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apply plugin: 'idea'
apply plugin: 'groovy'
apply plugin: 'application'

def defaultEncoding = 'UTF-8'
def jdkVersion = '1.7'

sourceCompatibility = jdkVersion
targetCompatibility = jdkVersion

mainClassName = 'JpaLucene'

repositories {

sourceSets {
    main {
        output.resourcesDir = 'build/classes/main'

dependencies {
    compile 'org.codehaus.groovy:groovy-all:2.1.7'
    compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-entitymanager:4.2.6.Final'
    compile 'org.hibernate:hibernate-search:4.4.0.Final'
    compile 'org.slf4j:slf4j-simple:1.7.5'
    compile 'javassist:javassist:3.12.1.GA'
    compile 'com.h2database:h2:1.3.173'
    compile 'com.google.inject:guice:3.0'
    compile 'com.google.inject.extensions:guice-persist:3.0'

compileGroovy {
    groovyOptions.encoding = defaultEncoding

idea {
    project {
        jdkName = jdkVersion
        languageLevel = jdkVersion



<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<persistence version="2.0"
    <persistence-unit name="example" transaction-type="RESOURCE_LOCAL">
            <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.driver" value="org.h2.Driver" />
            <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.url" value="jdbc:h2:mem:example" />
            <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.user" value="sa" />
            <property name="javax.persistence.jdbc.password" value="" />
            <property name="hibernate.show_sql" value="true" />
            <property name="hibernate.hbm2ddl.auto" value="update" />
            <property name="hibernate.search.default.indexBase" value="indexes" />



import com.google.inject.*
import com.google.inject.persist.*
import com.google.inject.persist.jpa.JpaPersistModule
import org.hibernate.search.annotations.*
import org.hibernate.search.jpa.*

import javax.inject.Inject
import javax.persistence.*

class JpaLucene {
    @Inject BookDao bookDao
    @Inject AuthorDao authorDao
    @Inject BookSearcher bookSearcher

    def storeAndSearch() {
        // store some books
        def names1 = ['Dierk', 'Guillaume', 'Jon', 'Andy', 'Paul']
        def names2 = ['Craig', 'Groovy']
        def authors1 = authorDao.storeAuthors(names1)
        def authors2 = authorDao.storeAuthors(names2)
        bookDao.store(new Book(authors:authors1, title:'Groovy in Action'))
        bookDao.store(new Book(authors:authors2, title:'Spring in Action'))

        // find some books

        // delete all books
        authorDao.deleteAll()   // BookDao#deleteAllで全部削除されるので呼ばなくてもいい

    def static main(args) {
        def injector = Guice.createInjector(new AbstractModule() {
            protected void configure() {
                install(new JpaPersistModule('example'))
        def initializer = injector.getInstance(JpaLuceneInitializer)
        def jpaLucene = injector.getInstance(JpaLucene)

class Book {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    public Long id
    public Set<Author> authors
    public String title
    String toString() { "$title by ${authors.name.join(', ')}" }

class Author {
    @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.AUTO)
    public Long id
    public String name

class BookDao {
    EntityManager em

    def store(book) {

    def deleteAll() {
        em.createQuery('from Book', Book).resultList.each {

class AuthorDao {
    EntityManager em

    def storeAuthors(authors) {
        Set result = []
        authors.each{ def a = new Author(name:it); em.persist(a); result << a }

    def deleteAll() {
        em.createQuery('from Author', Author).resultList.each {

class BookSearcher {
    FullTextEntityManager fullTextEntityManager

    BookSearcher(EntityManager em) {
        fullTextEntityManager = Search.getFullTextEntityManager(em)

    def search(value) {
        def qb = fullTextEntityManager.searchFactory.buildQueryBuilder().forEntity(Book).get()
        def query = qb.keyword().onFields('title', 'authors.name').matching(value).createQuery()
        def books = fullTextEntityManager.createFullTextQuery(query, Book).resultList
        println 'Found ' + books.size() + ' books:'
        books.each { println it }

