More than 3 years have passed since last update.

ZLIB/GZIP DEFLATE 圧縮データの解凍処理は難しくないので作ってみる(C++03版)

Last updated at Posted at 2021-04-12

Python版 を参考に C++03仕様(?)で、ざっくりと作ってみる。


Apple clang version 12.0.0 (clang-1200.0.32.29)
Target: x86_64-apple-darwin20.3.0

解凍プログラム (短くないので折りたたみ)
#include <cassert>
#include <cstdio>
#include <cstdint>

#include <exception>
#include <string>
#include <vector>

typedef std::vector<uint8_t> byte_array;
typedef std::vector<uint16_t> ushort_array;

// 定数テーブル用マクロ
//   const type table[256] = { CONST_TABLE_256(func, 0) };

#define CONST_TABLE_1(func, n)  func(n)
#define CONST_TABLE_2(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_1(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_1(func, (n)+1)
#define CONST_TABLE_4(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_2(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_2(func, (n)+2)
#define CONST_TABLE_8(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_4(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_4(func, (n)+4)
#define CONST_TABLE_16(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_8(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_8(func, (n)+8)
#define CONST_TABLE_32(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_16(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_16(func, (n)+16)
#define CONST_TABLE_64(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_32(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_32(func, (n)+32)
#define CONST_TABLE_128(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_64(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_64(func, (n)+64)
#define CONST_TABLE_256(func, n)  CONST_TABLE_128(func, (n)), CONST_TABLE_128(func, (n)+128)

// コマンド ライン オプションなど

static bool flag_debug = false;
static bool flag_verbose = false;

 * メッセージ

#define DEBUG_MESSAGE(...) { if (flag_debug) printf(__VA_ARGS__); }
#define ERROR_MESSAGE(...) printf(__VA_ARGS__)
#define VERBOSE(...) { if (flag_verbose) printf(__VA_ARGS__); }

template <typename T>
void verbose_list(const T &list, const char *prefix, int indent, size_t width = 16)
    printf("%s:\n", prefix);

    std::string lpfx(indent, ' ');
    uint_fast32_t vmax = 0;

    for (typename T::const_iterator it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it)
        vmax = (vmax > *it) ? vmax : *it;

    char fmt[8];
    fmt[0] = '%';
    fmt[1] = 's';
    fmt[2] = '%';
    fmt[3] = '0' + ((vmax < 10) ? 1 : ((vmax < 100) ? 2 : 3));
    fmt[4] = 'd';
    fmt[5] = 0;

    for (size_t s = 0; s < list.size(); s += width)
        printf("%s%04zx: ", lpfx.c_str(), s);

        const char *sep = "";
        size_t end = std::min(s+width, list.size());

        for (size_t t = s; t < end; ++t)
            printf(fmt, sep, list[t]);
            sep = "  ";

// エラー / 例外
//   enum inflate_error_code;
//   class inflate_error;

 * 解凍処理のエラーコード
enum inflate_error_code
    inflate_success, // 成功

    inflate_error_input,  // 入力エラー
    inflate_error_output, // 出力エラー

    inflate_error_header,   // ヘッダ部の異常
    inflate_error_checksum, // チェック・サム異常
    inflate_error_size,     // 解凍サイズ異常

    inflate_error_block_type, // BTYPE 異常

    // BTYPE=00
    inflate_error_btype00_len,  // LEN と NLEN の不一致

    // BTYPE=10
    inflate_error_dictionary_code_length,      // コード辞書の不整合
    inflate_error_dictionary_decode_length,    // 文字/距離の符号長復号に失敗
    inflate_error_dictionary_litlen_length,    // 文字辞書の不整合
    inflate_error_dictionary_distance_length,  // 距離辞書の不整合

    // BTYPE=01,10
    inflate_error_decode_litlen,   // 文字(長)復号に失敗
    inflate_error_litlen_value,     // 文字(長)が異常
    inflate_error_decode_distance, // 距離復号に失敗
    inflate_error_distance_value,   // 距離が異常

    // バグ

 * エラー時の例外
class inflate_error : public std::exception
    inflate_error_code code;

    inflate_error(inflate_error_code code);
    virtual const char *what() const _NOEXCEPT;

    static const char *name(inflate_error_code code);

