1.Windows + R or Fime名を指定して実行
2.type regedit
3.Open \HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control and right click on Controle -> New -> Key then you get a new folder and assign folder name as StorageDevicePolicie. example:StorageDevicePolicie.
4.go to StorageDevicePolicie and right click and chose DWORD(32ビット値) and named "WriteProtect" and click "WriteProtect" to modify (修正)-> 値のデータ(V) - > change a value 0 -> 1 (1でenable) . check 16進数 (default) and OK.
- reboot windows machine.(再起動)
6.create the file on your desktop as test.txt. then move this file to your USB drive . then Windows said unable to copy and move. So, User unable to file copy or move to USB.
何か適当にUSB Driveをつなげて、デスクトップ上に新規test fileなど作成したものを移動しようとすると、エラーとなり移動不可+コピー不可。
- USB Drive上で新規で何かFolderを作成しようとしても上記設定したWindows上に接続したUSBでは新規の作成も不可。
7.when you create the rule and check behavior and surprised.
then type google USBメモリーへの書き込みを禁止する. or "How to enable write protection for USB devices on Windows 10"
then there are already someone posted same kind of story from 2005... -_-;;
I also surprised this is known story...(I just know it today..and found same kind of story in google there too...)
Anyway Enjoy !