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OSM Djibouti vector tile build in 3 minutes

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About this document

This is a log of building OSM Djibouti vector tiles based on a great entry by yuiseki at 3分のブラウザ操作で、いますぐ無料でベクトルタイル地図をBuild, Deploy, Hostingしよう.

Identify the source data

By googling "geofabrik djibouti", I identified https://download.geofabrik.de/africa/djibouti.html as the source data location.

Create a Github repository

I created https://github.com/optgeo/vector-tile-djibouti using https://github.com/yuiseki/vector-tile-builder as the template.

Edit the .env file

I edited https://github.com/optgeo/vector-tile-djibouti/blob/main/.env updating europe/andorra to africa/djibouti.

Enable GitHub Pages from gh-pages branch.

Enabled at https://github.com/optgeo/vector-tile-djibouti/settings/pages.

The site is ready after waiting a few minutes.

The site is at https://optgeo.github.io/vector-tile-djibouti/.


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