// inflate_error::メンバー

inline inflate_error::inflate_error(inflate_error_code value)
    : code(value)
{ /*NOOP*/ }

const char *inflate_error::what() const _NOEXCEPT
    return name(code);

const char *inflate_error::name(inflate_error_code code)
    switch (code)
    case inflate_success:
        return "success";
    case inflate_error_input:
        return "input";
    case inflate_error_output:
        return "output";
    case inflate_error_header:
        return "header";
    case inflate_error_checksum:
        return "checksum";
    case inflate_error_size:
        return "size";
    case inflate_error_block_type:
        return "block_type";
    case inflate_error_btype00_len:
        return "btype00_len";
    case inflate_error_dictionary_code_length:
        return "dictionary_code_length";
    case inflate_error_dictionary_decode_length:
        return "dictionary_decode_length";
    case inflate_error_dictionary_litlen_length:
        return "dictionary_litlen_length";
    case inflate_error_dictionary_distance_length:
        return "dictionary_distance_length";
    case inflate_error_decode_litlen:
        return "decode_litlen";
    case inflate_error_litlen_value:
        return "litlen_value";
    case inflate_error_decode_distance:
        return "decode_distance";
    case inflate_error_distance_value:
        return "distance_value";
    case inflate_error_bug:
        return "bug";

// ビット列反転
//   uint_fast8_t inverse_uint8(uint_fast8_t value);
//   uint_fast16_t inverse_uint16(uint_fast16_t value);
//   uint_fast16_t inverse_bits(uint_fast16_t value, uint_fast8_t bits);

template <uint8_t x>
struct const_inverse_uint8
    enum constant
        b0 = (x & 0x80) ? 0x01 : 0,
        b1 = (x & 0x40) ? 0x02 : 0,
        b2 = (x & 0x20) ? 0x04 : 0,
        b3 = (x & 0x10) ? 0x08 : 0,
        b4 = (x & 0x08) ? 0x10 : 0,
        b5 = (x & 0x04) ? 0x20 : 0,
        b6 = (x & 0x02) ? 0x40 : 0,
        b7 = (x & 0x01) ? 0x80 : 0,
        value = b0 | b1 | b2 | b3 | b4 | b5 | b6 | b7,

static const uint8_t inverse_uint8_table[256] = {
#define CONST_INVERSE_UINT8(n) const_inverse_uint8<(n)>::value

inline uint_fast8_t inverse_uint8(uint_fast8_t value)
    return inverse_uint8_table[uint8_t(value)];

inline uint_fast16_t inverse_uint16(uint_fast16_t value)
    return ((inverse_uint8(uint_fast8_t(value >> 0)) << 8) |
            (inverse_uint8(uint_fast8_t(value >> 8)) << 0));

inline uint_fast16_t inverse_bits(uint_fast16_t value, uint_fast8_t bits)
    return (inverse_uint16(value) >> (16 - bits));

// CRC32
//   class crc32;

class crc32
    uint32_t value;

    crc32(const void *data, size_t size);

    operator uint_fast32_t() const;
    uint_fast32_t get_value() const;

    uint_fast8_t update(uint_fast8_t data);
    void update(const void *data, size_t size);

    static uint_fast32_t update(uint_fast32_t value, uint_fast8_t data);
    static uint_fast32_t update(uint_fast32_t value, const void *data, size_t size);

    template <uint8_t x>
    struct table_value
        enum constant
            m = 0x7fffffff,
            p = 0xedb88320,
            c0 = x,
            c1 = ((c0 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c0 & 1) ? p : 0),
            c2 = ((c1 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c1 & 1) ? p : 0),
            c3 = ((c2 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c2 & 1) ? p : 0),
            c4 = ((c3 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c3 & 1) ? p : 0),
            c5 = ((c4 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c4 & 1) ? p : 0),
            c6 = ((c5 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c5 & 1) ? p : 0),
            c7 = ((c6 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c6 & 1) ? p : 0),
            c8 = ((c7 >> 1) & m) ^ ((c7 & 1) ? p : 0),
            value = c8,
    static const uint32_t table[256];

