インストール中、ぐぐるとOpenstackでも楽そうなのかもしれない。( https://docs.openstack.org/devstack/latest/guides/single-machine.html )
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/OpenNebula/minione/master/minione
sudo bash minione --verbose
途中1回だけ同意を求められるので、yes と同意できる場合は入力する。
[root@てすてす ~]# sudo bash minione --verbose
### Checks & detection
Checking distribution and version [CentOS 7 5.8] OK
Checking if OpenNebula repository exists OK
Checking cpu virtualization capabilities SKIP QEMU will be used
Checking free disk space OK
Checking local interface [eth0] OK
Checking directories from previous installation OK
Checking user from previous installation OK
Checking sshd service is running OK
Checking bridge-utils are installed SKIP will try to install
Checking minionebr interface is not present OK
Checking virtual network ほにゃらら/24 is not routed OK
Checking SELinux SKIP will try to disable
Checking for present ssh key SKIP
Generating ssh keypair in /root/.ssh/id_rsa OK
Checking presence of the market app: "CentOS 7 - KVM" OK
### Main deployment steps:
Disable SELinux
Install bridge-utils
Configure bridge minionebr with IP ほにゃらら/24
Enable NAT over eth0
Using ssh public key /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Install OpenNebula version 5.8
Do you agree? [yes/no]:
### Installation
Disabling SELinux OK
Install bridge-utils OK
Creating bridge interface minionebr OK
Restarting network OK
Disabling firewalld OK
Enabling ipv4 forward OK
Configuring nat using iptables OK
Verify bridge by ping from it OK
Saving iptables changes OK
Installing DNSMasq OK
Starting DNSMasq OK
Configuring repositories OK
Installing epel OK
Installing OpenNebula packages OK
Installing ruby gems OK
Installing OpenNebula node packages OK
### Configuration
Switching onegate endpoint in oned.conf OK
Switching scheduler interval to 10sec OK
Switching to QEMU emulation OK
Setting initial password for current user and oneadmin OK
Changing WebUI to listen on port 80 OK
Starting opennebula services OK
Checking OpenNebula is working OK
Disabling ssh from virtual network OK
Adding localhost ssh key to known_hosts OK
Testing ssh connection to localhost OK
Add ssh key to oneadmin user OK
Updating datastores, TM_MAD=qcow2, SHARED=yes OK
Creating kvm host OK
Creating virtual network OK
Exporting [CentOS 7 - KVM] from marketplace to local datastore OK
Updating template OK
### Report
OpenNebula 5.8 was installed
Sunstone (the webui) is runninng on:
Use following to login:
user: ほじ
password: ぱすわど
[root@li1889-102 ~]#
##注意 Ubuntu18.04
### Main deployment steps:
Install bridge-utils
Configure bridge minionebr with IP なんとか/24
Enable NAT over eth0
Using ssh public key /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub
Install OpenNebula version 5.6
Modify AppArmor
Do you agree? [yes/no]:
### Installation
Updating apt cache OK
Install bridge-utils OK
Creating bridge interface minionebr OK
Restarting network FAILED
apt install netplan