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Laravel 5.6 データベース:マイグレーションのカラム作成にあるメソッド実行してみた。


  • Laravel Framework 5.6.14
  • MySQL 5.7.21


Laravel MySQL
bigIncrements('hoge_bigIncrements'); 'hoge_bigIncrements' bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
bigInteger('hoge_bigInteger'); 'hoge_bigInteger' bigint not null,
binary('hoge_binary'); 'hoge_binary' blob not null,
boolean('hoge_boolean'); 'hoge_boolean' tinyint(1) not null,
char('hoge_char', 100); 'hoge_char' char(100) not null,
date('hoge_date'); 'hoge_date' date not null,
dateTime('hoge_dateTime'); 'hoge_dateTime' datetime not null,
dateTimeTz('hoge_dateTimeTz'); 'hoge_dateTimeTz' datetime not null,
decimal('hoge_decimal', 8, 2); 'hoge_decimal' decimal(8, 2) not null,
double('hoge_double', 8, 2); 'hoge_double' double(8, 2) not null,
enum('hoge_enum', ['man', 'woman']); 'hoge_enum' enum('man', 'woman') not null,
float('hoge_float', 8, 2); 'hoge_float' double(8, 2) not null,
geometry('hoge_geometry'); 'hoge_geometry' geometry not null,
geometryCollection('hoge_geometryCollection'); 'hoge_geometryCollection' geometrycollection not null,
increments('hoge_increments'); 'hoge_increments' int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
integer('hoge_integer'); 'hoge_integer' int not null,
ipAddress('hoge_ipAddress'); 'hoge_ipAddress' varchar(45) not null,
json('hoge_json'); 'hoge_json' json not null,
jsonb('hoge_jsonb'); 'hoge_jsonb' json not null,
lineString('hoge_lineString'); 'hoge_lineString' linestring not null,
longText('hoge_longText'); 'hoge_longText' longtext not null,
macAddress('hoge_macAddress'); 'hoge_macAddress' varchar(17) not null,
mediumIncrements('hoge_mediumIncrements'); 'hoge_mediumIncrements' mediumint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
mediumInteger('hoge_mediumInteger'); 'hoge_mediumInteger' mediumint not null,
mediumText('hoge_mediumText'); 'hoge_mediumText' mediumtext not null,
morphs('hoge_morphs'); 'hoge_morphs_type' varchar(255) not null,
'hoge_morphs_id' bigint unsigned not null,
multiLineString('hoge_multiLineString'); 'hoge_multiLineString' multilinestring not null,
multiPoint('hoge_multiPoint'); 'hoge_multiPoint' multipoint not null,
multiPolygon('hoge_multiPolygon'); 'hoge_multiPolygon' multipolygon not null,
nullableMorphs('hoge_nullableMorphs'); 'hoge_nullableMorphs_type' varchar(255) null,
'hoge_nullableMorphs_id' bigint unsigned null,
nullableTimestamps(); 'created_at' timestamp null,
'updated_at' timestamp null,
point('hoge_point'); 'hoge_point' point not null,
polygon('hoge_polygon'); 'hoge_polygon' polygon not null,
rememberToken(); 'remember_token' varchar(100) null,
smallIncrements('hoge_smallIncrements'); 'hoge_smallIncrements' smallint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
smallInteger('hoge_smallInteger'); 'hoge_smallInteger' smallint not null,
softDeletes(); 'deleted_at' timestamp null,
softDeletesTz(); 'deleted_at' timestamp null,
string('hoge_string', 100); 'hoge_string' varchar(100) not null,
text('hoge_text'); 'hoge_text' text not null,
time('hoge_time'); 'hoge_time' time not null,
timeTz('hoge_timeTz'); 'hoge_timeTz' time not null,
timestamp('hoge_timestamp'); 'hoge_timestamp' timestamp not null,
timestampTz('hoge_timestampTz'); 'hoge_timestampTz' timestamp not null,
timestamps(); 'created_at' timestamp null,
'updated_at' timestamp null,
timestampsTz(); 'created_at' timestamp null,
'updated_at' timestamp null,
tinyIncrements('hoge_tinyIncrements'); 'hoge_tinyIncrements' tinyint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
tinyInteger('hoge_tinyInteger'); 'hoge_tinyInteger' tinyint not null,
unsignedBigInteger('hoge_unsignedBigInteger'); 'hoge_unsignedBigInteger' bigint unsigned not null,
unsignedDecimal('hoge_unsignedDecimal', 8, 2); 'hoge_unsignedDecimal' decimal(8, 2) unsigned not null,
unsignedInteger('hoge_unsignedInteger'); 'hoge_unsignedInteger' int unsigned not null,
unsignedMediumInteger('hoge_unsignedMediumInteger'); 'hoge_unsignedMediumInteger' mediumint unsigned not null,
unsignedSmallInteger('hoge_unsignedSmallInteger'); 'hoge_unsignedSmallInteger' smallint unsigned not null,
unsignedTinyInteger('hoge_unsignedTinyInteger'); 'hoge_unsignedTinyInteger' tinyint unsigned not null,
uuid('hoge_uuid'); 'hoge_uuid' char(36) not null,
year('hoge_year'); 'hoge_year' year not null




