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IEEE 754 浮動小数点数 詳細表示 (binary 16/32/64/128)

Last updated at Posted at 2025-02-21


  • binary16
    • シェーディング言語など
  • binary32
    • C/C++ の float 型
  • binary64
    • C/C++ の double 型
    • Python の float 型
    • JavaScript の Number 型
  • binary128
    • 普及するのは何時だろう?


See the Pen IEEE 754 浮動小数点数 詳細表示 by Ikiuo (@ikiuo) on CodePen.

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    <title>IEEE 754 浮動小数点数 詳細表示</title>
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     const LOG10_2 = 0.3010299956639812;

     const gAbs = ((a, b) => a >= b ? a - b : b - a);

     function power5n(n) {
         var a = 1n;
         var b = 5n;
         while (n) {
             if (n & 1)
                 a *= b;
             b *= b;
             n >>= 1;
         return a;
     const power10n = (n => power5n(n) << BigInt(n));

     const BitLength = (x => x ? x.toString(2).length : 0);

     const toString16N = ((v, n) => {
         const l = Number(n);
         return ('0'.repeat(l) + v.toString(16)).slice(-l);
     const toString16B = ((v, b) => toString16N(v, (b + 3n) >> 2n));

      * 分数表現型
     class FractionBI {

         nan;         // 非数のとき true
         finite;      // 有限値のとき true
         sign;        // 負のとき true
         numerator;   // 分子 (BigInt)
         denominator; // 分母 (BigInt)

         constructor(value) {
             const S = FractionBI;
             this.#S = S;

             switch (typeof value) {
                 case 'bigint':
                 case 'number':
                 case 'string':
                     if (FractionBI.prototype.isPrototypeOf(value)) {
                     throw new Error("invalid type", {cause: value});

         // 非数を設定
         #setNaN(sign) {
             this.nan = true;
             this.finite = false;
             if (sign != null)
                 this.sign = sign;
             this.numerator = null;
             this.denominator = null;

         // 無限大を設定
         #setInfinity(sign) {
             this.nan = false;
             this.finite = false;
             if (sign != null)
                 this.sign = sign;
             this.numerator = null;
             this.denominator = null;

         // 有限値を設定
         #setFinite(sign, numerator, denominator) {
             if (!denominator)
                 throw new Error("invalid denominator", {cause: denominator});

             this.nan = false;
             this.finite = true;
             if (sign != null)
                 this.sign = sign;

             let fnum = numerator;
             let fden = denominator;
             if (fnum) {
                 while ((fnum % 5n) == 0n &&
                        (fden % 5n) == 0n) {
                     fnum /= 5n;
                     fden /= 5n;

                 const t = (fnum | fden);
                 const s = BigInt(BitLength(t & -t) - 1);
                 fnum >>= s;
                 fden >>= s;
             this.numerator = fnum;
             this.denominator = fden;

         // 0 を設定
         #setZero(sign) {
             this.nan = false;
             this.finite = true;
             if (sign != null)
                 this.sign = sign;
             this.numerator = 0n;
             this.denominator = 1n;

         // FractionBI のコピー
         #fromRational(value) {
             this.nan = value.nan;
             this.finite = value.finite;
             this.sign = value.sign;
             this.numerator = value.numerator;
             this.denominator = value.denominator;

         // BigInt 型を変換
         #fromBigInt(value) {
             this.nan = false;
             this.finite = true;
             this.sign = (value < 0n);
             this.numerator = (value < 0n) ? -value : value;
             this.denominator  = 1n;

         // Number 型を変換
         #fromNumber(value) {
             const mb64 = (1n << 64n) - 1n;
             const mexp = ((1n << 11n) - 1n);
             const mman = ((1n << 52n) - 1n);

             const view = new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(8));
             view.setFloat64(0, value, true);

             const bin = mb64 & view.getBigInt64(0, true);
             const sign = (1n & (bin >> 63n));
             const exp = mexp & (bin >> 52n);
             const man = mman & bin;

             const fsign = sign != 0n;
             if (exp == 0n && man == 0n) {
                 this.#setFinite(fsign, 0n, 1n);
             if (exp == mexp) {
                 if (mman != 0)

             const nnum = man | (exp ? (1n << 52n) : 0n);
             const nden = 1n << (exp ? 52n : 51n);
             const fnum = nnum << (exp > 1023n ? exp - 1023n : 0n);
             const fden = nden << (exp < 1023n ? 1023n - exp : 0n);
             this.#setFinite(fsign, fnum, fden);

