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  • 小一時間でゲームをつくる → Amazon


:- use_module(library(process)).
:- use_module(library(apply)).

% -----------------------------------------------------------
% 事実
% -----------------------------------------------------------
field(Field) :- Field = [
  [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0],
  [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]

% -----------------------------------------------------------
% 述語
% -----------------------------------------------------------
% run_command/1
run_command(Command) :- shell(Command, _).
% run_command/2
%   ExitCode (int)  : 終了コード
run_command(Command, ExitCode) :- shell(Command, ExitCode).

% read_input/1
read_input(IsEsc) :-
    Code is 27 -> IsEsc = true
    ; IsEsc = false

main_loop() :-

main_loop(Field) :-
    IsEsc -> ! % Escで終了
  ; calc_living_matrix(Field, LivingCellMatrix),
    step_simulation(Field, LivingCellMatrix, NewField),

neighbor_index_list(1, 1, W, H, EvalList) :-
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [W  , H  ], [1  , H  ], [2  , H  ],
    [W  , 1  ],             [2  , 1  ],
    [W  , 2  ], [1  , 2  ], [2  , 2  ]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(1, Y, W, H, EvalList) :-
  Y < H,
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [W, Y-1], [1  , Y-1], [2  , Y-1],
    [W, Y  ],             [2  , Y  ],
    [W, Y+1], [1  , Y+1], [2  , Y+1]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(X, 1, W, H, EvalList) :-
  X < W,
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [X-1, H  ], [X  , H  ], [X+1, H  ],
    [X-1, 1  ],             [X+1, 1  ],
    [X-1, 2  ], [X  , 2  ], [X+1, 2  ]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(W, 1, W, H, EvalList) :-
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [W-1, H  ], [W  , H  ], [1  , H  ],
    [W-1, 1  ],             [1  , 1  ],
    [W-1, 2  ], [W  , 2  ], [1  , 2  ]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(W, Y, W, H, EvalList) :-
  Y < H,
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [W-1, Y-1], [W  , Y-1], [1  , Y-1],
    [W-1, Y  ],             [1  , Y  ],
    [W-1, Y+1], [W  , Y+1], [1  , Y+1]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(1, H, W, H, EvalList) :-
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [W, H-1], [1  , H-1], [2  , H-1],
    [W, H  ],             [2  , H  ],
    [W, 1  ], [1  , 1  ], [2  , 1  ]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(X, H, W, H, EvalList) :-
  X < W,
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [X-1, H-1], [X  , H-1], [X+1, H-1],
    [X-1, H  ],             [X+1, H  ],
    [X-1, 1  ], [X  , 1  ], [X+1, 1  ]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(X, Y, W, H, EvalList) :-
  X < W, Y < H,
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [X-1, Y-1], [X  , Y-1], [X+1, Y-1],
    [X-1, Y  ],             [X+1, Y  ],
    [X-1, Y+1], [X  , Y+1], [X+1, Y+1]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.
neighbor_index_list(W, H, W, H, EvalList) :-
  % 周囲8セルの座標
  IndexList = [
    [W-1, H-1], [W  , H-1], [1  ,H-1],
    [W-1, H  ],             [1  ,H  ],
    [W-1, 1  ], [W  , 1  ], [1  ,1  ]
  eval_matrix(IndexList, EvalList), !.

eval_list([X], [Value]) :- Value is X.
eval_list([X | Rest], [Value | RestEvalList]) :-
  Value is X,
  eval_list(Rest, RestEvalList).

eval_matrix([Row], [EvalRow]) :- 
  eval_list(Row, EvalRow).
eval_matrix([Row | Rest], [EvalRow | EvalRest]) :-
  eval_list(Row, EvalRow),
  eval_matrix(Rest, EvalRest).

get_at(Matrix, [X, Y], Value) :-
  nth1(Y, Matrix, Row),
  nth1(X, Row, Value).

sum_by_index_list(Field, IndexList, Sum) :-
  maplist(get_at(Field), IndexList, ValueList),
  foldl(plus, ValueList, 0, Sum).

calc_living_matrix(Field, LivingMatrix) :-
  field_width(W), field_height(H),
  calc_living_matrix(1, 1, W, H, Field, LivingMatrix).

calc_living_matrix(X, Y, W, H, Field, LivingMatrix) :-
  Y < H,
  calc_living_matrix_row(X, Y, W, H, Field, LivingRow),
  Next is Y+1,
  calc_living_matrix(X, Next, W, H, Field, LivingRowList),
  LivingMatrix = [LivingRow | LivingRowList], !.

calc_living_matrix(X, H, W, H, Field, LivingMatrix) :-
  calc_living_matrix_row(X, H, W, H, Field, LivingRow),
  LivingMatrix = [LivingRow], !.

calc_living_matrix_row(X, Y, W, H, Field, LivingRow) :-
  X < W,
  neighbor_index_list(X, Y, W, H, IndexList),
  sum_by_index_list(Field, IndexList, Living),
  Next is X+1,
  calc_living_matrix_row(Next, Y, W, H, Field, LivingList),
  LivingRow = [Living | LivingList], !.

calc_living_matrix_row(W, Y, W, H, Field, LivingRow) :-
  neighbor_index_list(W, Y, W, H, IndexList),
  sum_by_index_list(Field, IndexList, Living),
  LivingRow = [Living], !.

step_simulation([Row], [LivingRow], ResultMatrix) :-
  step_simulation_row(Row, LivingRow, NewRow),
  ResultMatrix = [NewRow], !.
step_simulation([Row | RestRows], [LivingRow | LivingRestRows], ResultMatrix) :-
  step_simulation_row(Row, LivingRow, NewRow),
  step_simulation(RestRows, LivingRestRows, NewMatrix),
  ResultMatrix = [NewRow | NewMatrix], !.

step_simulation_row([Cell], [Living], ResultRow) :-
  step_simulation_cell(Cell, Living, NewCell),
  ResultRow = [NewCell], !.

step_simulation_row([Cell | RestCells], [Living | LivingList], ResultRow) :-
  step_simulation_cell(Cell, Living, NewCell),
  step_simulation_row(RestCells, LivingList, NewRow),
  ResultRow = [NewCell | NewRow], !.

step_simulation_cell(Cell, 2, Cell). % 維持
step_simulation_cell(_, 3, 1). % 誕生/生存
step_simulation_cell(_, _, 0). % 死滅

% cell(0, ' ').
cell(0, '□').
cell(1, '■').

% draw_row/1
draw_row([]) :- format('\n'), !.
draw_row([X | Xs]) :-
  cell(X, Cell),
  format('~w', [Cell]),

% draw_matrix/1
draw_matrix([]) :- format('\n'), !.
draw_matrix([Row | Rest]) :-

% draw_field/1
draw_field(Field) :-
  run_command('clear'), % 画面クリア(Mac/Linux)

% メイン処理 (VSCodeのデバッグ用にstartという名前にしている)
start :-

% メインを実行
:- initialization(start, main).


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終了する場合は Esc キーを押下してください。




  1. 各セルの周囲の生存数を計算 : calc_living_matrix/2
  2. 次の時刻のデータを計算 : step_simulation/3

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