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[180725]Gitlab の Merge Request から学ぶ

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どうやって Ruby 力をあげられるかを考えています。


というところで Gitlab の https://gitlab.com/gitlab-org/gitlab-ce の Merge Request (GitHub でいうところの Pull Request という理解であってるはず...) を追っかけてみようと思って、気になったやつをピックアップしてまとめることにしました。

Create class responsible for default object store settings

Settings の中にある object_store の設定を別クラスに切り出してる。


config/initializers/1_settings.rb の一部抜粋

- Settings.lfs['object_store'] ||= - Settingslogic.new({})
- Settings.lfs['object_store']['enabled'] = false if Settings.lfs['object_store']['enabled'].nil?
- Settings.lfs['object_store']['remote_directory'] ||= nil
- Settings.lfs['object_store']['direct_upload'] = false if Settings.lfs['object_store']['direct_upload'].nil?
- Settings.lfs['object_store']['background_upload'] = true if - Settings.lfs['object_store']['background_upload'].nil?
- Settings.lfs['object_store']['proxy_download'] = false if Settings.lfs['object_store']['proxy_download'].nil?
- # Convert upload connection settings to use string keys, to make Fog happy
- Settings.lfs['object_store']['connection']&.deep_stringify_keys!
+ Settings.lfs['object_store'] = ObjectStoreSettings.parse(Settings.lfs['object_store'])


+ # Set default values for object_store settings
+ class ObjectStoreSettings
+   def self.parse(object_store)
+     object_store ||= Settingslogic.new({})
+     object_store['enabled'] = false if object_store['enabled'].nil?
+     object_store['remote_directory'] ||= nil
+     object_store['direct_upload'] = false if object_store['direct_upload'].nil?
+     object_store['background_upload'] = true if object_store['background_upload'].nil?
+     object_store['proxy_download'] = false if object_store['proxy_download'].nil?
+     # Convert upload connection settings to use string keys, to make Fog happy
+     object_store['connection']&.deep_stringify_keys!
+     object_store
+   end
+ end

Fix slow Markdown rendering


      def whitelist
        strong_memoize(:whitelist) do
-           customize_whitelist(super.dup)
+           customize_whitelist(super.deep_dup)

The problem was that although HTML::Pipeline::SanitizationFilter.WHITELIST
is a frozen hash, the :transformers array can be modified. We need
to do deep copy of this to avoid adding duplicates.


HTML::Pipeline::SanitizationFilter.WHITELIST は freeze されてるっぽい。

freeze されてるので、 hash の中身もちゃんと deep_dup で別オブジェクトで作りましょうってことだと思う。

一応 deep_dup で中身も別オブジェクトになっていることは確認した。

[1] pry(main)> WHITELIST = { remove_contents: ['script'].freeze }.freeze
=> {:remove_contents=>["script"]}
[2] pry(main)> a_dup = WHITELIST.dup
=> {:remove_contents=>["script"]}
[3] pry(main)> a_deep_dup = WHITELIST.deep_dup
=> {:remove_contents=>["script"]}

[4] pry(main)> WHITELIST.object_id
=> 70312659760060
[5] pry(main)> a_dup.object_id
=> 70312659709620
[6] pry(main)> a_deep_dup.object_id
=> 70312659687520

[7] pry(main)> WHITELIST[:remove_contents].object_id
=> 70312659760080
[8] pry(main)> a_dup[:remove_contents].object_id
=> 70312659760080
[9] pry(main)> a_deep_dup[:remove_contents].object_id
=> 70312659687480



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