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Auth0Advent Calendar 2019

Day 16

Auth0のユニークな機能 - Linking User Accounts編その1

Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-04


この記事は初めてのAuth0ハンズオンの続編で、Auth0のユニークな機能の一つであるLinking User Accountsの設定手順です。Linking User Accountsは、複数のIdPに存在するユーザアカウントを任意のキーでリンクする機能です。



  • MacまたはWindows PC
  • Chrome
  • Node.js, Node Package Manager
  • Auth0の無料トライアルアカウント



左ペインの"Extensions"をクリック、検索フィールドに"account"と入力して"Auth0 Account Link"をクリック、"INSTALL"ボタンを押します。

Auth0 Account Link Extensionをインストールすると自動的にこのルールが作成されます。
Edit RuleをクリックしてScriptを確認します。

function (user, context, callback) {
   * This rule has been automatically generated by
   * Unknown at 2019-12-03T22:21:42.509Z
  var request = require('request@2.56.0');
  var queryString = require('querystring');
  var Promise = require('native-or-bluebird@1.2.0');
  var jwt = require('jsonwebtoken@7.1.9');

  var CONTINUE_PROTOCOL = 'redirect-callback';
  var LOG_TAG = '[ACCOUNT_LINK]: ';
  console.log(LOG_TAG, 'Entered Account Link Rule');

  // 'query' can be undefined when using '/oauth/token' to log in
  context.request.query = context.request.query || {};

  var config = {
    endpoints: {
      linking: 'https://kiriko.us8.webtask.io/4cb95bf92ced903b9b84ebedbf5ebffd',
      userApi: auth0.baseUrl + '/users',
      usersByEmailApi: auth0.baseUrl + '/users-by-email'
    token: {
      clientId: 'ggNy04f38ewFIdzGQgyF0dUyNhyrlKHm',
      clientSecret: 'QNGSYY8d-8b_5kRGvZqPedlq3wzPYjws0fO86Q24lrhtjMf-OM0OleDId4NlCeDX',
      issuer: auth0.domain

  // If the user does not have an e-mail account,
  // just continue the authentication flow.
  // See auth0-extensions/auth0-account-link-extension#33
  if (user.email === undefined) {
    return callback(null, user, context);


  function createStrategy() {
    if (shouldLink()) {
      return linkAccounts();
    } else if (shouldPrompt()) {
      return promptUser();


    return continueAuth();

    function shouldLink() {
      return !!context.request.query.link_account_token;

    function shouldPrompt() {
      return !insideRedirect() && !redirectingToContinue() && firstLogin();

      // Check if we're inside a redirect
      // in order to avoid a redirect loop
      // TODO: May no longer be necessary
      function insideRedirect() {
        return context.request.query.redirect_uri &&
          context.request.query.redirect_uri.indexOf(config.endpoints.linking) !== -1;

      // Check if this is the first login of the user
      // since merging already active accounts can be a
      // destructive action
      function firstLogin() {
        return context.stats.loginsCount <= 1;

      // Check if we're coming back from a redirect
      // in order to avoid a redirect loop. User will
      // be sent to /continue at this point. We need
      // to assign them to their primary user if so.
      function redirectingToContinue() {
        return context.protocol === CONTINUE_PROTOCOL;

  function verifyToken(token, secret) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      jwt.verify(token, secret, function(err, decoded) {
        if (err) {
          return reject(err);

        return resolve(decoded);

  function linkAccounts() {
    var secondAccountToken = context.request.query.link_account_token;

    return verifyToken(secondAccountToken, config.token.clientSecret)
      .then(function(decodedToken) {
        // Redirect early if tokens are mismatched
        if (user.email !== decodedToken.email) {
          console.error(LOG_TAG, 'User: ', decodedToken.email, 'tried to link to account ', user.email);
          context.redirect = {
            url: buildRedirectUrl(secondAccountToken, context.request.query, 'accountMismatch')

          return user;

        var linkUri = config.endpoints.userApi+'/'+user.user_id+'/identities';
        var headers = {
          Authorization: 'Bearer ' + auth0.accessToken,
          'Content-Type': 'application/json',
          'Cache-Control': 'no-cache'

        return apiCall({
          method: 'GET',
          url: config.endpoints.userApi+'/'+decodedToken.sub+'?fields=identities',
          headers: headers
          .then(function(secondaryUser) {
            var provider = secondaryUser &&
              secondaryUser.identities &&
              secondaryUser.identities[0] &&

            return apiCall({
              method: 'POST',
              url: linkUri,
              json: { user_id: decodedToken.sub, provider: provider }
          .then(function(_) {
            // TODO: Ask about this
            console.info(LOG_TAG, 'Successfully linked accounts for user: ', user.email);
            return _;

  function continueAuth() {
    return Promise.resolve();

  function promptUser() {
    return searchUsersWithSameEmail().then(function transformUsers(users) {
      return users.filter(function(u) {
        return u.user_id !== user.user_id;
      }).map(function(user) {
        return {
          userId: user.user_id,
          email: user.email,
          picture: user.picture,
          connections: user.identities.map(function(identity) {
            return identity.connection;
    }).then(function redirectToExtension(targetUsers) {
      if (targetUsers.length > 0) {
        context.redirect = {
          url: buildRedirectUrl(createToken(config.token), context.request.query)

  function callbackWithSuccess(_) {
    callback(null, user, context);

    return _;

  function callbackWithFailure(err) {
    console.error(LOG_TAG, err.message, err.stack);

    callback(err, user, context);

  function createToken(tokenInfo, targetUsers) {
    var options = {
      expiresIn: '5m',
      audience: tokenInfo.clientId,
      issuer: qualifyDomain(tokenInfo.issuer)

    var userSub = {
      sub: user.user_id,
      email: user.email,
      base: auth0.baseUrl

    return jwt.sign(userSub, tokenInfo.clientSecret, options);

  function searchUsersWithSameEmail() {
    return apiCall({
      url: config.endpoints.usersByEmailApi,
      qs: {
        email: user.email

  // Consider moving this logic out of the rule and into the extension
  function buildRedirectUrl(token, q, errorType) {
    var params = {
      child_token: token,
      audience: q.audience,
      client_id: q.client_id,
      redirect_uri: q.redirect_uri,
      scope: q.scope,
      response_type: q.response_type,
      auth0Client: q.auth0Client,
      original_state: q.original_state || q.state,
      nonce: q.nonce,
      error_type: errorType

    return config.endpoints.linking + '?' + queryString.encode(params);

  function qualifyDomain(domain) {
    return 'https://'+domain+'/';

  function apiCall(options) {
    return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {
      var reqOptions = Object.assign({
        url: options.url,
        headers: {
          Authorization: 'Bearer ' + auth0.accessToken,
          Accept: 'application/json'
        json: true
      }, options);

      request(reqOptions, function handleResponse(err, response, body) {
        if (err) {
        } else if (response.statusCode < 200 || response.statusCode >= 300) {
          console.error(LOG_TAG, 'API call failed: ', body);
          reject(new Error(body));
        } else {










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