// crc32::メンバー

const uint32_t crc32::table[256] = {
#define CONST_CRC32_VALUE(n) table_value<(n)>::value

inline uint_fast32_t crc32::update(uint_fast32_t value, uint_fast8_t data)
    return ((value >> 8) ^ table[uint8_t(value ^ data)]);

uint_fast32_t crc32::update(uint_fast32_t value, const void *data, size_t size)
    const uint8_t *p = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t *>(data);

    while (size-- > 0)
        value = update(value, *p++);
    return value;

inline crc32::crc32()
    : value(~0)
{ /*NOOP*/ }

inline crc32::crc32(const void *data, size_t size)
    : value(update(~0, data, size))
{ /*NOOP*/ }

inline uint8_t crc32::update(uint_fast8_t data)
    value = update(value, data);
    return data;

inline void crc32::update(const void *data, size_t size)
    value = update(value, data, size);

inline crc32::operator uint_fast32_t() const
    return get_value();

inline uint_fast32_t crc32::get_value() const
    return uint32_t(~value);

// ビット単位の読み込み用クラス
// 必須メソッド:
//     uint_fast16_t read(uint_fast8_t bit_width);
//     void align();

 * ビット単位の管理用クラス
class istream_bit_buffer
    uint32_t data;
    uint8_t size;

    bool check(uint_fast8_t width);
    void push(uint_fast8_t byte_data);
    uint_fast16_t pop(uint_fast8_t width);
    void align();

// istream_bit_buffer::メンバー

inline istream_bit_buffer::istream_bit_buffer()
    : data(0)
    , size(0)
{ /*NOOP*/ }

inline bool istream_bit_buffer::check(uint_fast8_t width)
    return (size >= width);

inline void istream_bit_buffer::push(uint_fast8_t byte_data)
    data |= uint8_t(byte_data) << size;
    size += 8;
    assert(size <= 32);

inline uint_fast16_t istream_bit_buffer::pop(uint_fast8_t width)
    assert(size >= width && width <= 16);

    uint_fast16_t mask = ((1 << width) - 1);
    uint_fast16_t value = data & mask;

    data >>= width;
    size -= width;
    return value;

inline void istream_bit_buffer::align()
    uint_fast8_t gap = size & 7;

    data >>= gap;
    size -= gap;

 * メモリ上のデータを使う
class istream_byte_array
    istream_bit_buffer buffer;
    byte_array::iterator pointer;
    byte_array data;

    void reset_pointer();
    uint_fast16_t read(uint_fast8_t width);
    void align();

// istream_byte_array::メンバー

inline istream_byte_array::istream_byte_array()
    : buffer()
    , pointer()
    , data()
{ /*NOOP*/ }

inline void istream_byte_array::reset_pointer()
    pointer = data.begin();

inline uint_fast16_t istream_byte_array::read(uint_fast8_t width)
    while (!buffer.check(width))
        if (pointer == data.end())
            throw inflate_error(inflate_error_input);
    return buffer.pop(width);

inline void istream_byte_array::align()

 * ファイル ポインタを使う
class istream_file_pointer
    : public istream_bit_buffer
    FILE *pointer;
    istream_file_pointer(const char *path);
    uint_fast16_t read(uint_fast8_t width);

// istream_file_pointer::メンバー

inline istream_file_pointer::istream_file_pointer(const char *path)
    : pointer(fopen(path, "rb"))
    if (pointer == nullptr)
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_input);

inline istream_file_pointer::~istream_file_pointer()
    if (pointer != nullptr)

inline uint_fast16_t istream_file_pointer::read(uint_fast8_t width)
    while (!check(width))
        int c = fgetc(pointer);
        if (c == EOF)
            throw inflate_error(inflate_error_input);
    return pop(width);

 * リトル・エンディアンでの 32bit 読み込み
template <typename iT>
inline uint_fast32_t read_uint32le(iT &istream)
    uint_fast32_t b0 = istream.read(8);
    uint_fast32_t b1 = istream.read(8);
    uint_fast32_t b2 = istream.read(8);
    uint_fast32_t b3 = istream.read(8);
    return ((b0 << 000) |
            (b1 << 010) |
            (b2 << 020) |
            (b3 << 030));

// バイトデータの出力用クラス
// 必須メソッド:
//     void write(uint_fast8_t literal);

 * 解凍結果をメモリに保持する
class ostream_byte_array
    : public byte_array
    void write(uint_fast8_t literal);

// ostream_byte_array::メンバー

inline void ostream_byte_array::write(uint_fast8_t literal)

