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Last updated at Posted at 2021-06-06






・ 2小節目と4小節目のパラメータに対して微小変位を加えることで摂動っぽさを与え、似たフレーズだけれども全く同じではないフレーズとなるモチーフ表現の試み
・ 0.5小節単位で音階を転調することでコード進行が表現できるかの試み



こちらのサンプルでは、通称「小室進行」と呼ばれる Ⅵm→Ⅳ→Ⅴ→Ⅰ を繰り返す進行を採用しています。

# include <Siv3D.hpp>

enum KeyList {
    C, CS, D, DS, E, F, FS, G, GS, A, AS, B,
    Cm, CSm, Dm, DSm, Em, Fm, FSm, Gm, GSm, Am, ASm, Bm

class SoundSetting {

    GMInstrument inst = GMInstrument::FifthSawWave; //FifthSawWaveはゲーム音楽感があっておすすめ
    SecondsF tpc = 0.5s; //発音継続時間
    Audio pC  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::C4, tpc);
    Audio pCS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::CS4, tpc);
    Audio pD  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::D4, tpc);
    Audio pDS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::DS4, tpc);
    Audio pE  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::E4, tpc);
    Audio pF  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::F4, tpc);
    Audio pFS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::FS4, tpc);
    Audio pG  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::G4, tpc);
    Audio pGS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::GS4, tpc);
    Audio pA  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::A4, tpc);
    Audio pAS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::AS4, tpc);
    Audio pB  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::B4, tpc);
    Array<Audio> key = { pC, pCS, pD, pDS, pE, pF, pFS, pG, pGS, pA, pAS, pB };
    Array<String> dispKey = { U"C. ", U"C#", U"D. ", U"D#", U"E. ", U"F. ", U"F#", U"G. ", U"G#", U"A. ", U"A#", U"B. " };

    Array<Audio> setKey(int s, bool major)
        if (major)
            return { key[(2 + s) % 12] , key[(11 + s) % 12], key[(7 + s) % 12] , key[(4 + s) % 12] , key[(0 + s) % 12] , key[(9 + s) % 12] , key[(5 + s) % 12] };
            return { key[(11 + s) % 12] , key[(7 + s) % 12], key[(4 + s) % 12] , key[(0 + s) % 12] , key[(9 + s) % 12] , key[(5 + s) % 12] , key[(2 + s) % 12] };

    s3d::String setDispKey(int s, bool major)
        if (major)
            return dispKey[(2 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(11 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(7 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(4 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(0 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(9 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(5 + s) % 12];
            return dispKey[(11 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(7 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(4 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(0 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(9 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(5 + s) % 12] + U"  " + dispKey[(2 + s) % 12];

    int beat = 200; //発音間隔[msec]
    int bar = beat * 16; //1小節(2π分)[msec]

    Array<Audio> CM = setKey(0, true);
    Array<Audio> CSM = setKey(1, true);
    Array<Audio> DM = setKey(2, true);
    Array<Audio> DSM = setKey(3, true);
    Array<Audio> EM = setKey(4, true);
    Array<Audio> FM = setKey(5, true);
    Array<Audio> FSM = setKey(6, true);
    Array<Audio> GM = setKey(7, true);
    Array<Audio> GSM = setKey(8, true);
    Array<Audio> AM = setKey(9, true);
    Array<Audio> ASM = setKey(10, true);
    Array<Audio> BM = setKey(11, true);

    Array<Audio> Cm = setKey(3, false);
    Array<Audio> CSm = setKey(4, false);
    Array<Audio> Dm = setKey(5, false);
    Array<Audio> DSm = setKey(6, false);
    Array<Audio> Em = setKey(7, false);
    Array<Audio> Fm = setKey(8, false);
    Array<Audio> FSm = setKey(9, false);
    Array<Audio> Gm = setKey(10, false);
    Array<Audio> GSm = setKey(11, false);
    Array<Audio> Am = setKey(0, false);
    Array<Audio> ASm = setKey(1, false);
    Array<Audio> Bm = setKey(2, false);

