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KubeWeekly #174

Last updated at Posted at 2019-07-11

KubeWeeklyは毎週Kubernetesに関する興味深いニュースを提供しています。(https://kubeweekly.io/ )この記事は 2019/07/03に発行された Kube Weekly #174を読んで、感じたことをメモ的にまとめたものです。


The Headlines

Shanghai '19: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit - YouTube

Shanghai '19: KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summit - YouTube

上海で行われた、KubeCon + CloudNativeCon + Open Source Summitの各セッションの動画はYoutubeで見ることができます。

The Techinical

Whats new in Kubernetes 1.15? | Sysdig

Whats new in Kubernetes 1.15? | Sysdig
What's new in Kubernetes 1.15: Major improvements to the CustomResourceDefinitions (CRD), Event API overhaul, Kubernetes scheduler plugins and much more.

Kubernetes 1.15での新機能をそれぞれ概要とともに紹介している。

Announcing addon-operator to simplify managing additional components in K8s clusters

Announcing addon-operator to simplify managing additional components in K8s clusters
Discover a new simple, consistent and automated way to install & update components of your Kubernetes clusters.

shell-operatorというKubernetesのイベントを受けて任意のシェルスクリプトを実行するオペレータを元に作成されており、内部的にはHelm Chartでアドオンを管理するようになっている。

Kubernetesのcluster addon operatorというのが提案されているが、それとは関係ないもののようだが、クラスタで動くアドオンを管理する方法が様々なところで求められているようだ。

Tutorial: Continuous Integration and Delivery to AWS Kubernetes

Tutorial: Continuous Integration and Delivery to AWS Kubernetes
Learn how to combine Semaphore with AWS Elastic Container Registry and Kubernetes Service to get effective CI/CD.

SemaphoreというCI・CDのSaaSとAWS(Amazon Container Registry, EKS)の組み合わせ方の紹介。


Build and deploy Go applications on Kubernetes. Contribute to google/ko development by creating an account on GitHub.



Introducing Volume Cloning Alpha for Kubernetes

Introducing Volume Cloning Alpha for Kubernetes
Author: John Griffith (Red Hat) Kubernetes v1.15 introduces alpha support for volume cloning. This feature allows you to create new volumes using the contents of existing volumes in the user’s namespace using the Kubernetes API. What is a Clone? Many storage systems provide the ability to create a “clone” of a volume. A clone is a duplicate of an existing volume that is its own unique volume on the system, but the data on the source is duplicated to the destination (clone).

Kubernetes1.15に導入されたAlphaな機能であるVolume Cloningの紹介。

Learn How to Assign Pods to Nodes in Kubernetes Using nodeSelector and Affinity Features

Learn How to Assign Pods to Nodes in Kubernetes Using nodeSelector and Affinity Features
In this article, we'll discuss how to assign Pods to nodes using nodeSelector and affinity/anti-affinity feature in Kubernetes.


  • nodeSelector (今や非推奨なので注意)
  • Node Affinity
  • Inter-Pod Affinity, podAntiAffinity

Simplify Kubernetes in AWS with the Amazon EKS Service


Simplify Kubernetes with the EKS Service, Part 2: Required Prep Work

上の記事の続き kubectlを取得する方法など。

The Editorial

A Production Ready Checklist for Kubernetes

A Production Ready Checklist for Kubernetes
How do you know when you’re ready to run your Kubernetes cluster in production? In this blog series, we define Production Ready checklists for your cluster and applications.

Production Readyのためのチェックリスト。クラスタ編。

The Application Checklist for Kubernetes

The Application Checklist for Kubernetes
Find out what the best practices are for running applications in Kubernetes with this convenient application checklist.

Production Readyのためのチェックリスト。アプリケーション編。

The CISO's guide to Kubernetes security and deployment

The CISO's guide to Kubernetes security and deployment
This guide to Kubernetes security outlines a roadmap to the open source orchestration platform features, in addition to security best practices and habits CISOs should follow to optimize deployment.



  • APIの認証
  • RBACによる認可
  • Pod Security Context
  • Secretストア


  • 必要に応じてワークロードを分割する
  • namespaceでリソースを分離する
  • ログを有効化する
  • コンテナレベルでのセキュリティを忘れない

Extra tips

  • 最新版を使おう
  • CISベンチマークなどを活用しよう
  • CKAなどを社員に取得させよう

Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler: A demand side management solution that consumes electricity in low grid carbon intensity areas | Packt Hub

Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler: A demand side management solution that consumes electricity in low grid carbon intensity areas | Packt Hub
Researchers from the University of Bristol, UK, introduced their research on a low carbon scheduling policy for the open-source Kubernetes container orchestrator, Low Carbon Kubernetes Scheduler.


Cloud-Native Performance Critical Computing - Sylabs - Medium

Cloud-Native Performance Critical Computing - Sylabs - Medium


Kubernetes Security Myths Debunked - Tremolo Security

Kubernetes Security Myths Debunked - Tremolo Security
I talk to many folks on slack channels, twitter and in person about various security issues with Kubernetes.  I hear many of the same myths that I’d like to address and debunk. The Kubernetes Dashboard is a Security Risk Nope.  Not even a little.  The problem isn’t the dashboard, it’s how you deploy it.  When...


  • Kubernetes Dashboardはセキュリティリスク?
  • PodSecurityPolicyはきつい?
  • ユーザアクセスのためにServiceAccountを使うことができるか?
  • JWTのTokenの期間を長くすることができますが?
  • ホストにアクセスするSSHを共有しますか?
  • ほぼ全てを許可して、一部だけを不許可にするようなRBACルールを書きたいのだけれども・・?
  • CI/CDやモニタリングへのアクセスのためにkubectl proxyを使うのはどうか?
  • マルチテナントはきついので、みんなに1つのクラスタを与えよう!?
  • Ingressの実装にTLSを入れたいのだが・・?


New Kubernetes command-line flaw discovered - Techerati

New Kubernetes command-line flaw discovered - Techerati
Kubernetes vulnerability linked to incomplete patch of kubectl flaw discovered in March.


Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam and Courses Are Now Offered Onsite in China in Local Language - The Linux Foundation

Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) Exam and Courses Are Now Offered Onsite in China in Local Language - The Linux Foundation
SHANGHAI – June 24, 2018 – KubeCon + CloudNativeCon, China – The Linux Foundation, the nonprofit organization enabling mass innovation...


The trendy five: Blazing hot GitHub repos in June 2019 - JAXenter

The trendy five: Blazing hot GitHub repos in June 2019 - JAXenter
Put on your sunscreen, because these repos are hot! This month, some of our favorite GitHub repos for June 2019 include a new open source programming language that takes inspiration from Go, a robotics platform built in Python, and a repo full of Kubernetes failure stories that will have you laughing and learning.



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