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Homebrew のキャッシュが思いのほか大きかったのでクリーンアップした

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Homebrew でソフトウェアをアップデートすると,アップデート前のファイルも残っていてそれが結構な大きさになっているらしい



       cleanup [--prune=days] [--dry-run] [-s] [formulae]
              For all installed or specific formulae, remove any older versions from the cellar. In addition,  old  down-
              loads from the Homebrew download-cache are deleted.

              If --prune=days is specified, remove all cache files older than days.

              If --dry-run or -n is passed, show what would be removed, but do not actually remove anything.

              If  -s is passed, scrubs the cache, removing downloads for even the latest versions of formulae. Note down-
              loads for any installed formulae will still not be deleted. If you want to delete those too: rm -rf  $(brew


$ brew cleanup
Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.61.0... (12,259 files, 438.4M)
Removing: /usr/local/Cellar/boost/1.61.0_1... (12,259 files, 438.6M)
Removing: /Users/user/Library/Logs/Homebrew/webp... (6 files, 450.4K)
==> This operation has freed approximately 8.6G of disk space.

8.6 GB も空き容量が増えました.


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