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Openstack - Cinder Snapshot/Restore

Last updated at Posted at 2015-12-09

What's this?

Cinder volume の snapshot 作成、その snapshot から新規 Cinder volume 作成

Initial state

Cinder volume

# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 | available | admin_vol01  |  1   |     None    |  false   |             |

Take a snapshot of Cinder

Take a snapshot of Cinder

  • Cinder command
    # cinder snapshot-create --display-name admin_vol01_ss admin_vol01
    |       Property      |                Value                 |
    |      created_at     |      2015-02-17T03:35:45.077828      |
    | display_description |                 None                 |
    |     display_name    |            admin_vol01_ss            |
    |          id         | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 |
    |       metadata      |                  {}                  |
    |         size        |                  1                   |
    |        status       |               creating               |
    |      volume_id      | 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 |
  • Nova command
    # nova volume-snapshot-create --display-name admin_vol01_ss admin_vol01
    |       Property      |                Value                 |
    |      created_at     |      2015-02-17T03:35:45.077828      |
    | display_description |                 None                 |
    |     display_name    |            admin_vol01_ss            |
    |          id         | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 |
    |       metadata      |                  {}                  |
    |         size        |                  1                   |
    |        status       |               creating               |
    |      volume_id      | 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 |

Check the snapshot of Cinder

  • Cinder command
    # cinder snapshot-list
    |                  ID                  |              Volume ID               |   Status  |  Display Name  | Size |
    | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 | 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 | available | admin_vol01_ss |  1   |

    # cinder snapshot-show admin_vol01_ss
    |                  Property                  |                Value                 |
    |                 created_at                 |      2015-02-17T03:35:45.000000      |
    |            display_description             |                 None                 |
    |                display_name                |            admin_vol01_ss            |
    |                     id                     | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 |
    |                  metadata                  |                  {}                  |
    |  os-extended-snapshot-attributes:progress  |                 100%                 |
    | os-extended-snapshot-attributes:project_id |   a8085d1871f847bdb906ef4a28d1bd48   |
    |                    size                    |                  1                   |
    |                   status                   |              available               |
    |                 volume_id                  | 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 |
  • Nova command
    # nova volume-snapshot-list
    | ID                                   | Volume ID                            | Status    | Display Name   | Size |
    | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 | 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 | available | admin_vol01_ss | 1    |

    # nova volume-snapshot-show admin_vol01_ss
    | Property                                   | Value                                |
    | created_at                                 | 2015-02-17T03:35:45.000000           |
    | display_description                        | -                                    |
    | display_name                               | admin_vol01_ss                       |
    | id                                         | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 |
    | metadata                                   | {}                                   |
    | os-extended-snapshot-attributes:progress   | 100%                                 |
    | os-extended-snapshot-attributes:project_id | a8085d1871f847bdb906ef4a28d1bd48     |
    | size                                       | 1                                    |
    | status                                     | available                            |
    | volume_id                                  | 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 |

Restore from a snapshot of Cinder (= Clone from the snapshot)

Initial state

Cinder volume

# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  | Display Name | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 | available | admin_vol01  |  1   |     None    |  false   |             |

Cinder snapshot

# cinder snapshot-list
|                  ID                  |              Volume ID               |   Status  |  Display Name  | Size |
| 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 | 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 | available | admin_vol01_ss |  1   |

Restore from a snapshot of cinder

Restore from a snapshot of cinder

# cinder create --display-name admin_vol02_from_ss --snapshot-id 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 1
|       Property      |                Value                 |
|     attachments     |                  []                  |
|  availability_zone  |                 nova                 |
|       bootable      |                false                 |
|      created_at     |      2015-02-17T03:44:26.871112      |
| display_description |                 None                 |
|     display_name    |         admin_vol02_from_ss          |
|      encrypted      |                False                 |
|          id         | 3559c032-6d8c-44fb-98e5-0f08d735b537 |
|       metadata      |                  {}                  |
|         size        |                  1                   |
|     snapshot_id     | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 |
|     source_volid    |                 None                 |
|        status       |               creating               |
|     volume_type     |                 None                 |

Check the cinder volume

# cinder list
|                  ID                  |   Status  |     Display Name    | Size | Volume Type | Bootable | Attached to |
| 3559c032-6d8c-44fb-98e5-0f08d735b537 | available | admin_vol02_from_ss |  1   |     None    |  false   |             |
| 5175d6be-735c-411e-be21-85015c332d99 | available |     admin_vol01     |  1   |     None    |  false   |             |

# cinder show admin_vol02_from_ss
|            Property            |                Value                 |
|          attachments           |                  []                  |
|       availability_zone        |                 nova                 |
|            bootable            |                false                 |
|           created_at           |      2015-02-17T03:44:27.000000      |
|      display_description       |                 None                 |
|          display_name          |         admin_vol02_from_ss          |
|           encrypted            |                False                 |
|               id               | 3559c032-6d8c-44fb-98e5-0f08d735b537 |
|            metadata            |                  {}                  |
|     os-vol-host-attr:host      |                node-17               |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:migstat |                 None                 |
| os-vol-mig-status-attr:name_id |                 None                 |
|  os-vol-tenant-attr:tenant_id  |   a8085d1871f847bdb906ef4a28d1bd48   |
|              size              |                  1                   |
|          snapshot_id           | 375528d8-7d5e-40a4-a8d6-d4b5e9fad274 |
|          source_volid          |                 None                 |
|             status             |              available               |
|          volume_type           |                 None                 |


  • Openstack : Juno
  • Ceph : Firefly


Cinder Backup/Restore
Cinder Backup/Restore between AZ
Cinder Backup/Restore between Region
Cinder Snapshot/Restore


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