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Python-3.6.3 のインストールにおいて、--enable-optimizations オプションがどれくらい効いているのか、CPU が Core i7-8700K のマシンで比較。

$ ./configure
$ make
$ ./python Tools/pybench/pybench.py 
* using CPython 3.6.3 (default, Dec 15 2017, 15:49:30) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.perf_counter
* timer: resolution=1e-09, implementation=clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 1.161 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 1.161 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 1.164 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 1.159 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 1.160 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 1.159 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 1.166 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 1.159 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 1.163 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 1.162 seconds.

Benchmark: 2017-12-15 15:51:28

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.perf_counter

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-3.10.0-693.11.1.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-7.4.1708-Core
       Processor:      x86_64
       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/ichy/project/daddy/tmp/Python-3.6.3/python
       Version:        3.6.3
       Compiler:       GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)
       Bits:           64bit
       Build:          Dec 15 2017 15:49:30 (#default)
       Unicode:        UCS4

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:     31ms     31ms    0.06us    0.062ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:     15ms     15ms    0.01us    0.069ms
                 CompareFloats:     18ms     18ms    0.02us    0.079ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:     22ms     22ms    0.02us    0.059ms
               CompareIntegers:     29ms     29ms    0.02us    0.119ms
        CompareInternedStrings:     16ms     16ms    0.01us    0.313ms
                  CompareLongs:     17ms     17ms    0.02us    0.069ms
                CompareStrings:     14ms     14ms    0.01us    0.202ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:     25ms     25ms    0.13us    0.100ms
                 ConcatStrings:     18ms     18ms    0.04us    0.117ms
               CreateInstances:     27ms     27ms    0.24us    0.097ms
            CreateNewInstances:     20ms     20ms    0.24us    0.077ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:     36ms     37ms    0.04us    0.198ms
                  DictCreation:     17ms     17ms    0.04us    0.079ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:     23ms     23ms    0.03us    0.151ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:     20ms     20ms    0.02us    0.199ms
            DictWithStringKeys:     18ms     18ms    0.02us    0.201ms
                      ForLoops:     14ms     14ms    0.55us    0.009ms
                    IfThenElse:     16ms     16ms    0.01us    0.149ms
                   ListSlicing:     23ms     23ms    1.66us    0.013ms
                NestedForLoops:     19ms     19ms    0.01us    0.001ms
      NestedListComprehensions:     22ms     22ms    1.85us    0.020ms
          NormalClassAttribute:     59ms     60ms    0.05us    0.105ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:     24ms     24ms    0.02us    0.105ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:     22ms     22ms    0.07us    0.059ms
             PythonMethodCalls:     30ms     30ms    0.14us    0.035ms
                     Recursion:     35ms     35ms    0.70us    0.099ms
                  SecondImport:      7ms      7ms    0.07us    0.039ms
           SecondPackageImport:      7ms      7ms    0.07us    0.039ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:     16ms     16ms    0.16us    0.039ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:     13ms     13ms    0.02us    0.079ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:     37ms     38ms    0.03us    0.099ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:     15ms     15ms    0.01us    0.119ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:     15ms     15ms    0.01us    0.119ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:     15ms     15ms    0.01us    0.119ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:     18ms     18ms    1.52us    0.019ms
        SimpleListManipulation:     18ms     18ms    0.02us    0.129ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:     10ms     10ms    0.02us    0.059ms
                    SmallLists:     22ms     22ms    0.03us    0.079ms
                   SmallTuples:     27ms     27ms    0.05us    0.089ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:     55ms     55ms    0.05us    0.105ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:     24ms     24ms    0.02us    0.107ms
                StringMappings:     49ms     49ms    0.20us    0.088ms
              StringPredicates:     33ms     33ms    0.05us    0.334ms
                 StringSlicing:     24ms     25ms    0.04us    0.168ms
                     TryExcept:     13ms     13ms    0.01us    0.149ms
                    TryFinally:     20ms     20ms    0.12us    0.080ms
                TryRaiseExcept:      8ms      8ms    0.13us    0.079ms
                  TupleSlicing:     28ms     29ms    0.11us    0.009ms
                   WithFinally:     25ms     25ms    0.16us    0.079ms
               WithRaiseExcept:     23ms     23ms    0.29us    0.099ms
Totals:                           1148ms   1161ms
$ ./configure --enable-optimizations
$ make
$ ./python Tools/pybench/pybench.py 
* using CPython 3.6.3 (default, Dec 15 2017, 16:04:49) [GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)]
* disabled garbage collection
* system check interval set to maximum: 2147483647
* using timer: time.perf_counter
* timer: resolution=1e-09, implementation=clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC)

Calibrating tests. Please wait... done.

Running 10 round(s) of the suite at warp factor 10:

* Round 1 done in 1.027 seconds.
* Round 2 done in 1.038 seconds.
* Round 3 done in 1.040 seconds.
* Round 4 done in 1.028 seconds.
* Round 5 done in 1.031 seconds.
* Round 6 done in 1.023 seconds.
* Round 7 done in 1.029 seconds.
* Round 8 done in 1.031 seconds.
* Round 9 done in 1.024 seconds.
* Round 10 done in 1.036 seconds.

