- @kahirokunn
Kubernetes Engineer
- きょー@kyohmizu
- @yassan168
嫁と子供と酒で出来ているインフラエンジニア。 以下のOrganizerやってます。 🤠 RancherJP: https://rancherjp.connpass.com/ ☁️ Cloud Native JP: https://cnjp.connpass.com/ 📊 OTFSG: https://otfsg-tokyo.connpass.com/
- Ryuma Yoshida@ryysud
Software Engineer at Z Lab Corporation (Subsidiary of Yahoo! Japan). Previously Data Engineer at DMM.com LLC. Interested in Kubernetes, SPIFFE, SPIRE and OPA.
- Akira Kuriyama@sheepland
- Yusuke Kuoka@mumoshu
AWS Container Hero maintaining kube-aws, eksctl, brigade, helmfile, helm-diff, etc.
- Aya Igarashi@Ladicle
Software Engineer
- Kazuki Suda@superbrothers
Working at Preferred Networks, Inc / CNCF Ambassador / 『Kubernetes実践入門』『 みんなのDocker/Kubernetes』共著 / 『入門Prometheus』監訳 / Kubernetes Meetup Tokyo co-organizer / Cloud Native Deep Dive co-organizer