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dependency-cruiserはJavaScript, TypeScript, CoffeeScriptをサポートしている依存の可視化、バリデーションライブラリーであり、ReactやVue、Svelteをサポートしています。




$ git clone git@github.com:misskey-dev/misskey.git
$ cd misskey

# HEAD ebdb4431804cb23670054a0d37928ba92c84a0a4
$ nodenv install 20.10.0
$ pnpm i


$ cd packages/frontend/
$ pnpm add -D dependency-cruiser
$ pnpm exec dependency-cruise
Usage: dependency-cruise [options] [files-or-directories]

Validate and visualize dependencies.
Details: https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser

  --init [oneshot]               set up dependency-cruiser for use in your environment (<<< recommended!)

  -c, --config [file]            read rules and options from [file] (e.g. .dependency-cruiser.js) (default: true)
  -T, --output-type <type>       output type; e.g. err, err-html, dot, ddot, archi, flat, d2, mermaid, text or json (default:
  -m, --metrics                  calculate stability metrics (default: false)
  -f, --output-to <file>         file to write output to; - for stdout (default: "-")
  -I, --include-only <regex>     only include modules matching the regex
  -F, --focus <regex>            only include modules matching the regex + their direct neighbours
  --focus-depth <number>         the depth to focus on - only applied when --focus is passed too. 1= direct neighbors,
                                 2=neighbours of neighbours etc. (default: 1)
  -R, --reaches <regex>          only include modules matching the regex + all modules that can reach it
  -H, --highlight <regex>        mark modules matching the regex as 'highlighted'
  -x, --exclude <regex>          exclude all modules matching the regex
  -X, --do-not-follow <regex>    include modules matching the regex, but don't follow their dependencies
  --ignore-known [file]          ignore known violations as saved in [file] (default:
  -S, --collapse <regex>         collapse a to a folder depth by passing a single digit (e.g. 2). When passed a regex collapses
                                 to that pattern. E.g. "^packages/[^/]+/" would collapse to modules/ folders directly under
                                 your packages folder.
  -p, --progress [type]          show progress while dependency-cruiser is busy (choices: "cli-feedback", "performance-log",
                                 "ndjson", "none")
  -P, --prefix <prefix>          prefix to use for links in the dot and err-html reporters

  -C, --cache [cache-directory]  (experimental) use a cache to speed up execution. The directory defaults to
  --cache-strategy <strategy>    (experimental) strategy to use for detecting changed files in the cache. (choices: "metadata",
  -i, --info                     shows what languages and extensions dependency-cruiser supports
  -V, --version                  output the version number
  -h, --help                     display help for command

Other options:
  see https://github.com/sverweij/dependency-cruiser/blob/main/doc/cli.md


$ pnpm exec depcruise --init
✔ It looks like this is an ESM package. Is that correct? … yes
✔ Where do your source files live? … src
✔ Do your test files live in a separate folder? … yes
✔ Where do your test files live? … test
✔ Looks like you're using a 'tsconfig.json'. Use that? … yes
✔ Full path to your 'tsconfig.json › tsconfig.json
✔ Also regard TypeScript dependencies that exist only before compilation? … yes

  ✔ Successfully created '.dependency-cruiser.cjs'

tsconfigを指定することでpath aliasも考慮して依存を解析してくれる模様。



$ pnpm exec depcruise --include-only "^src" src
  warn no-orphans: src/scripts/get-user-name.ts
  warn no-orphans: src/scripts/collect-page-vars.ts
  warn no-orphans: src/components/global/MkError.stories.meta.ts
  warn no-circular: src/ui/deck/deck-store.ts → 
      src/pizzax.ts →
      src/account.ts →
      src/components/MkSigninDialog.vue →
      src/components/MkModalWindow.vue →
      src/components/MkModal.vue →
      src/os.ts →
      src/components/MkDriveSelectDialog.vue →
      src/components/MkDrive.vue →
      src/components/MkDrive.file.vue →
      src/router.ts →
      src/pages/settings/deck.vue →
  warn no-circular: src/ui/_common_/common.ts → 
      src/instance.ts →
      src/os.ts →
      src/components/MkDriveSelectDialog.vue →
      src/components/MkDrive.vue →
      src/components/MkDrive.file.vue →
      src/router.ts →
      src/pages/settings/navbar.vue →
      src/navbar.ts →