class JpaLuceneInitializer {
    PersistService service

    JpaLuceneInitializer(PersistService service) {
        this.service = service

    def stop() {



10 25, 2013 11:53:16 午後 org.hibernate.annotations.common.reflection.java.JavaReflectionManager <clinit>
INFO: HCANN000001: Hibernate Commons Annotations {4.0.4.Final}
10 25, 2013 11:53:16 午後 org.hibernate.Version logVersion
INFO: HHH000412: Hibernate Core {4.2.6.Final}
10 25, 2013 11:53:16 午後 org.hibernate.cfg.Environment <clinit>
INFO: HHH000206: hibernate.properties not found
10 25, 2013 11:53:16 午後 org.hibernate.cfg.Environment buildBytecodeProvider
INFO: HHH000021: Bytecode provider name : javassist
10 25, 2013 11:53:17 午後 org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl configure
INFO: HHH000402: Using Hibernate built-in connection pool (not for production use!)
10 25, 2013 11:53:17 午後 org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl configure
INFO: HHH000115: Hibernate connection pool size: 20
10 25, 2013 11:53:17 午後 org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl configure
INFO: HHH000006: Autocommit mode: true
10 25, 2013 11:53:17 午後 org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl configure
INFO: HHH000401: using driver [org.h2.Driver] at URL [jdbc:h2:mem:example]
10 25, 2013 11:53:17 午後 org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl configure
INFO: HHH000046: Connection properties: {user=sa, autocommit=true, release_mode=auto}
10 25, 2013 11:53:17 午後 org.hibernate.dialect.Dialect <init>
INFO: HHH000400: Using dialect: org.hibernate.dialect.H2Dialect
10 25, 2013 11:53:18 午後 org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.TransactionFactoryInitiator initiateService
INFO: HHH000268: Transaction strategy: org.hibernate.engine.transaction.internal.jdbc.JdbcTransactionFactory
10 25, 2013 11:53:18 午後 org.hibernate.hql.internal.ast.ASTQueryTranslatorFactory <init>
INFO: HHH000397: Using ASTQueryTranslatorFactory
10 25, 2013 11:53:18 午後 org.hibernate.search.Version <clinit>
INFO: HSEARCH000034: Hibernate Search 4.4.0.Final
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate execute
INFO: HHH000228: Running hbm2ddl schema update
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate execute
INFO: HHH000102: Fetching database metadata
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate execute
INFO: HHH000396: Updating schema
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Author
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Book
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Book_Author
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Author
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Book
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Book_Author
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Author
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Book
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.DatabaseMetadata getTableMetadata
INFO: HHH000262: Table not found: Book_Author
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.tool.hbm2ddl.SchemaUpdate execute
INFO: HHH000232: Schema update complete
10 25, 2013 11:53:23 午後 org.hibernate.search.impl.ConfigContext getLuceneMatchVersion
WARN: HSEARCH000075: Configuration setting hibernate.search.lucene_version was not specified, using LUCENE_CURRENT.
Hibernate: insert into Author (id, name) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Author (id, name) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Author (id, name) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Author (id, name) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Author (id, name) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Author (id, name) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Author (id, name) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book (id, title) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book_Author (Book_id, authors_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book_Author (Book_id, authors_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book_Author (Book_id, authors_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book_Author (Book_id, authors_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book_Author (Book_id, authors_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book (id, title) values (null, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book_Author (Book_id, authors_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: insert into Book_Author (Book_id, authors_id) values (?, ?)
Hibernate: select this_.id as id1_1_0_, this_.title as title2_1_0_ from Book this_ where (this_.id in (?, ?))
Found 2 books:
Groovy in Action by Andy, Paul, Jon, Dierk, Guillaume
Spring in Action by Craig, Groovy
Hibernate: select book0_.id as id1_1_, book0_.title as title2_1_ from Book book0_
Hibernate: delete from Book_Author where Book_id=?
Hibernate: delete from Book_Author where Book_id=?
Hibernate: delete from Author where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Author where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Author where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Author where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Author where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Book where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Author where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Author where id=?
Hibernate: delete from Book where id=?
Hibernate: select author0_.id as id1_0_, author0_.name as name2_0_ from Author author0_
10 25, 2013 11:53:26 午後 org.hibernate.service.jdbc.connections.internal.DriverManagerConnectionProviderImpl stop
INFO: HHH000030: Cleaning up connection pool [jdbc:h2:mem:example]

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