
std::byteswap を C++23 でなくても使いたい

Last updated at Posted at 2024-06-08

std::byteswap が C++23 からあるようですが C++23 より前でも使いたいので書いておく。


  • Visual Studio 2022 Version 17.10.1
    • Microsoft Visual C++ 2022
  • Apple clang version 15.0.0 (clang-1500.3.9.4)
    • x86_64-apple-darwin23.5.0


byteswap に相当する CPU 命令は随分前(Intel® プロセッサ 80386 の bswap は約40年前)からありますが、使うにはコンパイラの専用関数やインライン アセンブラ等で記述していました。今ではコンパイラの最適化の性能向上により、専用関数を使わなくても同じ結果を期待できます。

#if __cplusplus >= 202002L || _MSVC_LANG >= 202002L
#include <bit>

#if __cpp_lib_byteswap < 202110L

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <cstdlib>
#endif /* MSVC */

#ifndef __has_builtin
#define __has_builtin(x)  0

#if !(__cplusplus >= 201103L || _MSVC_LANG >= 201103L)
#  ifndef constexpr
#    define constexpr
#  endif
#  ifndef noexcept
#    define noexcept
#  endif

namespace std
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4293 4333 26452)
#endif /* MSVC */

    template <typename T>
    inline constexpr T byteswap(T x) noexcept
        return (sizeof(T) == 8
                ? T((((x >> 000) & 0xff) << 070) |
                    (((x >> 010) & 0xff) << 060) |
                    (((x >> 020) & 0xff) << 050) |
                    (((x >> 030) & 0xff) << 040) |
                    (((x >> 040) & 0xff) << 030) |
                    (((x >> 050) & 0xff) << 020) |
                    (((x >> 060) & 0xff) << 010) |
                    (((x >> 070) & 0xff) << 000))
                : sizeof(T) == 4
                ? T((((x >> 000) & 0xff) << 030) |
                    (((x >> 010) & 0xff) << 020) |
                    (((x >> 020) & 0xff) << 010) |
                    (((x >> 030) & 0xff) << 000))
                : sizeof(T) == 2
                ? T((((x >> 000) & 0xff) << 010) |
                    (((x >> 010) & 0xff) << 000))
                : x);

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif /* MSVC */
} // std

#endif /* __cpp_lib_byteswap < 202110L */

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template <typename T>
std::string hexstr(T x)
    static const char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    std::string s;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i)
        if (i)
            s += ' ';
        s += hex[(x >> ((sizeof(T) - i) * 8 - 4)) & 15];
        s += hex[(x >> ((sizeof(T) - i) * 8 - 8)) & 15];
    return s;

template <typename T>
void test(T x)

    T y = std::byteswap(x);

    std::cout << "x = " << hexstr(x) << std::endl
              << "y = " << hexstr(y) << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
#ifdef __cplusplus
    std::cout << "__cplusplus = " << __cplusplus << std::endl;
#ifdef _MSVC_LANG
    std::cout << "_MSVC_LANG = " << _MSVC_LANG << std::endl;
#ifdef __cpp_lib_byteswap
    std::cout << "__cpp_lib_byteswap = " << __cpp_lib_byteswap << std::endl;

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
        uint64_t x = strtoull(argv[i], NULL, 16);

        std::cout << std::endl;

        if (x < (UINT64_C(1) << 8))
        else if (x < (UINT64_C(1) << 16))
        else if (x < (UINT64_C(1) << 32))
    return 0;
__cplusplus = 199711
_MSVC_LANG = 201402

x = 12
y = 12

x = 12 34
y = 34 12

x = 12 34 56 78
y = 78 56 34 12

x = 12 34 56 78 9A BC DE F0
y = F0 DE BC 9A 78 56 34 12

MSVC での最適化

debug ビルドでプロジェクトのオプション

  • 構成プロパティ → C/C++
    • コード生成 → 基本ランタイム チェック
      • 「既定」に変更
    • 最適化 → 最適化
      • 「最適化(速度を優先)(/Ox)」に変更