 * 解凍結果を直接出力する
class ostream_file_pointer
    FILE *pointer;
    ostream_file_pointer(const char *path);
    void write(uint_fast8_t literal);

// ostream_file_pointer::メンバー

inline ostream_file_pointer::ostream_file_pointer(const char *path)
    : pointer((path != nullptr) ? fopen(path, "wb") : nullptr)
    if (path != nullptr && pointer == nullptr)
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_output);

inline ostream_file_pointer::~ostream_file_pointer()
    if (pointer != nullptr)

inline void ostream_file_pointer::write(uint_fast8_t literal)
    if (pointer != nullptr &&
        fputc(int(literal), pointer) == EOF)
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_output);

 * 出力とチェック・サムを行う
template <typename oT, typename cT>
class ostream_checksum
    oT &stream;
    cT checksum;
    size_t size;

    ostream_checksum(oT &stream);

    void write(uint_fast8_t literal);
    uint_fast32_t get_sum();
    size_t get_size();

// ostream_checksum::メンバー

template <typename oT, typename cT>
inline ostream_checksum<oT, cT>::ostream_checksum(oT &s)
    : stream(s)
    , checksum()
    , size(0)
{ /*NOOP*/ }

template <typename oT, typename cT>
inline void ostream_checksum<oT, cT>::write(uint_fast8_t literal)

template <typename oT, typename cT>
inline uint_fast32_t ostream_checksum<oT, cT>::get_sum()
    return checksum.get_value();

template <typename oT, typename cT>
inline size_t ostream_checksum<oT, cT>::get_size()
    return size;

// ハフマン符号

 * ハフマン符号のビット幅に対する文字(値)の一覧
struct length_value {
    uint8_t length;     // ビット数
    uint8_t step;       // 検索用差分
    uint16_t code;      // 開始符号
    ushort_array value; // 文字(値)の一覧

// ハフマン符号のビット幅情報一覧
typedef std::vector<length_value> vector_length_value;

 * 動的辞書
class dynamic_dictionary
    : public vector_length_value
    dynamic_dictionary(size_t length);
    void add(uint_fast8_t length, uint_fast16_t value);
    void add(uint8_t *table, uint_fast16_t count);
    bool build();

    template <typename T>
    int_fast16_t decode(T &istream) const;

    ushort_array length_list() const;

// dynamic_dictionary::メンバー

inline dynamic_dictionary::dynamic_dictionary(size_t length)
    : vector_length_value(length + 1)
    for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
        (*it).length = it - begin();

inline void dynamic_dictionary::add(uint_fast8_t length, uint_fast16_t value)
    if (length != 0)

inline void dynamic_dictionary::add(uint8_t *table, uint_fast16_t count)
    for (uint_fast16_t value = 0; value < count; value++)
        add(table[value], value);

inline bool dynamic_dictionary::build()
    // 文字(値)が存在しないものを削除
    for (iterator it = begin(); it != end();)
        if ((*it).value.size() == 0)
            it = erase(it);
    if (size() == 0)
        return false;

    // 復号情報を生成
    size_t last_length = 0;
    uint_fast32_t code = 0;

    for (iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
        length_value &lv = *it;
        uint_fast8_t length = lv.length;
        uint_fast8_t step = length - last_length;
        size_t count = lv.value.size();

        code <<= step;

        lv.step = step;
        lv.code = uint16_t(code);

        last_length = length;
        code += uint_fast32_t(count);
    return (code <= (1 << last_length));

template <typename T>
inline int_fast16_t dynamic_dictionary::decode(T &istream) const
    uint_fast8_t pending = 0;
    uint_fast16_t code = 0;

    // 符号の範囲検索による復号
    for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
        const length_value &lv = *it;
        uint_fast8_t step = lv.step;
        uint_fast16_t start = lv.code;
        uint_fast16_t count = uint_fast16_t(lv.value.size());
        uint_fast16_t end = start + count;

        code <<= step;
        pending += step;
        if (code < end)
            code |= inverse_bits(istream.read(pending), pending);
            if (code < end)
                return lv.value[code - start];
            pending = 0;
    return -1;

