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時系列DBのRiak TSをMac OS Xで使う

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riak TSは時系列DBということで大分扱いが違うそうで、Mac OS Xで開発用に扱えるようにしてみる


% tar zxvf tar zxvf riak-ts-1.5.2-OSX-x86_64.tar
  • binにあるriakを実行する
% cd riak-ts-1.5.2
% bin/riak start
  • 動作確認

% bin/riak ping


  • riakはKVS
  • riakの場合はバケットを作成してバケットにkeyとvalueを指定してstoreって感じ
  • riak TSはDBっぽい
  • riak-shell っていう対話式のshellが用意されている
  • riak-shellを使ってDB操作
% bin/riak-shell
The following functions are available

Extension 'connection':
    connect, connection_prompt, ping, reconnect, show_connection, show_cookie

Extension 'debug':
    load, observer

Extension 'history':
    clear_history, h, history, show_history

Extension 'log':
    date_log, log, logfile, regression_log, replay_log, show_log_status

Extension 'shell':
    about, q, quit, show_config, show_version

You can get more help by calling help with the
extension name and function name like 'help shell quit;'

For SQL help type 'help SQL'
  • 操作はよくある対話式のDBと同じっぽい
  • とりあえず helpって打っておけば色々出る
riak-shell(6)>help SQL;
The following SQL help commands are supported:
CREATE   - using CREATE TABLE statements
DELETE   - deleting data with DELETE FROM
DESCRIBE - examining table structures
EXPLAIN  - understanding SELECT query execution paths
INSERT   - inserting data with INSERT INTO statements
SELECT   - querying data
SHOW     - listing tables or showing table creation SQL

SELECT can be used with ORDER BY, GROUP BY and LIMIT clauses. It supports arithmetic on column values and has a variety of aggregation functions: COUNT, SUM, MEAN, AVG, MAX, MIN, STDDEV, STDDEV_SAMP and STDDEV_POP

To get more help type 'help SQL SELECT' (replacing SELECT with another statement as appropriate)
  • 大文字小文字の区別はない
  • SQLを発行して操作する

riak-shell(2)>show tables;
riak-shell(3)>CREATE TABLE GeoCheckin (id SINT64 NOT NULL, region VARCHAR NOT NULL, state VARCHAR NOT NULL, time  TIMESTAMP NOT NULL, weather  VARCHAR NOT NULL, temperature DOUBLE, PRIMARY KEY ((id, QUANTUM(time, 15, 'm')), id, time));
Table GeoCheckin successfully created and activated.
riak-shell(4)>show tables;
|  Table   |Status|

riak-shell(5)>help sql;
The following SQL help commands are supported:
CREATE   - using CREATE TABLE statements
DELETE   - deleting data with DELETE FROM
DESCRIBE - examining table structures
EXPLAIN  - understanding SELECT query execution paths
INSERT   - inserting data with INSERT INTO statements
SELECT   - querying data
SHOW     - listing tables or showing table creation SQL

SELECT can be used with ORDER BY, GROUP BY and LIMIT clauses. It supports arithmetic on column values and has a variety of aggregation functions: COUNT, SUM, MEAN, AVG, MAX, MIN, STDDEV, STDDEV_SAMP and STDDEV_POP

To get more help type 'help SQL SELECT' (replacing SELECT with another statement as appropriate)
riak-shell(6)>DESCRIBE GeoCheckin;
|  Column   |  Type   |Nullable|Partition Key|Local Key|Interval|Unit|Sort Order|
|    id     | sint64  | false  |      1      |    1    |        |    |          |
|  region   | varchar | false  |             |         |        |    |          |
|   state   | varchar | false  |             |         |        |    |          |
|   time    |timestamp| false  |      2      |    2    |   15   | m  |          |
|  weather  | varchar | false  |             |         |        |    |          |
|temperature| double  |  true  |             |         |        |    |          |
  • riak-adminでも作成することが可能

  • DROP TABLEは今の所できなさそうなので、dataディレクトリを削除してriakを再起動する


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