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(末尾に 'L' や 'LL' が付く場合は考慮していません)
10^13 から16進数の方が短めになるようです。

10進数 16進数
0 1 < 3 0x0
9 1 < 3 0x9
10 2 < 3 0xa
15 2 < 3 0xf
16 2 < 4 0x10
99 2 < 4 0x63
100 3 < 4 0x64
255 3 < 4 0xff
256 3 < 5 0x100
999 3 < 5 0x3e7
1000 4 < 5 0x3e8
4095 4 < 5 0xfff
4096 4 < 6 0x1000
9999 4 < 6 0x270f
10000 5 < 6 0x2710
65535 5 < 6 0xffff
65536 5 < 7 0x10000
99999 5 < 7 0x1869f
100000 6 < 7 0x186a0
999999 6 < 7 0xf423f
1000000 7 = 7 0xf4240
1048575 7 = 7 0xfffff
1048576 7 < 8 0x100000
9999999 7 < 8 0x98967f
10000000 8 = 8 0x989680
16777215 8 = 8 0xffffff
16777216 8 < 9 0x1000000
99999999 8 < 9 0x5f5e0ff
100000000 9 = 9 0x5f5e100
268435455 9 = 9 0xfffffff
268435456 9 < 10 0x10000000
999999999 9 < 10 0x3b9ac9ff
1000000000 10 = 10 0x3b9aca00
4294967295 10 = 10 0xffffffff
4294967296 10 < 11 0x100000000
9999999999 10 < 11 0x2540be3ff
10000000000 11 = 11 0x2540be400
68719476735 11 = 11 0xfffffffff
68719476736 11 < 12 0x1000000000
99999999999 11 < 12 0x174876e7ff
100000000000 12 = 12 0x174876e800
999999999999 12 = 12 0xe8d4a50fff
1000000000000 13 > 12 0xe8d4a51000
1099511627775 13 > 12 0xffffffffff
1099511627776 13 = 13 0x10000000000
9999999999999 13 = 13 0x9184e729fff
10000000000000 14 > 13 0x9184e72a000
17592186044415 14 > 13 0xfffffffffff
17592186044416 14 = 14 0x100000000000
99999999999999 14 = 14 0x5af3107a3fff
100000000000000 15 > 14 0x5af3107a4000
281474976710655 15 > 14 0xffffffffffff
281474976710656 15 = 15 0x1000000000000
999999999999999 15 = 15 0x38d7ea4c67fff
1000000000000000 16 > 15 0x38d7ea4c68000
4503599627370495 16 > 15 0xfffffffffffff
4503599627370496 16 = 16 0x10000000000000
9999999999999999 16 = 16 0x2386f26fc0ffff
10000000000000000 17 > 16 0x2386f26fc10000
72057594037927935 17 > 16 0xffffffffffffff
72057594037927936 17 = 17 0x100000000000000
99999999999999999 17 = 17 0x16345785d89ffff
100000000000000000 18 > 17 0x16345785d8a0000
999999999999999999 18 > 17 0xde0b6b3a763ffff
1000000000000000000 19 > 17 0xde0b6b3a7640000
1152921504606846975 19 > 17 0xfffffffffffffff
1152921504606846976 19 > 18 0x1000000000000000
9999999999999999999 19 > 18 0x8ac7230489e7ffff
10000000000000000000 20 > 18 0x8ac7230489e80000
18446744073709551615 20 > 18 0xffffffffffffffff

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