         // 文字列から変換
         #fromString(text) {
             const S = this.#S;

             text = text.trim().toLowerCase();

             let fsign = false;
             let fnum = 0n;
             let fden = 1n;

             let tpos = 0;
             if (tpos >= text.length) {

             switch (text[tpos]) {
                 case '-':
                     fsign = true;
                     // FALLTHROUGH
                 case '+':
                     if (++tpos < text.length)

             switch (text.slice(tpos)) {
                 case 'nan':

                 case 'inf':
                 case 'infinity':

             const dtab = S.#base10Table;
             let btab = dtab;
             let base = 10n;

             if (tpos >= text.length) {
             if (text[tpos] == '0') {
                 if (++tpos >= text.length) {
                     this.#setFinite(fsign, fnum, fden);
                 switch (text[tpos]) {
                     case 'b':
                         btab = S.#base2Table;
                         base = 2n;
                     case 'o':
                         btab = S.#base8Table;
                         base = 8n;
                     case 'x':
                         btab = S.#base16Table;
                         base = 16n;
                 if (base != 10n) {
                     if (++tpos >= text.length) {

             let dot = false;
             for (;; tpos++) {
                 if (tpos >= text.length) {
                     this.#setFinite(fsign, fnum, fden);

                 const c = text[tpos];
                 const n = btab[c];

                 if (n != null) {
                     fnum = fnum * base + n;
                     if (dot)
                         fden *= base;
                 if (c == '_' || c == ',')
                 if (c != '.')
                 if (dot) {
                 dot = true;

             let expm = base;
             switch (text[tpos]) {
                 case 'p':
                     if (expm == 10n) {
                     expm = 2n;
                     // FALLTHROUGH
                 case 'e':
                     if (++tpos < text.length)
                     // FALLTHROUGH

             let esign = false;
             switch (text[tpos]) {
                 case '-':
                     esign = true;
                     // FALLTHROUGH
                 case '+':
                     if (++tpos < text.length)

             let xnum = 0n;
             for (; tpos < text.length; tpos++) {
                 const c = text[tpos];
                 const n = dtab[c];
                 if (n == null) {
                 xnum = xnum * 10n + n;
             if (xnum >= 10000000n) {
                 if (esign)

             let expv = 1n;
             while (xnum) {
                 if ((xnum & 1n))
                     expv *= expm;
                 expm *= expm;
                 xnum >>= 1n;
             if (esign)
                 fden *= expv;
                 fnum *= expv;

             this.#setFinite(fsign, fnum, fden);

         static #base2Table = {
             '0': 0n, '1': 1n,
         static #base8Table = {
             '0': 0n, '1': 1n, '2': 2n, '3': 3n,
             '4': 4n, '5': 5n, '6': 6n, '7': 7n,
         static #base10Table = {
             '0': 0n, '1': 1n, '2': 2n, '3': 3n, '4': 4n,
             '5': 5n, '6': 6n, '7': 7n, '8': 8n, '9': 9n,
         static #base16Table = {
             '0': 0n, '1': 1n, '2': 2n, '3': 3n,
             '4': 4n, '5': 5n, '6': 6n, '7': 7n,
             '8': 8n, '9': 9n, 'a': 10n, 'b': 11n,
             'c': 12n, 'd': 13n, 'e': 14n, 'f': 15n,

      * IEEE 754 要素
     class IEEE754Parameter {

         // 2進形式

         static #makeBinary(exponentBits, mantissaBits) {
             const mantissaMask = (1n << mantissaBits) - 1n;
             const exponentMask = (1n << exponentBits) - 1n;
             const signPosition = exponentBits + mantissaBits;
             return {
                 mantissaPosition: 0n,
                 mantissaInt: 1n << mantissaBits,

                 exponentPosition: mantissaBits,
                 exponentBias: exponentMask >> 1n,

                 signBit: 1n << signPosition,

                 totalBits: signPosition + 1n,

                 getMantissa: (data => data & mantissaMask),
                 getExponent: (data => (data >> mantissaBits) & exponentMask),
                 getSign: (data => (data >> signPosition) & 1n),
         static #binaryCache = {
             16n: IEEE754Parameter.#makeBinary(5n, 10n),
             32n: IEEE754Parameter.#makeBinary(8n, 23n),
             64n: IEEE754Parameter.#makeBinary(11n, 52n),
             128n: IEEE754Parameter.#makeBinary(15n, 112n),
         static getBinary(n) {
             const S = IEEE754Parameter;
             const bn = BigInt(n);
             const cache = S.#binaryCache
             const cached = cache[bn];
             if (cached != null)
                 return cached;
             if (bn % 32n)
                 return null;
             const nn = Number(n);
             const p = BigInt(nn - Math.round(Math.log2(nn) * 4) + 13);
             const param = S.#makeBinary(bn - p - 1n, p);
             cache[n] = param;
             return param;


