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AGL: automotive grade linux

Last updated at Posted at 2025-02-19

how to get source code

See https://wiki.automotivelinux.org/agl-distro/source-code

~/work$ mkdir agl
~/work$ cd agl
~/work/agl$ repo init -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo
Downloading Repo source from https://gerrit.googlesource.com/git-repo

... A new version of repo (2.50) is available.
... You should upgrade soon:
    cp /home/user/work/agl/.repo/repo/repo /home/user/bin/repo

repo has been initialized in /home/user/work/agl
~/work/agl$ repo sync -j 8

... A new version of repo (2.50) is available.
... You should upgrade soon:
    cp /home/user/work/agl/.repo/repo/repo /home/user/bin/repo

Fetching: 100% (33/33), done in 1m49.316s
Checking out: 100% (33/33), done in 0.634s
repo sync has finished successfully.

~/work/agl$ du -ak | tail -1
1146940	.


how to build

$ sudo apt install chrpath gawk
~/work/agl$ source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -m qemux86-64 agl-demo agl-devel agl-netboot
/work/agl/agl-demo/build$ bitbake agl-ivi-demo-flutter
bitbake agl-ivi-demo-flutter
Loading cache: 100% |##################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:01
Loaded 5310 entries from dependency cache.
Parsing recipes: 100% |################################################################################################################| Time: 0:00:00
Parsing of 3301 .bb files complete (3300 cached, 1 parsed). 5311 targets, 609 skipped, 1 masked, 0 errors.
NOTE: Resolving any missing task queue dependencies
NOTE: Multiple providers are available for runtime kuksa-can-provider-conf (kuksa-can-provider, kuksa-can-provider-conf-agl)
Consider defining a PREFERRED_RPROVIDER entry to match kuksa-can-provider-conf

Build Configuration:
BB_VERSION           = "2.8.0"
BUILD_SYS            = "x86_64-linux"
NATIVELSBSTRING      = "ubuntu-22.04"
TARGET_SYS           = "x86_64-agl-linux"
MACHINE              = "qemux86-64"
DISTRO               = "poky-agl"
DISTRO_VERSION       = "19.90.0"
TUNE_FEATURES        = "m64 corei7"
TARGET_FPU           = ""
meta-selinux         = "HEAD:3aff015697fa056b4af83b1c9ba44eca346a8a37"
meta-agl-flutter     = "HEAD:005d2b0a27ebdd21fb2aaa589c8672650474b055"
meta-flutter-apps    = "HEAD:f12d340d5ac0bb5519e0bdb3d750c805501af308"
meta-app-framework   = "HEAD:005d2b0a27ebdd21fb2aaa589c8672650474b055"
meta-agl-demo        = "HEAD:3a79b311f597c5f390cb6e7aae636f97fa4e724b"
meta-multimedia      = "HEAD:b8d1a14f7f3b76457c36752202ea7ae5881b6654"
meta-clang           = "HEAD:9fbfa9db33131abdf3870a94f00199eb53e276e5"
meta-qt6             = "HEAD:57fef415fcde6c3d70a028f42f318f455633dc97"
meta-oe              = "HEAD:b8d1a14f7f3b76457c36752202ea7ae5881b6654"
meta-agl-bsp         = "HEAD:005d2b0a27ebdd21fb2aaa589c8672650474b055"
meta-poky            = "HEAD:2541a8171f91812a4b16e7dc4da0d77d2318a256"

raspberry pi5

mkdir -P ~/work/agl
echo 'export AGL_TOP=~/work/agl' >> $HOME/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc
cd ~/work/agl
repo init -u https://gerrit.automotivelinux.org/gerrit/AGL/AGL-repo
repo sync -j 16
source meta-agl/scripts/aglsetup.sh -m raspberrypi5 -b build-raspberrypi5 agl-demo agl-devel
bitbake agl-ivi-demo-flutter
cd tmp/deploy/images/raspberrypi5/
xz -dc agl-ivi-demo-flutter-raspberrypi5.rootfs-20250226013255.wic.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/sdX bs=4M status=progress

なお、buildは一発では通らず、何度か bitbake agl-ivi-demo-flutter すれば通った。何も修正はしていないが。依存関係とかの解決がだめなのかな????それともbuild時にfailするとそのcomponent skipされている???

AGL19.90.0(trout) on Rpi5でわかったこと


  • WiFi/BTはつながっていない (scan結果の表示になっていない)
  • mouseをつなげばうごく
  • 電源ボタンは動く
  • 起動は22sec程度でAGL logoがでた (continueまでがでるまでは27secぐらい?)
  • profileの保存は動いている
  • USB上のmedia再生もできないようだ?
  • kernel 6.6.22-v8-16k : armv8で16k page!?
  • free
    field value
    total 8,239,120
    used 961,184
    free 7,046,256
    shared 505,344
    buff/cache 805,040
    available 7,277,936
  • df
    node 1K-blocks used available occupation mount point
    /dev/root 2,325,604 1,311,172 874,248 60% /
    tmpfs 4,119,552 0 4,119,552 0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs 1,647,824 12,848 1,634,976 1% /run
    tmpfs 823,904 16 82,388 1% /run/user/1001
    tmpfs 4,119,568 0 4,119,568 0% /tmp
    tmpfs 4,119,552 64 4,119,488 0% /var/volatile
    /dev/mmcblk0p1 132,964 50,896 82,068 39% /boot

other notices

  • RaspberryPi5ってば、micro HDMI。。。 (たまたまアダプターあったので助かったが、はまると思うので注意)

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