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超高速仮想ルーター/仮想スイッチ FD.io vppの使い方

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FD.io vppとは

Linux FoundationのプロジェクトであるFD.ioの肝となるサブプロジェクト。

FD.io vppのインストール方法

超高速仮想ルーター FD.io vppをVirtualBoxで動かすに書いたように、apt-getで簡単インストールできます。

FD.io vppのコマンド実行方法


# vppctl show int
              Name               Idx       State          Counter          Count
GigabitEthernet0/8/0              1         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
GigabitEthernet0/9/0              2         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
local0                            0        down



# vppctl
    _______    _        _   _____  ___
 __/ __/ _ \  (_)__    | | / / _ \/ _ \
 _/ _// // / / / _ \   | |/ / ___/ ___/
 /_/ /____(_)_/\___/   |___/_/  /_/

vpp# show int
              Name               Idx       State          Counter          Count
GigabitEthernet0/8/0              1         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
GigabitEthernet0/9/0              2         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
local0                            0        down



コマンドは、Command-line Interface (CLI) Guideで確認できます。
以下のように、クエスチョンマークを入力する事でコマンドの一覧が表示されます。また、show cliコマンドでも同様の結果が得られます。

vpp# ?
  adjacency                      adjacency commands
  api                            api commands
  bfd                            bfd commands
  binary-api                     binary-api [help] <name> [<args>]
  builtin                        builtin commands
  cj                             cj <enable | disable | dump>
  classify                       classify commands
  clear                          Clear commands
  configure                      configure commands
  cop                            cop commands
  create                         create commands
  debug                          debug commands
  delete                         delete commands
  disable                        disable commands
  enable                         enable commands
  event-logger                   event-logger commands
  exec                           Execute commands from file
  flowprobe                      flowprobe commands
  gpe                            gpe [enable|disable]
  history                        Show current session command history
  ikev2                          ikev2 commands
  ila                            ila commands
  interface                      Interface commands
  ip6                            Internet protocol version 6 (IPv6) commands
  ipfix                          ipfix commands
  ipsec                          ipsec commands
  ip                             Internet protocol (IP) commands
  l2fib                          l2fib commands
  l2                             l2 commands
  lb                             lb commands
  lisp                           lisp [enable|disable]
  loopback                       loopback commands
  map                            map commands
  memory-trace                   Enable/disable memory allocation trace
  mpls                           mpls commands
  nat64                          nat64 commands
  oam                            oam [add|del] target <ip4-address> fib <fib-id>
  one                            one [enable|disable]
  p2p_ethernet                   p2p_ethernet <intfc> <mac-address> [del]
  packet-generator               Packet generator commands
  pcap                           pcap commands
  ping                           ping {<ip-addr> | ipv4 <ip4-addr> | ipv6 <ip6-addr>} [ipv4 <ip4-addr> | ipv6 <ip6-addr>] [source <interface>] [size <pktsize>] [interval <sec>] [repeat <cnt>] [table-id <id>] [verbose]
  quit                           Exit CLI
  renumber                       renumber commands
  restart                        restart process
  session                        session [enable|disable]
  set                            Set commands
  show                           Show commands
  sixrd                          sixrd commands
  snat                           snat commands
  sr                             sr commands
  tap                            tap commands
  test                           Test commands
  trace                          Packet tracer commands


TABによる補完は無いようですが、コマンドの一部を省略しても解釈してくれます。以下の例ではshow int とshow interfaceが同じ結果を示しています。

vpp# show int
              Name               Idx       State          Counter          Count
GigabitEthernet0/8/0              1         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
GigabitEthernet0/9/0              2         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
local0                            0        down

vpp# show interface
              Name               Idx       State          Counter          Count
GigabitEthernet0/8/0              1         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
GigabitEthernet0/9/0              2         up       rx packets                   582
                                                     rx bytes                   77859
                                                     tx packets                    16
                                                     tx bytes                     960
                                                     drops                        566
                                                     ip4                          566
local0                            0        down







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