      * IEEE 754 - 2進形式
     class IEEE754Binary extends FractionBI {

         get data() {
             const P = this.#P;
             return (this.sign ? P.signBit : 0n) |
                    (this.exponent << P.exponentPosition) |

         get exponent2() {
             const dexp = this.exponent;
             return (dexp ? dexp : 1n) - this.#P.exponentBias;

         get mantissaBits() { return this.#P.mantissaBits; }
         get exponentBits() { return this.#P.exponentBits; }
         get dataBits() { return this.#P.totalBits; }

         constructor(data_bits, value, round0) {
             this.#S = IEEE754Binary;
             this.#P = IEEE754Parameter.getBinary(data_bits);
             this.#round0 = Boolean(round0);

         #initialize() {
             const P = this.#P;

             if (!this.finite) {
                 this.exponent = P.exponentMask;
                 this.mantissa = this.nan ? P.mantissaInt >> 1n : 0n;

             let fnum = this.numerator;
             let fden = this.denominator;

             if (!fnum) {
                 this.exponent = 0n;
                 this.mantissa = 0n;

             const bnum = BitLength(fnum);
             const bden = BitLength(fden);
             let exp = BigInt(bnum - bden);

             if (exp >= 0)
                 fden <<= exp;
                 fnum <<= -exp;
             if (fnum < fden) {
                 fnum <<= 1n;
                 exp -= 1n;

             exp += P.exponentBias;
             if (exp <= 0n) {
                 fden <<= 1n - exp;
                 exp = 0n;

             const xnum = fnum << P.mantissaBits;
             const xdiv = xnum / fden;
             const xrem = xnum % fden;

             const xcmp = (xrem << 1n) - fden;
             const xrnd = !this.#round0 && ((xcmp > 0n) || ((xcmp == 0n) && (xdiv & 1n))) ? 1n : 0n;

             let man = xdiv + xrnd;

             const mshift = exp > 0n ? 1n : 0n;
             if (man >= (P.mantissaInt << mshift)) {
                 man >>= mshift;
                 exp += 1n;

             if (exp < P.exponentMask) {
                 this.exponent = exp;
                 this.mantissa = man & P.mantissaMask;
             } else {
                 this.finite = false;
                 this.exponent = P.exponentMask;
                 this.mantissa = 0n;

         #getMantissaEx() {
             return this.mantissa | (this.exponent ? this.#P.mantissaInt : 0n);

         isZero() {
             return this.exponent == 0n && this.mantissa == 0n;

         isPRN() {
             return this.finite && !this.isZero();

         toHexData() {
             return '0x' + toString16B(this.data, this.dataBits);

         #toStringSign(plus) {
             return this.sign ? '-': plus ? '+' : '';

         #toStringNPRN(plus) {
             if (this.nan) return 'NaN';
             const vsign = this.#toStringSign(plus);
             if (!this.finite) return `${vsign}Infinity`;
             if (this.isZero()) return `${vsign}0`;
             return '';

         static #toStringDN(dval, nexp) {
             const dstr = dval.toString();
             const mstr = '0'.repeat(Math.max(0, nexp - dstr.length)) + dstr;
             const mint = mstr.slice(0, mstr.length - nexp);
             const mdec = nexp ? mstr.slice(-nexp).replace(/0+$/, '') : '';
             const vint = mint.length ? mint : '0';
             const vdec = mdec.length ? `.${mdec}` : '';
             return vint + vdec;

         static #s10ToExp(s) {
             const sign = (s[0] == '+' || s[0] == '-') ? s[0] : '';
             if (sign) s = s.slice(1);
             const dot = s.replace(/0+$/, '').split('.');
             const sint = dot[0];
             const sdec = dot[1] ?? '';
             if (sint == '0') {
                 const rdec = sdec.replace(/^0+/, '');
                 const tnum = `${sign}${rdec[0]}.${rdec.slice(1)}`;
                 const rnum = tnum.replace(/\.$/, '');
                 return `${rnum}e${rdec.length - sdec.length - 1}`;
             } else {
                 const rint = sint.replace(/^0+/, '');
                 const tnum = `${rint[0]}.${rint.slice(1)}${sdec}`;
                 const rnum = tnum.replace(/\.$/, '');
                 return `${rnum}e+${rint.length - 1}`

