
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2014-03-04

Who is your audience?

Your app content and experience will differ depending on whether you’re writing a children’s game, a to-do list app, or even a test app for your own learning.

What is the purpose of your app?

It’s important for an app to have a clearly defined purpose. Part of defining the purpose is understanding what one thing will motivate users to use your app.

What problem is your app trying to solve?

An app should solve a single problem well instead of trying to offer solutions to multiple distinct problems. If you find that your app is trying to solve unrelated problems, you might consider writing multiple apps.

What content will your app incorporate?

Consider what type of content your app will present to users and how they’ll interact with it. Design the user interface to complement the type of content that’s presented in the app.

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