// デバッグ用
ushort_array dynamic_dictionary::length_list() const
    uint_fast16_t vmax = 0;

    for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
        const length_value &lv = *it;

        for (ushort_array::const_iterator vit = lv.value.begin(); vit != lv.value.end(); ++vit)
            vmax = (vmax > *vit) ? vmax : *vit;

    ushort_array list(vmax+1, 0);

    for (const_iterator it = begin(); it != end(); ++it)
        const length_value &lv = *it;

        for (ushort_array::const_iterator vit = lv.value.begin(); vit != lv.value.end(); ++vit)
            list[*vit] = lv.length;

    return list;

 * 文字(長)の固定辞書
struct fixed_litlen
    template <typename T>
    int_fast16_t decode(T &istream) const;

// fixed_litlen::メンバー

template <typename T>
inline int_fast16_t fixed_litlen::decode(T &istream) const
    int_fast16_t code;

    code = inverse_uint8(uint_fast8_t(istream.read(7) << 1));
    if (code < 0x18)
        return (code + 256);

    code = (code << 1) | istream.read(1);
    if (code < 0xc0)
        return (code - 0x30);
    if (code < 0xc8)
        return (code - 0xc0 + 280);

    code = (code << 1) | istream.read(1);
    return (code - 0x190 + 144);

 * 距離の固定辞書
struct fixed_distance
    template <typename T>
    int_fast16_t decode(T &istream) const;

// fixed_distance::メンバー

template <typename T>
inline int_fast16_t fixed_distance::decode(T &istream) const
    return inverse_uint8(uint_fast8_t(istream.read(5) << 3));

// DEFLATE ブロックの解凍

 * LZ 復号用ウインドウ
class lz_window
    uint16_t mask;
    uint16_t position;
    uint8_t window[32768];

    uint_fast16_t get_position(uint_fast16_t distance = 0);
    uint_fast8_t get(uint_fast16_t position);
    void put(uint_fast8_t literal);

inline lz_window::lz_window()
    : mask(0x7fff)
    , position(0)
{ /*NOOP*/ }

inline uint_fast16_t lz_window::get_position(uint_fast16_t distance)
    return (position - distance);

inline uint_fast8_t lz_window::get(uint_fast16_t index)
    return window[index & mask];

inline void lz_window::put(uint_fast8_t literal)
    window[position++ & mask] = literal;

 * BTYPE=00
template <typename iT, typename oT>
inline void inflate_block_type00(lz_window &lz_buffer, iT &istream, oT &ostream)

    uint_fast16_t len = istream.read(16);
    uint_fast16_t nlen = istream.read(16);

    if (len != uint16_t(~nlen))
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_btype00_len);
    while (len-- > 0)
        uint_fast16_t literal(istream.read(8));

 * BTYPE=01, BTYPE=10 の圧縮データの解凍
template <typename iT, typename oT, typename lT, typename dT>
inline void inflate_block_data(lz_window &lz_buffer,
                               iT &istream,
                               oT &ostream,
                               const lT &litlen_dictionary,
                               const dT &distance_dictionary)

    for (;;)
        int_fast16_t code;

        code = litlen_dictionary.decode(istream);
        if (code < 0)
            throw inflate_error(inflate_error_decode_litlen);

        uint_fast16_t literal = uint_fast16_t(code);

        if (literal < 256)
            VERBOSE("  LITERAL[%#04x]: %c\n", literal, (std::isprint(literal) ? literal : ' '));

        if (literal == 256)
            VERBOSE("  END:\n");

        uint_fast16_t length = uint_fast16_t(literal - 257 + 3);

        if (length < 11)
        else if (literal < 285)
            uint_fast16_t lm7 = length - 7;
            uint_fast8_t bits = uint_fast8_t(lm7 >> 2);
            uint_fast16_t offs = (lm7 & 3) + 4;

            length = 3 + (offs << bits) + istream.read(bits);
        else if (literal < 286)
            length = 258;
            throw inflate_error(inflate_error_litlen_value);

        code = distance_dictionary.decode(istream);
        if (code < 0)
            throw inflate_error(inflate_error_decode_distance);

        uint_fast16_t distance = uint_fast16_t(code + 1);

        if (distance < 5)
        else if (distance < 31)
            uint_fast16_t dm3 = distance - 3;
            uint_fast8_t bits = uint_fast8_t(dm3 >> 1);
            uint_fast16_t offs = (dm3 & 1) + 2;

            distance = 1 + (offs << bits) + istream.read(bits);
            throw inflate_error(inflate_error_distance_value);

