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AIX V7 にて chef-client を使用する際の integer 137438954242 too big to convert to `int' エラー

Last updated at Posted at 2018-08-15

少なくともchef-client 14.11.21では解消していることを確認


chef-client が 13.7.16 から 14.3.37 (2018/08/15現在の最新) の環境で、
test-kitchenのproxy driverとchef_zero provisionerを使用してAIX V7にChef cookbookの適用を行う場合、integer 137438954242 too big to convert to `int' としてエラーで失敗する可能性がある。


$ kitchen test 
-----> Starting Kitchen (v1.21.2)
-----> Cleaning up any prior instances of <p8126a-aix>
-----> Destroying <p8126a-aix>...
       Resetting instance state with command: exit 0
       Finished destroying <p8126a-aix> (0m0.38s).
-----> Testing <p8126a-aix>
-----> Creating <p8126a-aix>...
       Resetting instance state with command: exit 0
       Finished creating <p8126a-aix> (0m0.39s).
-----> Converging <p8126a-aix>...
$$$$$$ Running legacy converge for 'Proxy' Driver
       Preparing files for transfer
       Preparing dna.json
       Resolving cookbook dependencies with Berkshelf 7.0.2...
       Removing non-cookbook files before transfer
       Preparing validation.pem
       Preparing client.rb
       Transferring files to <p8126a-aix>
       Starting Chef Client, version 14.3.37
       Creating a new client identity for p8126a-aix using the validator key.
       Chef encountered an error attempting to create the client "p8126a-aix"
       System Info:
       ruby=ruby 2.5.1p57 (2018-03-29 revision 63029) [powerpc-aix6.1.0.0]
       Running handlers:
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] ERROR: Running exception handlers
       Running handlers complete
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] ERROR: Exception handlers complete
       Chef Client failed. 0 resources updated in 05 seconds
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/kitchen/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] FATAL: Stacktrace dumped to /tmp/kitchen/cache/chef-stacktrace.out
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] FATAL: Please provide the contents of the stacktrace.out file if you file a bug report
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] FATAL: RangeError: integer 137438954242 too big to convert to `int'
       [2018-08-15T16:41:11+09:00] FATAL: RangeError: integer 137438954242 too big to convert to `int'


>>>>>> ------Exception-------
>>>>>> Class: Kitchen::ActionFailed
>>>>>> Message: 1 actions failed.
>>>>>>     Converge failed on instance <p8126a-aix>.  Please see .kitchen/logs/p8126a-aix.log for more details
>>>>>> ----------------------
>>>>>> Please see .kitchen/logs/kitchen.log for more details
>>>>>> Also try running `kitchen diagnose --all` for configuration

また、通常のchef server/node構成においても、clientの登録時に同様の問題が発生すると思われる。

api_client/registration.rb - integer 137438954242 too big to convert to `int' #6842


  • 回避方法1

.kitchen.yml の chef_zero provisioner から、client.rb に Chef::Config[:follow_client_key_symlink] = true を追記させる。

  #name: vagrant
  name: proxy
  host: p8127a
  reset_command: 'exit 0'
  ssh_key: ~/.ssh/id_rsa
  sudo: false

  name: chef_zero
  # You may wish to disable always updating cookbooks in CI or other testing environments.
  # For example:
  #   always_update_cookbooks: <%= !ENV['CI'] %>
  always_update_cookbooks: true
  sudo: false
  product_name: chef
  install_strategy: skip
    'Chef::Config[:follow_client_key_symlink] =': true


  • 回避方法2


# cd /tmp/kitchen/

# ls client.pem
client.pem not found

# echo 'Chef::Config[:follow_client_key_symlink] = true' >> client.rb

# chef-client -c client.rb -j dna.json -z 
Starting Chef Client, version 14.3.37
Creating a new client identity for p8126a-aix using the validator key.
resolving cookbooks for run list: ["install_chef_client::default"]
Synchronizing Cookbooks:
  - install_chef_client (0.1.0)
Installing Cookbook Gems:
Compiling Cookbooks...
Converging 0 resources

Running handlers:
Running handlers complete
Chef Client finished, 0/0 resources updated in 05 seconds

# ls client.pem 

  • 回避方法3

AIX V7用のchef-client 13.6.4(まで)を使用する。
kitchen test を行なうと、/tmp/kitchen/client.pem が正しく作成され、以降使用可能となる。

#chef server/node構成の場合の回避方法
なお、通常のchef server/node構成の場合には、同様に以下にて対応可能と思われる。

  • /etc/chef/client.rb に Chef::Config[:follow_client_key_symlink] = true を追記する

knife bootstrapを用いてノード構成をする場合には、以下で対応にて対応可能。
ChefTips: bootstrap時に カスタマイズした client.rb を配布する

  • AIX V7用のchef-client 13.6.4(まで)を使用してノードの追加を行う

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