         toExponential(plus) {
             if (!this.isPRN())
                 return this.#toStringNPRN(plus);
             return this.#S.#s10ToExp(this.toString10(plus));

         toString10(plus) {
             if (!this.isPRN())
                 return this.#toStringNPRN(plus);

             const S = this.#S;
             const bits = this.dataBits;
             const rnd0 = this.#round0;
             const toS = S.#toStringDN;

             const bexp = this.exponent2 - this.mantissaBits;
             const pexp = bexp > 0n ? bexp : 0n;
             const nexp = bexp < 0n ? Number(-bexp) : 0;
             const dp5n = power5n(nexp);
             const dval = (this.#getMantissaEx() << pexp) * dp5n;

             const dcol = Math.trunc(LOG10_2 * (BitLength(dp5n << pexp) - 1));
             let dmod = power10n(dcol);
             let dcan = [dval];
             for (;;) {
                 const fcan = dcan.map(v => v - v % dmod);
                 const ccan = fcan.map(v => [v, v + dmod]).flat();
                 const ncan = ccan.filter(v => {
                     const c = new S(bits, toS(v, nexp), rnd0);
                     return (c.finite &&
                             c.exponent == this.exponent &&
                             c.mantissa == this.mantissa);
                 if (!ncan.length)
                 dcan = ncan;
                 dmod *= 10n;
             dcan.sort((a, b) => {
                 const xa = gAbs(a, dval);
                 const xb = gAbs(b, dval);
                 return xa == xb ? 0 : xa < xb ? -1 : 1;
             return this.#toStringSign(plus) + this.#S.#toStringDN(dcan[0], nexp);

         toString10F(plus) {
             if (!this.isPRN())
                 return this.#toStringNPRN(plus);
             const bexp = this.exponent2 - this.mantissaBits;
             const pexp = bexp > 0n ? bexp : 0n;
             const nexp = bexp < 0n ? Number(-bexp) : 0;
             const dval = (this.#getMantissaEx() << pexp) * power5n(nexp);
             return this.#toStringSign(plus) + this.#S.#toStringDN(dval, nexp);

         toString16(plus) {
             if (!this.isPRN())
                 return this.#toStringNPRN(plus);
             const mbsz = this.mantissaBits;
             const mshl = -mbsz & 3n;
             const hdec = toString16B(this.mantissa << mshl, mbsz + mshl);
             const hman = `0x${this.exponent ? 1 : 0}.${hdec}`;
             const exp2 = this.exponent2;
             const hexp = (exp2 >= 0 ? '+' : '') + `${exp2}`;
             return this.#toStringSign(plus) + `${hman}p${hexp}`;

         toSepSignExpMan() {
             const sign = this.sign ? 1 : 0;
             const exp = toString16B(this.exponent, this.exponentBits);
             const man = toString16B(this.mantissa, this.mantissaBits);
             return `${sign}:${exp}:${man}`

     class IEEE754Binary16 extends IEEE754Binary { constructor() { super(16, ...arguments); } }
     class IEEE754Binary32 extends IEEE754Binary { constructor() { super(32, ...arguments); } }
     class IEEE754Binary64 extends IEEE754Binary { constructor() { super(64, ...arguments); } }
     class IEEE754Binary128 extends IEEE754Binary { constructor() { super(128, ...arguments); } }


     const viewOption = {}
     const binaryName = {
         16: '半精度',
         32: '単精度',
         64: '倍精度',
         128: '四倍精度',
     const binaryList = Object.keys(binaryName).map(v => Number(v));
     const viewList = { bin: binaryList }

     const valueName = {
         'dat': '記憶域',
         'sem': '負:指:仮',
         'hex': '16進',
         'exp': '指数',
         'dec': '非指数',
         'xct': '厳密値',
     const valueNameKeys = Object.keys(valueName);

     const optionName = {
         'rnd0': 'ゼロ方向丸め',
         'flip': '表の転置',
     const optionNameKeys = Object.keys(optionName);


     let lastInput;