        VERBOSE("  LENGTH=%d, DISTANCE=%d\n", length, distance);

        uint_fast16_t winpos = lz_buffer.get_position(distance);

            uint_fast8_t data(lz_buffer.get(winpos++));
        while (--length > 0);

 * BTYPE=01
template <typename iT, typename oT>
inline void inflate_block_type01(lz_window &lz_buffer, iT &istream, oT &ostream)

    fixed_litlen litlen;
    fixed_distance distance;
    inflate_block_data(lz_buffer, istream, ostream, litlen, distance);

 * BTYPE=10
template <typename iT>
inline bool inflate_block_type10_dynamic(iT &istream, const
                                         dynamic_dictionary &code,
                                         uint_fast16_t length_count,
                                         uint8_t *output)
    uint_fast16_t last = 0;
    uint_fast16_t value = 0;

    while (value < length_count)
        int_fast16_t length = code.decode(istream);

        if (length < 0)
            VERBOSE("  inflate_block_type10_dynamic: invalid length\n");
            return false;
        if (length < 16)
            output[value++] = length;
            last = length;

        uint_fast8_t count = 0;

        if (length == 16)
            count = uint_fast8_t(istream.read(2) + 3);
            last = 0;
            if (length == 17)
                count = uint_fast8_t(istream.read(3) + 3);
                count = uint_fast8_t(istream.read(7) + 11);
        while (count-- > 0)
            if (value >= length_count)
                VERBOSE("  inflate_block_type10_dynamic overflow: %d > %d, %d\n", value, length_count, last);
                return false;
            output[value++] = last;
    return true;

template <typename iT, typename oT>
inline void inflate_block_type10(lz_window &lz_buffer, iT &istream, oT &ostream)

    static const uint8_t code_order[19] = {
        16, 17, 18,
        0,  8,  7,  9,  6, 10,  5, 11,
        4, 12,  3, 13,  2, 14,  1, 15

    dynamic_dictionary code(7);
    dynamic_dictionary litlen(15);
    dynamic_dictionary distance(15);

    uint_fast16_t hlit = istream.read(5) + 257;
    uint_fast16_t hdist = istream.read(5) + 1;
    uint_fast8_t hclen = istream.read(4) + 4;

    VERBOSE("%8s: %d + 257 = %d\n", "HLIT", hlit-257, hlit);
    VERBOSE("%8s: %d + 1 = %d\n", "HDIST", hdist-1, hdist);
    VERBOSE("%8s: %d + 4 = %d\n", "HCLEN", hclen-4, hclen);

    uint8_t code_length[289+33+2];

    memset(code_length, 0, 19);
    for (uint_fast8_t index = 0; index < hclen; ++index)
        code_length[code_order[index]] = uint8_t(istream.read(3));
    for (uint_fast8_t index = 0; index < 19; ++index)
        code.add(code_length[index], index);

    if (flag_verbose)
        byte_array code_data;
        for (uint_fast8_t index = 0; index < hclen; ++index)
        verbose_list(code_data, "  code length", 4);

    if (!code.build())
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_dictionary_code_length);

    memset(code_length, 0, sizeof(code_length));
    if (!inflate_block_type10_dynamic(istream, code, hlit + hdist, code_length))
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_dictionary_decode_length);

    litlen.add(code_length, hlit);
    if (!litlen.build())
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_dictionary_litlen_length);
    if (flag_verbose)
        verbose_list(litlen.length_list(), "  literal/length code length", 4);

    distance.add(code_length + hlit, hdist);
    if (!distance.build())
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_dictionary_distance_length);
    if (flag_verbose)
        verbose_list(distance.length_list(), "  distance code length", 4);

    inflate_block_data(lz_buffer, istream, ostream, litlen, distance);

 * ブロックの解凍
template <typename iT, typename oT>
void inflate_block(iT &istream, oT &ostream)
    lz_window lz_buffer;
    bool bfinal;