/** @type {import('dependency-cruiser').IConfiguration} */
module.exports = {
  forbidden: [
      name: 'no-circular',
      severity: 'warn',
        'This dependency is part of a circular relationship. You might want to revise ' +
        'your solution (i.e. use dependency inversion, make sure the modules have a single responsibility) ',
      from: {},
      to: {
        circular: true
      name: 'no-orphans',
        "This is an orphan module - it's likely not used (anymore?). Either use it or " +
        "remove it. If it's logical this module is an orphan (i.e. it's a config file), " +
        "add an exception for it in your dependency-cruiser configuration. By default " +
        "this rule does not scrutinize dot-files (e.g. .eslintrc.js), TypeScript declaration " +
        "files (.d.ts), tsconfig.json and some of the babel and webpack configs.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {
        orphan: true,
        pathNot: [
          '(^|/)[.][^/]+[.](js|cjs|mjs|ts|json)$', // dot files
          '[.]d[.]ts$',                            // TypeScript declaration files
          '(^|/)tsconfig[.]json$',                 // TypeScript config
          '(^|/)(babel|webpack)[.]config[.](js|cjs|mjs|ts|json)$' // other configs
      to: {},
      name: 'no-deprecated-core',
        'A module depends on a node core module that has been deprecated. Find an alternative - these are ' +
        "bound to exist - node doesn't deprecate lightly.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
        path: [
      name: 'not-to-deprecated',
        'This module uses a (version of an) npm module that has been deprecated. Either upgrade to a later ' +
        'version of that module, or find an alternative. Deprecated modules are a security risk.',
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
      name: 'no-non-package-json',
      severity: 'error',
        "This module depends on an npm package that isn't in the 'dependencies' section of your package.json. " +
        "That's problematic as the package either (1) won't be available on live (2 - worse) will be " +
        "available on live with an non-guaranteed version. Fix it by adding the package to the dependencies " +
        "in your package.json.",
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
      name: 'not-to-unresolvable',
        "This module depends on a module that cannot be found ('resolved to disk'). If it's an npm " +
        'module: add it to your package.json. In all other cases you likely already know what to do.',
      severity: 'error',
      from: {},
      to: {
        couldNotResolve: true
      name: 'no-duplicate-dep-types',
        "Likely this module depends on an external ('npm') package that occurs more than once " +
        "in your package.json i.e. bot as a devDependencies and in dependencies. This will cause " +
        "maintenance problems later on.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        moreThanOneDependencyType: true,
        // as it's pretty common to have a type import be a type only import
        // _and_ (e.g.) a devDependency - don't consider type-only dependency
        // types for this rule
        dependencyTypesNot: ["type-only"]

    /* rules you might want to tweak for your specific situation: */
      name: 'not-to-test',
        "This module depends on code within a folder that should only contain tests. As tests don't " +
        "implement functionality this is odd. Either you're writing a test outside the test folder " +
        "or there's something in the test folder that isn't a test.",
      severity: 'error',
      from: {
        pathNot: '^(test)'
      to: {
        path: '^(test)'
      name: 'not-to-spec',
        'This module depends on a spec (test) file. The sole responsibility of a spec file is to test code. ' +
        "If there's something in a spec that's of use to other modules, it doesn't have that single " +
        'responsibility anymore. Factor it out into (e.g.) a separate utility/ helper or a mock.',
      severity: 'error',
      from: {},
      to: {
        path: '[.](spec|test)[.](js|mjs|cjs|ts|ls|coffee|litcoffee|coffee[.]md)$'
      name: 'not-to-dev-dep',
      severity: 'error',
        "This module depends on an npm package from the 'devDependencies' section of your " +
        'package.json. It looks like something that ships to production, though. To prevent problems ' +
        "with npm packages that aren't there on production declare it (only!) in the 'dependencies'" +
        'section of your package.json. If this module is development only - add it to the ' +
        'from.pathNot re of the not-to-dev-dep rule in the dependency-cruiser configuration',
      from: {
        path: '^(src)',
        pathNot: '[.](spec|test)[.](js|mjs|cjs|ts|ls|coffee|litcoffee|coffee[.]md)$'
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
        // type only dependencies are not a problem as they don't end up in the
        // production code or are ignored by the runtime.
        dependencyTypesNot: [
        pathNot: [
      name: 'optional-deps-used',
      severity: 'info',
        "This module depends on an npm package that is declared as an optional dependency " +
        "in your package.json. As this makes sense in limited situations only, it's flagged here. " +
        "If you're using an optional dependency here by design - add an exception to your" +
        "dependency-cruiser configuration.",
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
      name: 'peer-deps-used',
        "This module depends on an npm package that is declared as a peer dependency " +
        "in your package.json. This makes sense if your package is e.g. a plugin, but in " +
        "other cases - maybe not so much. If the use of a peer dependency is intentional " +
        "add an exception to your dependency-cruiser configuration.",
      severity: 'warn',
      from: {},
      to: {
        dependencyTypes: [
 // 後略
  • no-circular: 循環参照がないか
  • no-orphans: 孤立しているファイルがないか
  • no-deprecated-core: 非推奨のnode coreモジュールに依存していないか
  • not-to-deprecated: 非推奨のnodeモジュールに依存していないか
  • no-non-package-json: package.jsonのdependenciesに書かれていないnpmパッケージを使っていないか
  • not-to-unresolvable: 解決できないモジュールを使っていないか
  • no-duplicate-dep-types: pakcage.json内の重複の検出
  • not-to-test: テストのみを含むフォルダのコードに依存していないか
  • not-to-spec: specファイルに依存していないか
  • not-to-dev-dep: devDependenciesのみにいるnpmパッケージに依存していないか
  • optional-deps-used: オプショナルの依存を使用していないか
  • peer-deps-used: peer dependencyに依存していないか