     function toClipboard(text) {
         navigator.clipboard.writeText(text).then(() => {
             if (text.length >= 60)
                 text = text.slice(0, 57) + '⋅⋅⋅';
             tagClipboard.innerText = text;
         }, () => {
             tagClipboard.innerText = 'コピー失敗';
     const tagToClipboard = (tag => toClipboard(tag.innerText));

     function updateViewer() {
         const color_dis = 'lightgray';

         const getTag = (n => document.getElementById(n));
         const setfmt = ((m, n) => {
             const tagTd = getTag(`tagMode_${n}`);
             const tagInp = getTag(`chkbox_${n}`);
             tagInp.checked = viewOption[n];
             tagInp.disabled = !m;
             tagTd.style.backgroundColor = m ? null : color_dis;

         viewOption['fbin'] = binaryList.filter(n => viewOption.bin && viewOption[`bin${n}`]);
         binaryList.forEach(n => setfmt(viewOption.bin, `bin${n}`));

         [['val', valueNameKeys],
          ['opt', optionNameKeys],
         ].forEach(l => {
             const [pfx, keys] = l;
             keys.forEach(k => {
                 const key = `${pfx}${k}`;
                 const tagName = getTag(`chkbox_${key}`);
                 tagName.checked = viewOption[key];


     const genCbTag = ((tag, cls, txt) =>
         `<${tag} class="${cls}" onclick="toClipboard('${txt}')">${txt}</${tag}>`
     const genCodeCbTag = ((cls, txt) => genCbTag('code', cls, txt));

     function getValueNameList() {
         return valueNameKeys.map(
             k => viewOption[`val${k}`] ? valueName[k] : null
     function getData(inp) {
         const rnum = new FractionBI(inp);
         const rnd0 = viewOption.optrnd0;
         return {
             inp: inp,
             bin: {
                 height: 5,
                 list: viewOption.fbin.map(v => {
                     const bin = new IEEE754Binary(v, rnum, rnd0);
                     return {
                         data: bin,
                         tag: [
                             viewOption.valdat ? ['ctext htext', bin.toHexData()] : null,
                             viewOption.valsem ? ['ctext', bin.toSepSignExpMan()] : null,
                             viewOption.valhex ? ['ctext', bin.toString16()] : null,
                             viewOption.valexp ? ['ctext', bin.toExponential()] : null,
                             viewOption.valdec ? ['ctext', bin.toString10()] : null,
                             viewOption.valxct ? ['ctext ftext', bin.toString10F()] : null,
                         ].filter(v=>v).map(l => genCodeCbTag(l[0], l[1])),

     function genOutputBinBlock1(nlist) {
         const binf = nlist[0].bin; if (!binf.list.length) return '';
         const getBinTag = ((i, b, n) => nlist[i].bin.list[b].tag[n]);
         const height = binf.height;
         const cline = ['eline', 'oline'];
         const tagHeader = getValueNameList();
         return [
             viewOption.fbin.map(n => `<th>binary${n}</th>`),
             nlist.map((s, i) => [
                 '<tr class="inpdata">',
                 '<th style="min-width: 3em;">入力</th>',
                 `<td class="ntext" colspan="${viewOption.fbin.length}">`,
                 genCodeCbTag('ctext large', s.inp),
                 tagHeader.map((s, n) => [
                     `<tr class="${cline[n & 1]}">`,
                     `<th class="small">${s}</th>`,
                     viewOption.fbin.map((_, b) => [
                         '<td class="vtop ntext">', getBinTag(i, b, n), '</td>',

     function genOutputBinBlock2(nlist) {
         const binf = nlist[0].bin; if (!binf.list.length) return '';
         const getBinTag = ((i, b, n) => nlist[i].bin.list[b].tag[n]);
         const height = binf.height;
         const cline = ['eline', 'oline'];
         const tagHeader = getValueNameList();
         return [
             tagHeader.map(n => `<th>${n}</th>`),
             nlist.map((s, i) => [
                 '<tr class="inpdata">',
                 '<th style="min-width: 3em;">入力</th>',
                 `<td class="ntext" colspan="${tagHeader.length}">`,
                 genCodeCbTag('ctext large', s.inp),
                 viewOption.fbin.map((w, b) => [
                     `<tr class="${cline[b & 1]}">`,
                     `<th class="small">binary${w}</th>`,
                     tagHeader.map((_, n) => [
                         '<td class="vtop ntext">', getBinTag(i, b, n), '</td>',

