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Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-24

This article is the 25th of the Diverse Advent Calendar.
One of the best things which happened to me while in my university was that i heard about Japanese companies visiting my University for recruitment. I was honestly very excited for this. I graduated from my university in September 2019 with B.E in computer science. This was the first time my University invited companies for International recruitment. By that time i was already given offer letter from two MNC's. But since i was always fascinated by Japan and IBJ's work was interesting i gave my best shot , got selected and hence the journey began.

##Few things about me

  • I am 22 years old
  • My hobbies are painting, playing basketball(I had been the sports captain in my school),fashion designing, cooking and nail art.
  • I am also interested in Artificial Intelligence

##Differences I noticed
In India , in most of the Universities during the last year of college companies usually go and pick up students after a round of online tests and interviews . When i spoke to my Japanese friends here i got to know that its not the same in Tokyo.
After recruitment there is always classroom training given for a few months in India.I dint feel the need of any such classes since i have been working under the best person/mentor/teacher and with an amazing team. This is my first time working in an organisation and my learning experience has been amazing.

##My experience in Diverse
So, out of 300 students, 4 were selected from my University in Bangalore, India. After we came to Tokyo , we had another round of interview to decide our department. And we were told that only i will be going to Diverse. Initial thoughts were very scary. I was scared because i would be alone and i wasn't yet very good with my Japanese. Back in India i was the President of student clubs and i have conducted seminars and have done public speaking as well. This was the first time i was nervous.
But one of the senior HR from IBJ told me "Huma San is a vey brave girl" and this gave me confidence
After I joined Diverse, my thoughts changed. Everybody here is very very friendly , the work environment is very peaceful. And i am very grateful to my mentor who always puts in so many efforts to make communication with me easy.
This eventually turned to be my favourite place in Tokyo.

##Japanese !!
The only difficulty i face here is communication. I can speak five languages of India. By far, Japanese is a little complicated but very interesting with so many kanji. The most confusing part in learning Japanese is that there are many meanings to same word. The form of word changes with the level of politeness. But I am working hard to overcome this and hope one day I become fluent in Japanese. I am very happy that i am learning one of the most difficult languages.

##Experience in my work
I wrote my first android program one year back and since then i wanted to learn more in depth. And i have been very lucky to be given work related to android development. This is my first time working on flutter, bloc and reactive programming. And again if i have any problems in my work i can always look upto my senior Engineer who is one of the best teacher(and very kind).

##I made friends
I dint know if i could make friends without knowing the local language. But inspite of all that I made many friends. We go out for lunch, I have tried so many new dishes because of them. Also every Friday is fun since we play board games and have a lot of fun.

##And finally Tokyo
Tokyo is a beautiful place.I would ask my friends in India to come visit Tokyo. Its been 3 months here and it already feels like home. The food, the culture ,the people, everything about this place is beautiful(except the cold haha!!). I love Japanese food and will soon start cooking some. And how can i forget Tokyo is one of the safest places in the world. Very true!!

I hope to become a better Engineer like my Senior Engineer.
I am loving the whole experience of being here and look forward for more.

And Merry Christmas to Everybody.:tada: :tada:


この記事はDiverse Advent Calendar25日目の記事です

私の大学で私に起こった最高のことの1つは、日本企業が採用のために私の大学を訪れたことを聞いたことです。私はこれに正直に非常に興奮していました。 2019年9月にコンピューターサイエンスの学士号を取得して大学を卒業しました。私の大学が企業を国際採用に招待したのはこれが初めてでした。その時までに、私はすでに2つのMNCからオファーレターを受け取っていました。


  • 私は22歳です
  • 趣味は絵を描くこと、バスケットボールをすること(学校でスポーツキャプテンをしていたこともあります)、ファッションデザイン、料理、ネイルアートです。
  • 人工知能にも興味があります



##日本語 !!

私は1年前に最初のAndroidプログラムを書いたので、それからもっと詳しく知りたいと思いました。そして、私は、Android開発に関連する仕事を与えられて非常に幸運でした。Flutter, BLoC, Reactive programmingに取り組む初めての機会です。繰り返しますが、仕事に問題がある場合は、最高の教師(そして非常に親切な)の1人であるシニアエンジニアをいつでも見上げることができます。


東京は美しい場所です.私はインドの友達に東京に来るよう誘っています。。ここで3か月が経ち、すでに家のように感じています。食べ物、文化、人々、この場所についてのすべてが美しいです(寒いのを除いて!! 笑)。私は日本食が大好きで、いくつか自分でも作ってみようとしています。そして忘れてはいけないのは、東京が世界で最も安全な場所の一つであるということです。本当に安全です!!




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