byteswap(unsigned char x)
00007FF668C32880  push        rbx
00007FF668C32882  sub         rsp,20h
00007FF668C32886  movzx       ebx,cl  <<< ebx = x
00007FF668C32889  lea         rcx,[__D9F3C95A_byteswap@cpp (07FF668C44067h)]
00007FF668C32890  call        __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode (07FF668C31541h)
00007FF668C32895  movzx       eax,bl  <<< return bl
00007FF668C32898  add         rsp,20h
00007FF668C3289C  pop         rbx
00007FF668C3289D  ret
byteswap(unsigned short x)
00007FF668C328B0  push        rbx
00007FF668C328B2  sub         rsp,20h
00007FF668C328B6  movzx       ebx,cx  <<< ebx = x
00007FF668C328B9  lea         rcx,[__D9F3C95A_byteswap@cpp (07FF668C44067h)]
00007FF668C328C0  call        __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode (07FF668C31541h)
00007FF668C328C5  ror         bx,8    <<< bx = byteswap(bx)
00007FF668C328C9  movzx       eax,bx  <<< return bx
00007FF668C328CC  add         rsp,20h
00007FF668C328D0  pop         rbx
00007FF668C328D1  ret
byteswap(unsigned int x)
00007FF668C328E0  push        rbx
00007FF668C328E2  sub         rsp,20h
00007FF668C328E6  mov         ebx,ecx  <<< ebx = x
00007FF668C328E8  lea         rcx,[__D9F3C95A_byteswap@cpp (07FF668C44067h)]
00007FF668C328EF  call        __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode (07FF668C31541h)
00007FF668C328F4  bswap       ebx      <<< ebx = byteswap(ebx)
00007FF668C328F6  mov         eax,ebx  <<< return ebx
00007FF668C328F8  add         rsp,20h
00007FF668C328FC  pop         rbx
00007FF668C328FD  ret
byteswap(unsigned __int64 x)
00007FF668C32910  push        rbx
00007FF668C32912  sub         rsp,20h
00007FF668C32916  mov         rbx,rcx  <<< rbx = x
00007FF668C32919  lea         rcx,[__D9F3C95A_byteswap@cpp (07FF668C44067h)]
00007FF668C32920  call        __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode (07FF668C31541h)
00007FF668C32925  bswap       rbx      <<< rbx = byteswap(rbx)
00007FF668C32928  mov         rax,rbx  <<< return rbx
00007FF668C3292B  add         rsp,20h
00007FF668C3292F  pop         rbx
00007FF668C32930  ret

を確認できます。(<<< 部分は追記)

byteswap(unsigned __int64 x)
00007FF770983850  mov         qword ptr [rsp+8],rcx
00007FF770983855  push        rbp
00007FF770983856  push        rdi
00007FF770983857  sub         rsp,108h
00007FF77098385E  lea         rbp,[rsp+20h]
00007FF770983863  lea         rcx,[__D9F3C95A_byteswap@cpp (07FF77099A067h)]
00007FF77098386A  call        __CheckForDebuggerJustMyCode (07FF770981604h)
00007FF77098386F  nop
00007FF770983870  xor         eax,eax
00007FF770983872  cmp         eax,1
00007FF770983875  je          std::byteswap<unsigned __int64>+0F3h (07FF770983943h)
00007FF77098387B  mov         rax,qword ptr [x]
00007FF770983882  and         rax,0FFh
00007FF770983888  shl         rax,38h
00007FF77098388C  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF770983893  shr         rcx,8
00007FF770983897  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF77098389E  shl         rcx,30h
00007FF7709838A2  or          rax,rcx
00007FF7709838A5  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF7709838AC  shr         rcx,10h
00007FF7709838B0  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF7709838B7  shl         rcx,28h
00007FF7709838BB  or          rax,rcx
00007FF7709838BE  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF7709838C5  shr         rcx,18h
00007FF7709838C9  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF7709838D0  shl         rcx,20h
00007FF7709838D4  or          rax,rcx
00007FF7709838D7  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF7709838DE  shr         rcx,20h
00007FF7709838E2  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF7709838E9  shl         rcx,18h
00007FF7709838ED  or          rax,rcx
00007FF7709838F0  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF7709838F7  shr         rcx,28h
00007FF7709838FB  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF770983902  shl         rcx,10h
00007FF770983906  or          rax,rcx
00007FF770983909  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF770983910  shr         rcx,30h
00007FF770983914  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF77098391B  shl         rcx,8
00007FF77098391F  or          rax,rcx
00007FF770983922  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF770983929  shr         rcx,38h
00007FF77098392D  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF770983934  or          rax,rcx
00007FF770983937  mov         qword ptr [rbp+0C0h],rax
00007FF77098393E  jmp         std::byteswap<unsigned __int64>+1B9h (07FF770983A09h)
00007FF770983943  xor         eax,eax
00007FF770983945  test        eax,eax
00007FF770983947  je          std::byteswap<unsigned __int64>+15Ah (07FF7709839AAh)
00007FF770983949  mov         rax,qword ptr [x]
00007FF770983950  and         rax,0FFh
00007FF770983956  shl         rax,18h
00007FF77098395A  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF770983961  shr         rcx,8
00007FF770983965  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF77098396C  shl         rcx,10h
00007FF770983970  or          rax,rcx
00007FF770983973  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF77098397A  shr         rcx,10h
00007FF77098397E  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF770983985  shl         rcx,8
00007FF770983989  or          rax,rcx
00007FF77098398C  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF770983993  shr         rcx,18h
00007FF770983997  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF77098399E  or          rax,rcx
00007FF7709839A1  mov         qword ptr [rbp+0C8h],rax
00007FF7709839A8  jmp         std::byteswap<unsigned __int64>+1ABh (07FF7709839FBh)
00007FF7709839AA  xor         eax,eax
00007FF7709839AC  test        eax,eax
00007FF7709839AE  je          std::byteswap<unsigned __int64>+18Fh (07FF7709839DFh)
00007FF7709839B0  mov         rax,qword ptr [x]
00007FF7709839B7  and         rax,0FFh
00007FF7709839BD  shl         rax,8
00007FF7709839C1  mov         rcx,qword ptr [x]
00007FF7709839C8  shr         rcx,8
00007FF7709839CC  and         rcx,0FFh
00007FF7709839D3  or          rax,rcx
00007FF7709839D6  mov         qword ptr [rbp+0D0h],rax
00007FF7709839DD  jmp         std::byteswap<unsigned __int64>+19Dh (07FF7709839EDh)
00007FF7709839DF  mov         rax,qword ptr [x]
00007FF7709839E6  mov         qword ptr [rbp+0D0h],rax
00007FF7709839ED  mov         rax,qword ptr [rbp+0D0h]
00007FF7709839F4  mov         qword ptr [rbp+0C8h],rax
00007FF7709839FB  mov         rax,qword ptr [rbp+0C8h]
00007FF770983A02  mov         qword ptr [rbp+0C0h],rax
00007FF770983A09  mov         rax,qword ptr [rbp+0C0h]
00007FF770983A10  lea         rsp,[rbp+0E8h]
00007FF770983A17  pop         rdi
00007FF770983A18  pop         rbp
00007FF770983A19  ret