Benchmark: 2017-12-15 16:06:13

    Rounds: 10
    Warp:   10
    Timer:  time.perf_counter

    Machine Details:
       Platform ID:    Linux-3.10.0-693.11.1.el7.x86_64-x86_64-with-centos-7.4.1708-Core
       Processor:      x86_64
       Implementation: CPython
       Executable:     /home/ichy/project/daddy/tmp/Python-3.6.3/python
       Version:        3.6.3
       Compiler:       GCC 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-16)
       Bits:           64bit
       Build:          Dec 15 2017 16:04:49 (#default)
       Unicode:        UCS4

Test                             minimum  average  operation  overhead
          BuiltinFunctionCalls:     26ms     27ms    0.05us    0.064ms
           BuiltinMethodLookup:     14ms     14ms    0.01us    0.073ms
                 CompareFloats:     13ms     13ms    0.01us    0.084ms
         CompareFloatsIntegers:     21ms     22ms    0.02us    0.063ms
               CompareIntegers:     20ms     20ms    0.01us    0.127ms
        CompareInternedStrings:     16ms     16ms    0.01us    0.321ms
                  CompareLongs:     12ms     12ms    0.01us    0.074ms
                CompareStrings:     14ms     14ms    0.01us    0.214ms
    ComplexPythonFunctionCalls:     22ms     22ms    0.11us    0.106ms
                 ConcatStrings:     19ms     19ms    0.04us    0.122ms
               CreateInstances:     23ms     24ms    0.21us    0.098ms
            CreateNewInstances:     18ms     18ms    0.21us    0.077ms
       CreateStringsWithConcat:     27ms     27ms    0.03us    0.212ms
                  DictCreation:     16ms     16ms    0.04us    0.084ms
             DictWithFloatKeys:     22ms     22ms    0.02us    0.159ms
           DictWithIntegerKeys:     19ms     19ms    0.02us    0.212ms
            DictWithStringKeys:     15ms     16ms    0.01us    0.212ms
                      ForLoops:     16ms     16ms    0.63us    0.010ms
                    IfThenElse:     16ms     16ms    0.01us    0.159ms
                   ListSlicing:     22ms     22ms    1.58us    0.013ms
                NestedForLoops:     18ms     18ms    0.01us    0.001ms
      NestedListComprehensions:     21ms     22ms    1.83us    0.021ms
          NormalClassAttribute:     40ms     41ms    0.03us    0.110ms
       NormalInstanceAttribute:     21ms     22ms    0.02us    0.110ms
           PythonFunctionCalls:     19ms     20ms    0.06us    0.063ms
             PythonMethodCalls:     25ms     25ms    0.11us    0.036ms
                     Recursion:     31ms     31ms    0.63us    0.106ms
                  SecondImport:      6ms      6ms    0.06us    0.042ms
           SecondPackageImport:      7ms      7ms    0.07us    0.042ms
         SecondSubmoduleImport:     14ms     15ms    0.15us    0.042ms
       SimpleComplexArithmetic:     15ms     15ms    0.02us    0.084ms
        SimpleDictManipulation:     33ms     33ms    0.03us    0.106ms
         SimpleFloatArithmetic:     14ms     14ms    0.01us    0.128ms
      SimpleIntFloatArithmetic:     15ms     15ms    0.01us    0.127ms
       SimpleIntegerArithmetic:     15ms     15ms    0.01us    0.128ms
      SimpleListComprehensions:     18ms     18ms    1.50us    0.021ms
        SimpleListManipulation:     17ms     17ms    0.01us    0.138ms
          SimpleLongArithmetic:     10ms     10ms    0.02us    0.063ms
                    SmallLists:     20ms     20ms    0.03us    0.084ms
                   SmallTuples:     22ms     23ms    0.04us    0.095ms
         SpecialClassAttribute:     43ms     44ms    0.04us    0.110ms
      SpecialInstanceAttribute:     21ms     22ms    0.02us    0.110ms
                StringMappings:     44ms     45ms    0.18us    0.089ms
              StringPredicates:     30ms     30ms    0.04us    0.336ms
                 StringSlicing:     21ms     21ms    0.04us    0.178ms
                     TryExcept:     12ms     12ms    0.01us    0.159ms
                    TryFinally:     18ms     18ms    0.11us    0.089ms
                TryRaiseExcept:      8ms      8ms    0.12us    0.084ms
                  TupleSlicing:     24ms     25ms    0.10us    0.010ms
                   WithFinally:     22ms     22ms    0.14us    0.084ms
               WithRaiseExcept:     22ms     22ms    0.27us    0.106ms
Totals:                           1013ms   1031ms

1161ms が 1031ms に、11% ~ 12% 程度パフォーマンスが向上したと思っていいだろうか。


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Draft of this article would be also deleted.

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