    String dispCM = setDispKey(0, true);
    String dispCSM = setDispKey(1, true);
    String dispDM = setDispKey(2, true);
    String dispDSM = setDispKey(3, true);
    String dispEM = setDispKey(4, true);
    String dispFM = setDispKey(5, true);
    String dispFSM = setDispKey(6, true);
    String dispGM = setDispKey(7, true);
    String dispGSM = setDispKey(8, true);
    String dispAM = setDispKey(9, true);
    String dispASM = setDispKey(10, true);
    String dispBM = setDispKey(11, true);

    String dispCm = setDispKey(3, false);
    String dispCSm = setDispKey(4, false);
    String dispDm = setDispKey(5, false);
    String dispDSm = setDispKey(6, false);
    String dispEm = setDispKey(7, false);
    String dispFm = setDispKey(8, false);
    String dispFSm = setDispKey(9, false);
    String dispGm = setDispKey(10, false);
    String dispGSm = setDispKey(11, false);
    String dispAm = setDispKey(0, false);
    String dispASm = setDispKey(1, false);
    String dispBm = setDispKey(2, false);

    Array<KeyList> inputKey = { KeyList::C, KeyList::CS, KeyList::D, KeyList::DS, KeyList::E, KeyList::F, KeyList::FS, KeyList::G, KeyList::GS, KeyList::A, KeyList::AS, KeyList::B,
                                KeyList::Cm, KeyList::CSm, KeyList::Dm, KeyList::DSm, KeyList::Em, KeyList::Fm, KeyList::FSm, KeyList::Gm, KeyList::GSm, KeyList::Am, KeyList::ASm, KeyList::Bm };
    Array<Array<Audio>> outputSound = { CM, CSM, DM, DSM, EM, FM, FSM, GM, GSM, AM, ASM, BM,
                            Cm, CSm, Dm, DSm, Em, Fm, FSm, Gm, GSm, Am, ASm, Bm };
    Array<String> outputDispSound = { dispCM, dispCSM, dispDM, dispDSM, dispEM, dispFM, dispFSM, dispGM, dispGSM, dispAM, dispASM, dispBM,
                            dispCm, dispCSm, dispDm, dispDSm, dispEm, dispFm, dispFSm, dispGm, dispGSm, dispAm, dispASm, dispBm };
    Array<String> outputKey = { U"C" ,U"C#" ,U"D", U"D#", U"E", U"F", U"F#", U"G", U"G#", U"A", U"A#", U"B",
                                U"Cm" ,U"C#m" ,U"Dm", U"D#m", U"Em", U"Fm", U"F#m", U"Gm", U"G#m", U"Am", U"A#m", U"Bm" };
    SoundSetting(SecondsF _tpc, int _beat) //発音時間[s]、発音間隔[msec]
        tpc = _tpc;
        pC  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::C4, tpc);
        pCS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::CS4, tpc);
        pD  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::D4, tpc);
        pDS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::DS4, tpc);
        pE  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::E4, tpc);
        pF  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::F4, tpc);
        pFS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::FS4, tpc);
        pG  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::G4, tpc);
        pGS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::GS4, tpc);
        pA  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::A4, tpc);
        pAS = Audio(inst, PianoKey::AS4, tpc);
        pB  = Audio(inst, PianoKey::B4, tpc);
        beat = _beat;
        bar = beat * 16;

    Array<int> ChordSetting(Array<KeyList> c) //コード進行
        Array<int> r;
        for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++)
            for (int j = 0; j < inputKey.size(); j++)
                if (c[i] == inputKey[j])
                    r << j;
        return r;

class ChanceOperation {

    double para[5] = { 1,1,1,1,1 };

    double thre[8] = { -14.0 / 7.0 , -10.0 / 7.0 , -6.0 / 7.0 , -2.0 / 7.0 , 2.0 / 7.0 , 6.0 / 7.0 , 10.0 / 7.0, 14.0 / 7.0 };