- Laravel
  public function up() {
    Schema::create('hoges', function (Blueprint $table) {
      $table->char('hoge_char', 100);
      $table->decimal('hoge_decimal', 8, 2);
      $table->double('hoge_double', 8, 2);
      $table->enum('hoge_enum', ['man', 'woman']);
      $table->float('hoge_float', 8, 2);
      $table->string('hoge_string', 100);
      $table->unsignedDecimal('hoge_unsignedDecimal', 8, 2);
  • MySQL
  create table `hoges` (
    `hoge_bigIncrements` bigint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    `hoge_bigInteger` bigint not null,
    `hoge_binary` blob not null,
    `hoge_boolean` tinyint(1) not null,
    `hoge_char` char(100) not null,
    `hoge_date` date not null,
    `hoge_dateTime` datetime not null,
    `hoge_dateTimeTz` datetime not null,
    `hoge_decimal` decimal(8, 2) not null,
    `hoge_double` double(8, 2) not null,
    `hoge_enum` enum('man', 'woman') not null,
    `hoge_float` double(8, 2) not null,
    `hoge_geometry` geometry not null,
    `hoge_geometryCollection` geometrycollection not null,
    `hoge_increments` int unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    `hoge_integer` int not null,
    `hoge_ipAddress` varchar(45) not null,
    `hoge_json` json not null,
    `hoge_jsonb` json not null,
    `hoge_lineString` linestring not null,
    `hoge_longText` longtext not null,
    `hoge_macAddress` varchar(17) not null,
    `hoge_mediumIncrements` mediumint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    `hoge_mediumInteger` mediumint not null,
    `hoge_mediumText` mediumtext not null,
    `hoge_morphs_type` varchar(255) not null,
    `hoge_morphs_id` bigint unsigned not null,
    `hoge_multiLineString` multilinestring not null,
    `hoge_multiPoint` multipoint not null,
    `hoge_multiPolygon` multipolygon not null,
    `hoge_nullableMorphs_type` varchar(255) null,
    `hoge_nullableMorphs_id` bigint unsigned null,
    `created_at` timestamp null,
    `updated_at` timestamp null,
    `hoge_point` point not null,
    `hoge_polygon` polygon not null,
    `remember_token` varchar(100) null,
    `hoge_smallIncrements` smallint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    `hoge_smallInteger` smallint not null,
    `deleted_at` timestamp null,
    `deleted_at` timestamp null,
    `hoge_string` varchar(100) not null,
    `hoge_text` text not null,
    `hoge_time` time not null,
    `hoge_timeTz` time not null,
    `hoge_timestamp` timestamp not null,
    `hoge_timestampTz` timestamp not null,
    `created_at` timestamp null,
    `updated_at` timestamp null,
    `created_at` timestamp null,
    `updated_at` timestamp null,
    `hoge_tinyIncrements` tinyint unsigned not null auto_increment primary key,
    `hoge_tinyInteger` tinyint not null,
    `hoge_unsignedBigInteger` bigint unsigned not null,
    `hoge_unsignedDecimal` decimal(8, 2) unsigned not null,
    `hoge_unsignedInteger` int unsigned not null,
    `hoge_unsignedMediumInteger` mediumint unsigned not null,
    `hoge_unsignedSmallInteger` smallint unsigned not null,
    `hoge_unsignedTinyInteger` tinyint unsigned not null,
    `hoge_uuid` char(36) not null,
    `hoge_year` year not null
  ) default character set utf8mb4 collate utf8mb4_unicode_ci)




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