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macOSでのYubiKey 5Ciのセットアップ

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YubiKey 5CiのmacOSでのセットアップの自分用メモ


  1. YubiKey Managerをインストール
  2. プライバシーの入力監視の設定で YubiKey Manager を追加して許可を与える

1. YubiKey Managerをインストール

YubiKey Manager | Yubico

2. プライバシーの入力監視の設定に追加


failed connecting to the YubiKey. Make sure the application has the required permissions


Troubleshooting "Failed connecting to the YubiKey. Make sure the application has the required permissions." in YubiKey Manager – Yubico


1. Quit out of YubiKey Manager completely (YubiKey Manager > Quit YubiKey Manager, or press ⌘+Q on your keyboard with the YKM window in focus).
2. Open System Preferences.
3. Click Security & Privacy.
4. Click the Privacy tab.
5. Scroll down until you see Input Monitoring and select it.
6. Click on the padlock in the lower-left corner and authenticate so you are able to make changes.
7. Click the + button.
8. In the window that appears, select Applications in the left column if it is not already selected, then scroll down to and select YubiKey Manager. Click Open.
9. Make sure YubiKey Manager now appears in the list of apps with Input Monitoring permission with its box checked.
10. Click the padlock again to prevent further changes.
11. Once this has been done, you should be able to open Applications > OTP after reopening YubiKey Manager.




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