kubernetes and Tensorflow

Scaling Jupyter notebooks with Kubernetes and Tensorflow
One of the most common hurdles with developing AI and deep learning models is to design data pipelines that can operate at scale and in real-time. Data scientists and engineers are often expected to learn, develop and maintain the infrastructure for their experiments, but the process takes time away from focussing on training and developing the models. But what if you could outsource all of the non-data science to someone else while still retaining control? In this article, you will explore how you can leverage Kubernetes, Tensorflow and Kubeflow to scale your models without having to worry about scaling the infrastructure.


Intro to Jenkins X CI/CD for Kubernetes | Log Analysis | Log Monitoring by Loggly

Intro to Jenkins X CI/CD for Kubernetes | Log Analysis | Log Monitoring by Loggly
In this article, we’ll introduce you to JX, show you how to use it, and how to monitor your builds and production deployments.


Conquering Statefulness on Kubernetes – Capital One Tech – Medium

Conquering Statefulness on Kubernetes – Capital One Tech – Medium
Containerization has revolutionized the way we think of application development as a whole. There are many benefits: consistent…

KubernetesでStatefulを扱うための方法 PersistentVolumeやStatefulSetの紹介

Running Istio on Kubernetes in production. Part I. – AvitoTech – Medium

Running Istio on Kubernetes in production. Part I. – AvitoTech – Medium
What is Istio? Istio is a service mesh technology adding an abstraction layer to the network. It intercepts all or part of the traffic in…

Istio の各コンポーネントの動作概要の説明

Kubernetes authentication via GitHub OAuth and Dex – Preply Engineering Blog – Medium

Kubernetes authentication via GitHub OAuth and Dex – Preply Engineering Blog – Medium
In this article I will share with you step-by-step guide for generating kubectl credentials using Dex, dex-k8s-authenticator and GitHub.


Lunatech – Running the Spark-notebook on a Kubernetes google cloud cluster

Lunatech – Running the Spark-notebook on a Kubernetes google cloud cluster


Istio Service Mesh + Apollo Server for GraphQL – ITNEXT


Tooling Spotlight


Hunt for security weaknesses in Kubernetes clusters - aquasecurity/kube-hunter


The Editorial

Why Is Storage On Kubernetes So Hard?

Why Is Storage On Kubernetes So Hard?
Container orchestration tools like Kubernetes are revolutionizing the way applications are being developed and deployed. With the rise of the microservices architecture and decoupling of infrastructure from application logic from the developer’s point of view, developers are becoming more focused on building software and delivering value. Kubernetes abstracts away the physical machines it is managing.


Stateful Kubernetes with Saad Ali

Stateful Kubernetes with Saad Ali
In a cloud infrastructure environment, failures happen regularly. The servers can fail, the network can fail, and software bugs can crash your software unexpectedly. The amount of failures that can occur in cloud infrastructure is one reason why storage is often separated from application logic. A developer can launch multiple instances of their application, with


Kubernetes security: 4 tips to manage risks

Kubernetes security: 4 tips to manage risks
As you bear down on Kubernetes security, use these strategies to avoid missteps in work with containers and orchestration


  • 導入の早い段階からセキュリティを意識すること
  • Kubernetesコミュニティに積極的に参加すること
  • 商用のKuberneteesプラットフォームを検討する
  • 古いツールや習慣をあてにしない

Managing Secrets in Kubernetes

Managing Secrets in Kubernetes
In this post, we continue our discussion on how to separate code from configuration in Kubernetes and examine how to manage secrets in Kubernetes.


  • クラウドプロバイダが提供するものを使う
  • オープンソースの仕組みを使う(Vault, Sealed Secrets)
  • 有償製品を使う


On Infrastructure at Scale: A Cascading Failure of Distributed Systems

On Infrastructure at Scale: A Cascading Failure of Distributed Systems
At Target, we run a heterogeneous infrastructure in our datacenters (and many other places), where we have multiple different backend…




What I learned in my first 2 years as a Software Engineer

What I learned in my first 2 years as a Software Engineer
I survived it.


What's New in Kubernetes 1.13

What's New in Kubernetes 1.13
This release continues to focus on stability and extensibility of Kubernetes with three major features graduating to general availability this cycle in the a...

Kubernetes 1.13の新機能紹介動画(見ていない)

5 open source tools to upgrade your next Kubernetes project - JAXenter

5 open source tools to upgrade your next Kubernetes project - JAXenter
Looking to really improve your next Kubernetes project? Here are five tools that are guaranteed to elevate your container orchestration management.


2019 Data Center Drivers: Kubernetes, Cloud, ML, File System Storage

2019 Data Center Drivers: Kubernetes, Cloud, ML, File System Storage
If 2019 is anything like the previous year, there will be a renewed push for modernization in the data center to alleviate the management complexity,


Day Two Kubernetes: Tools for Operability

Day Two Kubernetes: Tools for Operability
Bridget Kromhout discusses what containers and Kubernetes clusters are at a high level, looks into the practical application of open source tools to simplify cluster management, and shows how to deploy Kubernetes clusters in a repeatable and portable fashion.

コンテナ、Kubernetesの紹介からHelm, draft, brigadeなどMicrosoftのOSSを紹介しているようです。


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