この記事は 1日1CTF Advent Calendar 2024 の 1 日目の記事です。
witches_symmetric_exam (問題出典: SECCON CTF 2022 Quals)
crypto witch made a exam. The exam has to communicate with witch and saying secret spell correctly. Have fun ;)
GitHub リポジトリ: https://github.com/SECCON/SECCON2022_online_CTF/tree/main/crypto/witches_symmetric_exam
from Crypto.Cipher import AES
from Crypto.Random import get_random_bytes
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from flag import flag, secret_spell
key = get_random_bytes(16)
nonce = get_random_bytes(16)
def encrypt():
data = secret_spell
gcm_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=nonce)
gcm_ciphertext, gcm_tag = gcm_cipher.encrypt_and_digest(data)
ofb_input = pad(gcm_tag + gcm_cipher.nonce + gcm_ciphertext, 16)
ofb_iv = get_random_bytes(16)
ofb_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv=ofb_iv)
ciphertext = ofb_cipher.encrypt(ofb_input)
return ofb_iv + ciphertext
def decrypt(data):
ofb_iv = data[:16]
ofb_ciphertext = data[16:]
ofb_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_OFB, iv=ofb_iv)
m = ofb_cipher.decrypt(ofb_ciphertext)
temp = unpad(m, 16)
return b"ofb error"
gcm_tag = temp[:16]
gcm_nonce = temp[16:32]
gcm_ciphertext = temp[32:]
gcm_cipher = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_GCM, nonce=gcm_nonce)
plaintext = gcm_cipher.decrypt_and_verify(gcm_ciphertext, gcm_tag)
return b"gcm error"
if b"give me key" == plaintext:
your_spell = input("ok, please say secret spell:").encode()
if your_spell == secret_spell:
return flag
return b"Try Harder"
return b"ok"
print(f"ciphertext: {encrypt().hex()}")
while True:
c = input("ciphertext: ")
任意のデータを鍵が共通の AES_OFB → AES_GCM で復号化して、途中でエラーが出た時は OFB, GCM のどちらでエラーが出たのか教えてくれる (ただし復号化の結果は返さない) オラクルがあるので、
- 復号化すると
give me key
となるような暗号文 - AES_GCM → AES_OFB で暗号化した暗号文 (最初に渡される) を復号化したもの
Wikipedia の AES_OFB の復号化の図を眺めると、Padding Oracle Attack を用いることで、任意の平文を AES(_ECB) で暗号化した結果がわかりそう。そうすれば、好き勝手に AES_OFB で暗号化/復号化 可能。
def encrypt(plaintext):
ciphertext = b""
for i in range(16):
for j in range(256):
c = (bytes([j]) + ciphertext).rjust(16, b"\x00")
c = strxor(c, bytes([i + 1]) * 16)
io.sendline((plaintext + c).hex().encode())
for j in range(256):
res = io.recvuntil(b"error")
if b"gcm error" in res:
ciphertext = bytes([j]) + ciphertext
return ciphertext
Wikipedia の AES_GCM の仕組みも眺めてみると、これもさっきのオラクルがあれば何でもできそう。復号化も、暗号化も、タグ生成も可能。
pycryptodome の実装 とにらめっこして頑張って実装する。
from pwn import *
from Crypto.Util.number import long_to_bytes, bytes_to_long
from Crypto.Util.Padding import pad, unpad
from Crypto.Util.strxor import strxor
from Crypto.Cipher._mode_gcm import _ghash_portable, _GHASH
io = process(["python3", "problem.py"])
io.recvuntil(b"ciphertext: ")
ciphertext = bytes.fromhex(io.recvline().strip().decode())
def encrypt(plaintext):
ciphertext = b""
for i in range(16):
for j in range(256):
c = (bytes([j]) + ciphertext).rjust(16, b"\x00")
c = strxor(c, bytes([i + 1]) * 16)
io.sendline((plaintext + c).hex().encode())
for j in range(256):
res = io.recvuntil(b"error")
if b"gcm error" in res:
ciphertext = bytes([j]) + ciphertext
return ciphertext
# ciphertext を復号する
# 1. OFB
ofb_iv = ciphertext[:16]
ciphertext = ciphertext[16:]
plaintext = b""
while len(ciphertext):
c = encrypt(ofb_iv)
plaintext += strxor(c, ciphertext[:16])
ofb_iv = c
ciphertext = ciphertext[16:]
plaintext = unpad(plaintext, 16)
# 2. GCM
gcm_tag = plaintext[:16]
gcm_nonce = plaintext[16:32]
gcm_ciphertext = plaintext[32:]
hash_subkey = encrypt(b"\x00" * 16)
ghash_in = gcm_nonce + b"\x00" * 15 + b"\x80"
j0 = _GHASH(hash_subkey, _ghash_portable).update(ghash_in).digest()
nonce_ctr = j0[:12]
iv_ctr = (bytes_to_long(j0) + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
plaintext = b""
while len(gcm_ciphertext):
c = encrypt(nonce_ctr + long_to_bytes(iv_ctr, 4))
if len(gcm_ciphertext) < 16:
c = c[: len(gcm_ciphertext)]
plaintext += strxor(c, gcm_ciphertext[:16])
gcm_ciphertext = gcm_ciphertext[16:]
iv_ctr = (iv_ctr + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
secret_spell = plaintext
print(f"{secret_spell = }")
# b"give me key" を暗号化する
# 1. GCM (nonce はさっきのを使い回す)
plaintext = b"give me key"
iv_ctr = (bytes_to_long(j0) + 1) & 0xFFFFFFFF
c = encrypt(nonce_ctr + long_to_bytes(iv_ctr, 4))
c = c[: len(plaintext)]
gcm_ciphertext = strxor(c, plaintext)
hash = (
_GHASH(hash_subkey, _ghash_portable)
+ b"\x00" * (31 - len(gcm_ciphertext))
+ bytes([8 * len(gcm_ciphertext)])
gcm_tag = strxor(hash, encrypt(j0))
plaintext = pad(gcm_tag + gcm_nonce + gcm_ciphertext, 16)
# 2. OFB
ofb_iv = b"hiikunZ_hogehoge" # 16 bytes ならなんでもいい
ciphertext = ofb_iv
while len(plaintext):
c = encrypt(ofb_iv)
ciphertext += strxor(c, plaintext[:16])
ofb_iv = c
plaintext = plaintext[16:]
print(f"{ciphertext.hex() = }")
io.recvuntil(b"ciphertext: ")
io.recvuntil(b"ok, please say secret spell:")
flag: SECCON{you_solved_this!?I_g1ve_y0u_symmetr1c_cipher_mage_certificate}