    Array<Vec2> pos = Array<Vec2>(10, Vec2(0.0, 0.0)); //現在位置
    LineString lineBack; //軌道表示
    Effect effect; //エフェクト用
    SoundSetting ss = SoundSetting::SoundSetting(0s, 0); //音声設定用
    Array<int> chordProg = {0};

    bool play = false; //再生用
    uint64 passedTimer = 0; //更新時間管理用
    uint64 beatTimer = 0; //発音時間管理用
    double t = 0.0; //経過時間[sec]
    bool on = false; //発音判定用
    int count = 0; //発音回数
    int repeat = 0; //繰り返しカウント用
    int currentChord = 0; //現在のコード進行
    int chordChange = 0; // コード変更フラグ
    int paraHist[2] = { 0, 0 }; //パラメータ保存用
    bool motif = true; //モチーフ有効

    double equationX(double t, double p[5], double period)
        return (sin(p[0] * Math::TwoPi * t / (double)period) - pow(sin(p[1] * Math::TwoPi * t / (double)period), 3));

    double equationY(double t, double p[5], double period)
        return (cos(p[2] * Math::TwoPi * t / (double)period) - pow(cos(p[3] * Math::TwoPi * t / (double)period), 3)) * p[4];

    LineString updateLine(Array<Vec2> m, Vec2 p, int ex)
        LineString L;
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
            L << Vec2(m[9 - i].x * ex + p.x, p.y - m[9 - i].y * ex);
        return L;

    void setPara(double p[5])
        p[0] = pow(-1, RandomBool()) * Random(1, 10);
        p[1] = pow(-1, RandomBool()) * Random(1, 10);
        if ((int)p[0] == (int)p[1])
            Array<int32> values = { -9,-8,-7,-6,-5,-4,-3,-2,-1,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 };
            values = values.removed((int32)((int)p[0]));
            p[1] = Sample(values);
        p[2] = Random(1, 10);
        p[3] = Random(1, 10);
        if (p[2] == p[3])
            p[3] = ((int)p[2] + Random(1, 9)) % 10;
            if (p[3] == 0)
                p[3] = 10;
        p[4] = Sample({ 1,-1 });

    LineString setBack(double para[5], Vec2 p, int ex)
        LineString L;
        for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
            double x = equationX(i, para, 1000);
            double y = equationY(i, para, 1000);
            L << Vec2(x * ex + p.x, p.y - y * ex);
        return L;

    struct AttackEffect : IEffect
        Rect pos;

        AttackEffect(const Rect& rec)
            : pos(rec.x, rec.y, rec.w, rec.h) {}

        bool update(double t) override
            pos.draw(ColorF(Palette::Magenta, (0.2 - t) / 0.2));

            return t < 0.2;

    const Font font = Font(15);
    double volumeMax = 0.4;
    double volumeMin = 0.15;
    int ex = 50; //拡大倍率
    Vec2 px = Vec2(225, 260); //表示ポジション
    Array<Audio> sound = ss.CM;

    ChanceOperation(SoundSetting _ss, Array<KeyList> _cprog)
        ss = _ss;
        chordProg = ss.ChordSetting(_cprog);
        sound = ss.outputSound[chordProg[0]];

    void KeyAction() //スタート・ストップのキーアクション用
        if (!play) //起動
            play = true;
            passedTimer = Time::GetMicrosecSinceEpoch();
            beatTimer = Time::GetMicrosecSinceEpoch();
            t = 0;
            on = false;
            count = 1;
            repeat = 0;
            currentChord = 0;
            chordChange = 0;
            lineBack = setBack(para, px, ex);
        else //リセット
            for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { pos[i] = Vec2(0.0, 0.0); }
            play = false;

    void Update() //実際の処理部分
        if (play)
            uint64 value = (Time::GetMicrosecSinceEpoch() - passedTimer); //更新時間間隔値[usec]
            passedTimer = Time::GetMicrosecSinceEpoch();
            t += (double)value * 0.001; //更新時間間隔[msec]
            if ((t < ss.bar / 2.0 && chordChange == 2) || (t > ss.bar / 2.0 && chordChange == 0))
                chordChange += 1; //コード変更ON
            if ((t < ss.bar / 2.0 && chordChange == 3) || (t > ss.bar/2.0 && chordChange == 1))
                currentChord = (currentChord + 1) % chordProg.size();
                sound = ss.outputSound[chordProg[currentChord]];
                chordChange = (chordChange + 1) % 4; //コード変更OFF

