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CRAN に R パッケージを登録している日本人まとめ #rstatsj

Last updated at Posted at 2016-03-31

諸事情あって「闇と向き合う」でおなじみの CRAN にパッケージを登録してみました。

そんなこんなで現在 CRAN にパッケージ登録している日本人を思いつく限り挙げてみたいと思います。

開発者 パッケージ名 ダウンロード バージョン 説明
Aki Ariga sparkavro Load Avro File into Apache Spark
Eisuke Inoue et al. APPEstimation Adjusted Prediction Model Performance Estimation
Hideitsu Hino et al. mmpp Various Similarity and Distance Metrics for Marked Point Processes
Hiroaki Yutani estatapi R Interface to e-Stat API
Hiroaki Yutani kokudosuuchi R Interface to Kokudo Suuchi API
Hiroaki Yutani qiitr R Interface to Qiita API
Hiroaki Yutani gghighlight Highlight Lines and Points in ggplot2
Hiroaki Yutani datadogr R Client for Datadog API
Hiroaki Yutani kntnr R Client for kintone API
Ichikawa Daisuke batade HTML reports and so on
Joe Suzuki et al. BNSL Bayesian Network Structure Learning
Kazuki Yoshida tableone Create Table 1 to Describe Baseline Characteristics
Kei Hirose msgps Degrees of freedom of elastic net, adaptive lasso and generalized elastic net
Kei Hirose et al. fanc Penalized Likelihood Factor Analysis via Nonconvex Penalty
Kohske Takahashi labeledLoop Support labeled loop and escape from nested loop
Koji Makiyama densratio Density Ratio Estimation
Koji Makiyama magicfor Magic Functions to Obtain Results from for Loops
Koji Makiyama dplyr.teradata A Teradata Backend for dplyr
Koji Makiyama et al. githubinstall An Easy Way to Install R Packages on GitHub
Kosei Abe DYM Did You Mean?
Kosei Abe naturalsort Natural Ordering
Masaaki Horikoshi ggfortify Data Visualization Tools for Statistical Analysis Results
Masaaki TAKADA smdc Document Similarity
Masahiro Hayashi Rz GUI Tool for Data Management like SPSS or Stata
Masashi Okada Jdmbs Monte Carlo Option Pricing Algorithm for Jump Diffusion Model with Correlation Companies
Masashi Okada CRPClustering Bayesian Nonparametric Chinese Restaurant Process Clustering with Entropy
Minato Nakazawa fmsb Functions for Medical Statistics Book with some Demographic Data
Minato Nakazawa pyramid Functions to draw population pyramid
Nagi Teramo RODBCDBI Provides Access to Databases Through the ODBC Interface
Naoto Koshimizu ThankYouStars Give your Dependencies Stars on GitHub!
Ryota Suzuki et al. pvclust Hierarchical Clustering with P-Values via Multiscale Bootstrap Resampling
Shinya Uryu jpmesh Utilities for Japanese Mesh Code
Shinya Uryu jpndistrict Create Japanese Administration Area and Office Maps
Susumu Tanimura Nippon Japanese Utility Functions and Data
Takekatsu Hiramura RForcecom Data Integration Feature for Force.com and Salesforce.com
Triad sou. RcmdrPlugin.KMggplot2 An Rcmdr Plug-in for Kaplan-Meier Plots and Other Plots by Using the ggplot2 Package
Yasutaka Tanaka ggconf Simpler Appearance Modification of ggplot2
Yohei Sato EasyHTMLReport It is a package that can be used to send HTML reports easily.
Yohei Sato RFinanceYJ Japanese stock market from Yahoo!-finance-Japan
Yohei Sato ykmeans K-means using a target variable
Yuichiro Otani govStatJPN functions to get public survey data in Japan
Yuya Matsumura MlBayesOpt Hyper Parameter Tuning for Machine Learning, Using Bayesian Optimization

男の価値は作ったパッケージで決まるそうですし、みなさんもパッケージを作って CRAN 登録してみてはいかがでしょうか?


CRAN 登録の参考資料はこちら。



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