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rbenv環境でのCould not verify the SSL certificateというエラーの対処方法

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railsのプロジェクトでbundle installをしようとしたら、下記のエラーに出会いました。

[hatone@MAC]~/hogehoge% bundle install
Fetching source index from https://rubygems.org/
Could not verify the SSL certificate for https://rubygems.org/.
There is a chance you are experiencing a man-in-the-middle attack, but most likely your system doesn't have the CA certificates needed for verification. For information about OpenSSL certificates, see bit.ly/ruby-ssl. To connect without using SSL, edit your Gemfile
sources and change 'https' to 'http'.

rvmでの対処方法はこちら bundle install する時、証明書エラーが出る。にありました。

[hatone@MAC]~/hogehoge% ruby -ropenssl -e 'p OpenSSL::X509::DEFAULT_CERT_FILE'
[hatone@MAC]~/hogehoge% cp /usr/local/Cellar/curl-ca-bundle/1.87/share/ca-bundle.crt /usr/local/etc/openssl/cert.pem

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