            if (t > ss.bar)
                switch (repeat)
                case 0:
                    if (motif)
                        paraHist[0] = para[0];
                        paraHist[1] = para[1];
                        para[0] += pow(-1, RandomBool()) * Random(3, 7) / 100;
                        para[1] += pow(-1, RandomBool()) * Random(3, 7) / 100;
                    repeat = 1;
                case 1:
                    if (motif)
                        para[0] = paraHist[0];
                        para[1] = paraHist[1];
                    repeat = 2;
                case 2:
                    para[2] += pow(-1, RandomBool()) * Random(2, 5) / 100;
                    para[3] += pow(-1, RandomBool()) * Random(2, 5) / 100;
                    repeat = 3;
                case 3:
                    lineBack = setBack(para, px, ex);
                    repeat = 0;
                t -= ss.bar;
            pos.push_front(Vec2(equationX(t, para, ss.bar), equationY(t, para, ss.bar)));

            value = (Time::GetMicrosecSinceEpoch() - beatTimer); //再生時間値[usec]
            uint64 next = ss.beat * 1000 * count; //発音時間間隔判定[usec]
            if (!on)
                on = true; //発音ON
            if (on && value >= next)
                double volume = volumeMax;
                if (pos[0].y < 0) { volume = volumeMin; }
                for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
                    if (pos[0].x >= thre[i] && pos[0].x < thre[i + 1])
                        effect.add<AttackEffect>(Rect(px.x + (thre[i + 1] - 4.0 / 7.0) * ex, px.y, (4.0 / 7.0) * ex, -100 * pos[i].y / abs(pos[i].y)));
                count += 1;
                on = false; //発音OFF

    void Show() //ディスプレイ表示用
        if (play)
            effect.update(); //エフェクト表示

            LineString lineHist = updateLine(pos, px, ex); //軌跡用
            lineBack.draw(1, Palette::Darkmagenta); //全軌道表示
            lineHist.draw(2, Palette::Pink); //軌跡表示
            Line(px.x - 100, px.y, px.x + 100, px.y).draw(1, Palette::White);
            Line(px.x, px.y - 100, px.x, px.y + 100).draw(1, Palette::White);
            for (int i = 1; i < 7; i++)
                Line(px.x + (int)(thre[i] * ex), px.y - 100, px.x + (int)(thre[i] * ex), px.y + 100).draw(LineStyle::SquareDot, 1, Palette::White);
            font(ss.outputDispSound[chordProg[currentChord]] + U"   key: " +  ss.outputKey[chordProg[currentChord]]).draw(px.x - 85, px.y + 105, Palette::Pink);
            font(U"x").draw(px.x + 104, px.y - 12);
            font(U"y").draw(px.x - 4, px.y - 125);
            font(U"x = sin(a*t) - sin^3(b*t),  y = e*(cos(c*t)-cos^3(d*t))").draw(30, 10);
            font(U"a=", para[0], U", b=", para[1], U", c=", para[2], U", d=", para[3], U", e=", para[4]).draw(30, 35);
            font(U"間隔=", ss.beat, U"[msec] , 周期=", ss.bar, U"[msec]").draw(30, 60);
            String txt = U"転調 : ";
            for (int i = 0; i < chordProg.size(); i++)
                txt += ss.outputKey[chordProg[i]] + U" → ";
            txt += U"・・・";
            font(txt).draw(30, 85);


void Main()

    Window::Resize(450, 500);

    SoundSetting ss(0.5s, 200); //音の設定(ここでは、0.5sの音の長さ、200msec間隔)
    ChanceOperation co(ss, { Am, F, G, C}); //コード進行をKeyListのArray方式で入力(ここでは、小室進行)

    while (System::Update())
        if (KeySpace.down()) //スペースキーで起動

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