Clang での最適化

以下の方法でアセンブラ ファイルを作ります。

$ clang++ -O -S sample1.cpp

sample1.s の中のbswapを検索すると

	movq	%rax, %r14
	bswapl	%ebx
	leaq	-48(%rbp), %rdi
	movq	%rax, %r14
	bswapq	%rbx
	leaq	-48(%rbp), %rdi



#if __cplusplus >= 202002L || _MSVC_LANG >= 202002L
#include <bit>

#if __cpp_lib_byteswap < 202110L

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#include <cstdlib>
#endif /* MSVC */

#ifndef __has_builtin
#define __has_builtin(x)  0

#if !(__cplusplus >= 201103L || _MSVC_LANG >= 201103L)
#  ifndef constexpr
#    define constexpr
#  endif
#  ifndef noexcept
#    define noexcept
#  endif


namespace std
#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable: 4067 4293 4333 26452)
#endif /* MSVC */

    template <typename T>
    inline constexpr T byteswap(T x) noexcept
        return (sizeof(T) == 8 ?
#if USE_BUILTIN_BSWAP && defined(_MSC_VER)
                T(_byteswap_uint64((unsigned __int64)x))
#elif USE_BUILTIN_BSWAP && __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap64)
#else /* C */
                (((x >> 000) & 0xff) << 070) |
                (((x >> 010) & 0xff) << 060) |
                (((x >> 020) & 0xff) << 050) |
                (((x >> 030) & 0xff) << 040) |
                (((x >> 040) & 0xff) << 030) |
                (((x >> 050) & 0xff) << 020) |
                (((x >> 060) & 0xff) << 010) |
                (((x >> 070) & 0xff) << 000)
#endif /* C */
                : sizeof(T) == 4 ?
#if USE_BUILTIN_BSWAP && defined(_MSC_VER)
                T(_byteswap_ulong((unsigned long)x))
#elif USE_BUILTIN_BSWAP && __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap32)
#else /* C */
                (((x >> 000) & 0xff) << 030) |
                (((x >> 010) & 0xff) << 020) |
                (((x >> 020) & 0xff) << 010) |
                (((x >> 030) & 0xff) << 000)
#endif /* C */
                : sizeof(T) == 2 ?
#if USE_BUILTIN_BSWAP && defined(_MSC_VER)
                T(_byteswap_ushort((unsigned short)x))
#elif USE_BUILTIN_BSWAP && __has_builtin(__builtin_bswap16)
#else  /* C */
                (((x >> 000) & 0xff) << 010) |
                (((x >> 010) & 0xff) << 000)
#endif /* C */
                : x);

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#pragma warning(pop)
#endif /* MSVC */
} // std

#endif /* __cpp_lib_byteswap < 202110L */

// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

#include <cstdint>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

template <typename T>
std::string hexstr(T x)
    static const char hex[] = "0123456789ABCDEF";
    std::string s;

    for (size_t i = 0; i < sizeof(T); ++i)
        if (i)
            s += ' ';
        s += hex[(x >> ((sizeof(T) - i) * 8 - 4)) & 15];
        s += hex[(x >> ((sizeof(T) - i) * 8 - 8)) & 15];
    return s;

template <typename T>
void test(T x)

    T y = std::byteswap(x);

    std::cout << "x = " << hexstr(x) << std::endl
              << "y = " << hexstr(y) << std::endl;

int main(int argc, char** argv)
#ifdef __cplusplus
    std::cout << "__cplusplus = " << __cplusplus << std::endl;
#ifdef _MSVC_LANG
    std::cout << "_MSVC_LANG = " << _MSVC_LANG << std::endl;
#ifdef __cpp_lib_byteswap
    std::cout << "__cpp_lib_byteswap = " << __cpp_lib_byteswap << std::endl;

    for (int i = 1; i < argc; ++i)
        uint64_t x = strtoull(argv[i], NULL, 16);

        std::cout << std::endl;

        if (x < (UINT64_C(1) << 8))
        else if (x < (UINT64_C(1) << 16))
        else if (x < (UINT64_C(1) << 32))
    return 0;

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