    VERBOSE("======== BLOCK ========\n");
        bfinal = istream.read(1);
        uint_fast16_t btype = istream.read(2);
        VERBOSE("%8s: %d\n", "BFINAL", bfinal);
        switch (btype)
        case 0:
            VERBOSE("%8s: 00\n", "BTYPE");
            inflate_block_type00(lz_buffer, istream, ostream);
        case 1:
            VERBOSE("%8s: 01\n", "BTYPE");
            inflate_block_type01(lz_buffer, istream, ostream);
        case 2:
            VERBOSE("%8s: 10\n", "BTYPE");
            inflate_block_type10(lz_buffer, istream, ostream);
            ERROR_MESSAGE("unknown BTYPE=11\n");
            throw inflate_error(inflate_error_block_type);
    while (!bfinal);

// GZIP 圧縮データの解凍
//   class gzip;

class gzip
    uint8_t id1, id2;
    uint8_t cm;
    uint8_t flg;
    uint32_t mtime;
    uint8_t xfl;
    uint8_t os;
    byte_array extra;
    std::string name;
    std::string comment;
    uint16_t hcrc;
    uint32_t crc;
    uint32_t isize;


    bool flg_ftext() const;
    bool flg_fhcrc() const;
    bool flg_fextra() const;
    bool flg_fname() const;
    bool flg_fcomment() const;

    template <typename iT>
    bool read_header(iT &istream);

    template <typename iT, typename oT>
    void inflate(iT &istream, oT &ostream);

// gzip::メンバー

    : id1(0)
    , id2(0)
    , cm(0)
    , flg(0)
    , mtime(0)
    , xfl(0)
    , os(0)
    , extra()
    , name()
    , comment()
    , hcrc(0)
    , crc(0)
    , isize(0)
{ /*NOOP*/ }

inline bool gzip::flg_ftext() const
    return (flg & 0x01);

inline bool gzip::flg_fhcrc() const
    return (flg & 0x02);

inline bool gzip::flg_fextra() const
    return (flg & 0x04);

inline bool gzip::flg_fname() const
    return (flg & 0x08);

inline bool gzip::flg_fcomment() const
    return (flg & 0x10);

template <typename iT>
bool gzip::read_header(iT &istream)
    crc32 crc16;


    id1 = uint8_t(crc16.update(istream.read(8)));
    if (id1 != 0x1f)
        ERROR_MESSAGE("unknown ID1: %#04x\n", id1);
        return false;

    id2 = uint8_t(crc16.update(istream.read(8)));
    if (id2 != 0x8b)
        ERROR_MESSAGE("unknown ID2: %#04x\n", id2);
        return false;

    VERBOSE("FILE MAGIC: %#04x,%#04x\n", id1, id2);

    cm = uint8_t(crc16.update(istream.read(8)));
    if (cm != 8)
        ERROR_MESSAGE("unknown method: CM=%d\n", cm);
        return false;
    VERBOSE("%8s: %#04x\n", "CM", cm);

    flg = uint8_t(crc16.update(istream.read(8)));
    VERBOSE("%8s: %#04x\n", "FLG", flg);

        uint_fast32_t b0 = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        uint_fast32_t b1 = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        uint_fast32_t b2 = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        uint_fast32_t b3 = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        mtime = ((b0 << 000) |
                 (b1 << 010) |
                 (b2 << 020) |
                 (b3 << 030));
    VERBOSE("%8s: %#010x\n", "MTIME", mtime);

    xfl = uint8_t(crc16.update(istream.read(8)));
    VERBOSE("%8s: %#04x\n", "XFL", xfl);

    os = uint8_t(crc16.update(istream.read(8)));
    VERBOSE("%8s: %#04x\n", "OS", os);

    if (flg_fextra())
        uint_fast16_t b0 = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        uint_fast16_t b1 = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        uint_fast16_t xlen = (b0 | (b1 << 8));

        VERBOSE("%8s: XLEN=%d\n", "XLEN", xlen);
        while (xlen-- > 0)

    while (flg_fname())
        uint_fast8_t ch = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        if (ch == 0)
        name += char(ch);
    if (flg_fname())
        VERBOSE("%8s: %s\n", "NAME", name.c_str());

    while (flg_fcomment())
        uint_fast8_t ch = crc16.update(istream.read(8));
        if (ch == 0)
        comment += char(ch);
    if (flg_fcomment())
        VERBOSE("%8s: %s\n", "COMMENT", comment.c_str());

