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Python - Zip , Unzip File with python 3

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Hey guys! How have you been doing? I hope you are doing good :). Ok, Let get into our today topic. Recently , I have been working on the python project which related to Compression , Extracting file and I think it is a useful function of python so I want to share it with you.Ok, Let's get started.


###1. Zip File

Many people when they are working with Zip file , they only use Python zipFile Library. But today I will introduce you to another library which is shutil. It is really simple and easy to compress a file.


Before is my project structure.

Screen Shot 2018-06-06 at 10.50.44 AM.png

let say , I want to zip the .txt file. We can do it like this (see below code)

import shutil

zipOutputName = "archive"
fileType = "zip"
path = "./testZip"
fileName = "XN92RSUKPS.txt"

  1. First you need to import shutil Library
  2. zipOutputName : is the output name of your zip file.
  3. fileType : type of compression.
  4. path : the path to the file or directory
  5. fileName : file that we need to zip.

We also can zip the whole directory (see below code)

import shutil

zipOutputName = "archive"
fileType = "zip"
path = "."
fileName = "testZip"


###2. Unzip File
Ok, after we learn how to compress file. Now it time to learn how to extract file. This time we will use zipFile library.

import zipfile

zipfilePath = ("./archive.zip")
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(zipfilePath)
  1. So to unzip , first we import zipfile library
  2. Then we need to provide file / directory path.
  3. after that we give the output path to extractall method.

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