
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2016-02-05



public class Example {
    private static String INITIAL_VALUE = '';
    // 選択リストで選択された値が格納される変数
    public SomeObject objectInstance {get; set;}

    public List<SelectOption> DependentPickListOptions{
            List<SelectOption> options = new List<SelectOption>();

            // 選択リストの一番上にデフォルトの選択値を設定
            options.add(new SelectOption(INITIAL_VALUE, '-- なし --'));

            // 制御項目ctrlPicklistが選択されている時に連動項目depPicklistで選べる選択肢を取得する。
            if( this.objectInstance.ctrlPicklist != null || this.objectInstance.ctrlPicklist != INITIAL_VALUE ){
                List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry> tPicklistEntries = 

                for( DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry e : tPicklistEntries ){
                    options.add(new SelectOption(e.value, e.label));
            return options;

    // コンストラクタ
    public Example(){
        this.objectInstance = new SomeObject();


/* Reference
 * Great thanks to Neel
 * http://titancronus.com/blog/2014/05/01/salesforce-acquiring-dependent-picklists-in-apex/

public class DepPickListCtrl {
    public static Map<String,List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry>> GetDependentOptions(String pObjName, String pControllingFieldName, String pDependentFieldName){
        Map<String,List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry>> objResults = new Map<String,List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry>>();
        //get the string to sobject global map
        Map<String,Schema.SObjectType> objGlobalMap = Schema.getGlobalDescribe();
        if (!objGlobalMap.containsKey(pObjName))
            return objResults;
        //get the type being dealt with
        Schema.SObjectType pType = objGlobalMap.get(pObjName);
        Map<String, Schema.SObjectField> objFieldMap = pType.getDescribe().fields.getMap();
        //verify field names
        if (!objFieldMap.containsKey(pControllingFieldName) || !objFieldMap.containsKey(pDependentFieldName))
            return objResults;     
        //get the control values   
        List<Schema.PicklistEntry> ctrl_ple = objFieldMap.get(pControllingFieldName).getDescribe().getPicklistValues();
        //get the dependent values
        List<Schema.PicklistEntry> dep_ple = objFieldMap.get(pDependentFieldName).getDescribe().getPicklistValues();
        //iterate through the values and get the ones valid for the controlling field name
        DepPickListCtrl.Bitset objBitSet = new DepPickListCtrl.Bitset();
        //set up the results
        for(Integer pControllingIndex=0; pControllingIndex<ctrl_ple.size(); pControllingIndex++){          
            //get the pointer to the entry
            Schema.PicklistEntry ctrl_entry = ctrl_ple[pControllingIndex];
            //get the label
            String pControllingLabel = ctrl_entry.getLabel();
            //create the entry with the label
            objResults.put(pControllingLabel,new List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry>());
        //cater for null and empty
        objResults.put('',new List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry>());
        objResults.put(null,new List<DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry>());
        //check the dependent values
        for(Integer pDependentIndex=0; pDependentIndex<dep_ple.size(); pDependentIndex++){          
            //get the pointer to the dependent index
            Schema.PicklistEntry dep_entry = dep_ple[pDependentIndex];
            //get the valid for
            String pEntryStructure = JSON.serialize(dep_entry);                
            DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry objDepPLE = (DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry)JSON.deserialize(pEntryStructure, DepPickListCtrl.TPicklistEntry.class);
            //if valid for is empty, skip
            if (objDepPLE.validFor==null || objDepPLE.validFor==''){
            //iterate through the controlling values
            for(Integer pControllingIndex=0; pControllingIndex<ctrl_ple.size(); pControllingIndex++){    
                if (objBitSet.testBit(objDepPLE.validFor,pControllingIndex)){                
                    //get the label
                    String pControllingValue = ctrl_ple[pControllingIndex].getValue();
        return objResults;
    public class TPicklistEntry{
        public string active {get;set;}
        public string defaultValue {get;set;}
        public string label {get;set;}
        public string value {get;set;}
        public string validFor {get;set;}
        public TPicklistEntry(){
    private class Bitset{
        public Map<String,Integer> AlphaNumCharCodes {get;set;}
        public Map<String, Integer> Base64CharCodes { get; set; }
        public Bitset(){
        //Method loads the char codes
        private void LoadCharCodes(){
            AlphaNumCharCodes = new Map<String,Integer>{
                'U'=>85,'V'=> 86,'W'=>87,'X'=>88,'Y'=>89,'Z'=>90
            Base64CharCodes = new Map<String, Integer>();
            //lower case
            Set<String> pUpperCase = AlphaNumCharCodes.keySet();
            for(String pKey : pUpperCase){
                //the difference between upper case and lower case is 32
                //Base 64 alpha starts from 0 (The ascii charcodes started from 65)
                Base64CharCodes.put(pKey,AlphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) - 65);
                Base64CharCodes.put(pKey.toLowerCase(),AlphaNumCharCodes.get(pKey) - (65) + 26);
            for (Integer i=0; i<=9; i++){
                //base 64 numeric starts from 52
                Base64CharCodes.put(string.valueOf(i), i + 52);
        public Boolean testBit(String pValidFor,Integer n){
            //the list of bytes
            List<Integer> pBytes = new List<Integer>();
            //multiply by 6 since base 64 uses 6 bits
            Integer bytesBeingUsed = (pValidFor.length() * 6)/8;
            //will be used to hold the full decimal value
            Integer pFullValue = 0;
            //must be more than 1 byte
            if (bytesBeingUsed <= 1)
                return false;
            //calculate the target bit for comparison
            Integer bit = 7 - (Math.mod(n,8)); 
            //calculate the octet that has in the target bit
            Integer targetOctet = (bytesBeingUsed - 1) - (n >> bytesBeingUsed); 
            //the number of bits to shift by until we find the bit to compare for true or false
            Integer shiftBits = (targetOctet * 8) + bit;
            //get the base64bytes
            for(Integer i=0;i<pValidFor.length();i++){
                //get current character value
                pBytes.Add((Base64CharCodes.get((pValidFor.Substring(i, i+1)))));
            //calculate the full decimal value
            for (Integer i = 0; i < pBytes.size(); i++)
                Integer pShiftAmount = (pBytes.size()-(i+1))*6;//used to shift by a factor 6 bits to get the value
                pFullValue = pFullValue + (pBytes[i] << (pShiftAmount));
            //& is to set the same set of bits for testing
            //shift to the bit which will dictate true or false
            Integer tBitVal = ((Integer)(Math.Pow(2, shiftBits)) & pFullValue) >> shiftBits;
            return  tBitVal == 1;




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