GraphViz dotが入っていれば依存を画像化できます。(インタラクティブなHTMLにも出力可能)


pnpm exec depcruise --include-only "^src" --output-type ddot src | dot -T jpg > dependency-graph.jpg


$ pnpm exec depcruise --include-only "^src" --output-type archi src | dot -T jpg > archi-graph.jpg




  • 求心性結合 Ca: 外部から該当モジュールが依存されている数
  • 遠心性結合Ce: モジュールが使っている依存の数

としたとき、不安定度 = Ce / (Ce + Ca)で計算できます。低い方がいいです。

dependency-cruiserだと--output-type metricsで出力できます。

$ pnpm exec depcruise --include-only "^src" --output-type metrics src |grep -v impl
name                                                                 N     Ca     Ce  I (%)
--------------------------------------------------------------- ------ ------ ------ ------
src/_dev_boot_.ts                                                    1      0      1   100%
src/directives/follow-append.ts                                      1      0      1   100%
src/scripts/gen-search-query.ts                                      1      0      1   100%
src/scripts/theme-editor.ts                                          1      0      1   100%
src/widgets                                                         69      2    144    99%
src/boot/main-boot.ts                                                1      1     26    96%
src/ui/deck.vue                                                      1      1     26    96%
src/boot                                                             3      2     46    96%
src/pages/admin-user.vue                                             1      1     22    96%
src/components/index.ts                                              1      1     20    95%
src/pages/channel.vue                                                1      1     20    95%
src/pages/settings/general.vue                                       1      1     20    95%
src/ui/universal.vue                                                 1      1     19    95%
src/pages/instance-info.vue                                          1      1     18    95%
src/pages/settings/profile.vue                                       1      1     18    95%
src/pages/about.vue                                                  1      1     16    94%
src/pages/page.vue                                                   1      1     16    94%
src/pages/user                                                      32      6     96    94%
src/widgets/WidgetDigitalClock.vue                                   1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetFederation.vue                                     1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetInstanceCloud.vue                                  1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetInstanceInfo.vue                                   1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetJobQueue.vue                                       1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetMemo.vue                                           1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetNotifications.vue                                  1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetOnlineUsers.vue                                    1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetPhotos.vue                                         1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetPostForm.vue                                       1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetProfile.vue                                        1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetRss.vue                                            1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetRssTicker.vue                                      1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetSlideshow.vue                                      1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetTimeline.vue                                       1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetTrends.vue                                         1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetUnixClock.vue                                      1      1      0     0%
src/widgets/WidgetUserList.vue                                       1      1      0     0%
src/workers                                                          2      2      0     0%
src/workers/draw-blurhash.ts                                         1      1      0     0%
src/workers/test-webgl2.ts                                           1      1      0     0%





$ pnpm exec depcruise --include-only "^src/components.*vue|^src/pages.*vue" --output-type html src > dependencies.html








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