    if (flg_fhcrc())
        hcrc = uint16_t(istream.read(16));
        if (hcrc != uint16_t(crc16.get_value()))
            ERROR_MESSAGE("error: HCRC: %#06x != %#06x\n", hcrc, uint16_t(crc16.get_value()));
            return false;
        VERBOSE("%8s: %#06x\n", "HCRC", hcrc);
    return true;

template <typename iT, typename oT>
void gzip::inflate(iT &istream, oT &ostream)
    ostream_checksum<oT, crc32> output(ostream);

    if (!read_header(istream))
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_header);

    inflate_block(istream, output);

    crc = uint32_t(read_uint32le(istream));
    if (output.get_sum() != crc)
        ERROR_MESSAGE("CRC32 ERROR: %#010x != %#010x\n", crc, output.get_sum());
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_checksum);
    VERBOSE("CRC32: %#010x (%#010x)\n", crc, output.get_sum());

    isize = uint32_t(read_uint32le(istream));
    if (output.get_size() != isize)
        ERROR_MESSAGE("ISIZE ERROR: %#010x != %#010zx\n", isize, output.get_size());
        throw inflate_error(inflate_error_size);
    VERBOSE("ISIZE: %#010x (%#010zx)\n", isize, output.get_size());

// ファイル I/O

static bool file_read(const char *path, byte_array &data)
    FILE *fp = fopen(path, "rb");
    if (fp == nullptr)
        return false;
    while (!feof(fp))
        int c = fgetc(fp);
        if (c == EOF)
    return !ferror(fp);

static bool file_write(const char *path, const byte_array &data)
    FILE *fp = fopen(path, "wb");
    if (fp == nullptr)
        return false;
    for (byte_array::const_iterator it = data.begin(); it != data.end(); ++it)
        if (fputc(*it, fp) == EOF)
    return !ferror(fp);

// 解凍処理

// ファイル I/O は解凍処理の前後で行う
static int inflate_memory(const char *input, const char *output)
    istream_byte_array gzdata;
    ostream_byte_array original;

    if (!file_read(input, gzdata.data))
        ERROR_MESSAGE("read error: %s\n", input);
        return 1;

        gzip().inflate(gzdata, original);
    catch (std::exception &e)
        ERROR_MESSAGE("inflate error: %s\n", e.what());
        return 1;

    if (output != nullptr &&
        !file_write(output, original))
        ERROR_MESSAGE("write error: %s\n", output);
        return 1;
    return 0;

// ファイル I/O は解凍処理中に直接行う
static int inflate_direct(const char *input, const char *output)
        istream_file_pointer inp(input);
        ostream_file_pointer out(output);

        gzip().inflate(inp, out);
    catch (std::exception &e)
        ERROR_MESSAGE("inflate error: %s\n", e.what());
        return 1;
    return 0;

// main / usage

static const char *program = NULL;

static int usage()
    printf("Usage: %s [options] input [output]\n"
           "options are:\n"
           "    -D    direct I/O mode.\n"
           "    -M    on memory mode.\n"
           "    -d    set debug mode.\n"
           "    -v    set verbose mode.\n"
           , program);
    return 1;

static char *shift_arg(int &argc, char **&argv)
    char *arg = NULL;

    if (argc > 0)
        arg = *argv;
    return arg;

#define shift()  (shift_arg(argc, argv))

int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int new_argc = 0;
    char **new_argv = argv;

    enum main_mode
    mode = mode_memory;

    program = shift();
    while (argc > 0)
        char *arg = shift();

        if ((arg[0] != '-') || (arg[1] == 0))
            new_argv[new_argc++] = arg;

        int s_opt;

        while ((s_opt = *(++arg)) != 0)
            switch (s_opt)
            case 'D':
                mode = mode_direct;
            case 'M':
                mode = mode_memory;

            case 'd':
                flag_debug = true;
            case 'v':
                flag_verbose = true;
                return usage();

    argc = new_argc;
    argv = new_argv;

    const char *input = nullptr;
    const char *output = nullptr;

    if (argc < 1)
        return usage();
    input = argv[0];
    if (argc > 1)
        output = argv[1];
        flag_verbose = true;

    switch (mode)
    case mode_memory:
        return inflate_memory(input, output);
    case mode_direct:
        return inflate_direct(input, output);

        return 1;

// Local Variables:
// c-file-style: "ikiuo"
// End:


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