     function onUpdate(inp) {
         inp = inp ?? tagNumber.innerText;
         const nums = [...'\n ;,'].reduce(
             (p, c) => p.map(s => s.split(c)).flat(), [inp]
         ).filter(v => v != null && v.length);
         if (!nums.length)
         lastInput = inp;

         const nlist = nums.map(s => getData(s));
         const bintags = (viewOption.optflip ? genOutputBinBlock2 : genOutputBinBlock1)(nlist);

         tagOutput.innerHTML = [
             '<table>', bintags, '</table>', '<p></p>',

     function onChangeViewer(tag) {
         viewOption[tag.id.split('_')[1]] = tag.checked;


     window.onload = (() => {
         const chkbox = ((n, l) => [
             `<input id="chkbox_${n}" name="chkbox_${n}" type="checkbox"`,
             ` onchange="onChangeViewer(this)">`,
             `<label id="label_${n}" for="chkbox_${n}">${l}</label>`,

         const exact = ((n) => new IEEE754Binary64(n).toString16());

         document.body.innerHTML = [
             '<h3>IEEE 754 浮動小数点数 詳細表示</h3>',
             ' id="tagNumber"', ' cols="72"', ' rows="5"',
             ' placeholder="数値を入力してください"',
             ' oninput="onUpdate(value)">',
             '<details id="tagSettings"><summary>表示設定</summary>',
             '<tr>', '<th>データ型</th>',
             Object.entries(binaryName).map(prec => {
                 const [b, l] = prec;
                 return [`<td id="tagMode_bin${b}">`, chkbox(`bin${b}`, l), `(${b})</td>`];
             '<table style="margin-top: 2px;">',
             '<tr>', '<th>表示項目</th>',
             Object.entries(valueName).map(v => [
                 `<td id="tagView_val${v[0]}">`, chkbox(`val${v[0]}`, v[1]), '</td>'
             '<table style="margin-top: 2px;">',
             '<tr>', '<th>その他</th>',
             Object.entries(optionName).map(v => [
                 `<td id="tagOption_opt${v[0]}">`, chkbox(`opt${v[0]}`, v[1]), '</td>'
             '<div class="xsmall">クリップボード:<code id="tagClipboard">(数値をクリック)</code></div>',
             '<div id="tagOutput"></div>',
             '<tr><th colspan="4">定数(binary64)</th></tr>',
             [['PI', 'LN2', 'LOG2E', 'SQRT1_2'],
              ['E', 'LN10', 'LOG10E', 'SQRT2'],
             ].map(l => [
                 l.map(n => [
                     '<td style="padding: 2px;">',
                     `<button onclick="onUpdate('${exact(Math[n])}')">Math.${n}</button>`,

          * URLの引数
          * on=<type> または off=<type> で表示を制御
          * <type>:
          *   setting: 表示設定
          *   bin16: 2進数半精度
          *   bin32: 2進数単精度
          *   bin64: 2進数倍精度
          *   bin128: 2進数四倍精度
          *   valdat: 記憶域
          *   valsem: 負:指:仮
          *   valhex: 16進
          *   valexp: 指数
          *   valdec: 非指数
          *   valxct: 厳密値
          *   optrnd0: ゼロ方向丸め
          *   optflip: 表の転置

         const set_flag = ((f, v) => {
             const p = v.slice(0, 3);
             if (viewList[p]) {
                 if (f)
                     viewOption[p] = f;
                 viewOption[v] = f;

             const s = v.slice(3);
             if (p == 'val') {
                 if (valueName[s])
                     viewOption[v] = f;
             if (p == 'opt') {
                 if (optionName[s])
                     viewOption[v] = f;
             if (v == 'setting') {
                 tagSettings.open = f;

             // ...
         const set_flags = ((f, l) => l.forEach(v => set_flag(f, v)));


         const url = new URL(window.location);
         const search = url.searchParams;

         const get_arglist = (l => l.map(n => search.getAll(n).map(v => v.split(','))).flat(5));
         const args_on = get_arglist(['on', 's']);
         const args_off = get_arglist(['off', 'u']);
         const args_inp = search.getAll('n').join('\n');

         set_flags(true, ['bin32', 'bin64']);
         set_flags(true, valueNameKeys.map(k => `val${k}`));

         set_flags(true, args_on);
         set_flags(false, args_off);

         onUpdate(args_inp.length ? args_inp : `${exact(Math.PI)}`);


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