
More than 5 years have passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2017-07-31

1 環境

  • VWare上のゲストマシン3台構成です。OSはCentOS7.3
  • 3台のホスト名はadmin,s01,s02です。
  • adminが管理サーバ、s01,s02がOSD兼MONの役割をします。
    +---- admin ---+           +----- s01 ----+           +----- s02 ----+
    |              |           |              |           |              |
    |   CentOS7.3  |           |  CentOS7.3   |           |  CentOS7.3   |
    |              |           |   OSD/MON    |           |   OSD/MON    |
    |              |           |              |           |              |
    +----- eth0 ---+           +----- eth0 ---+           +----- eth0 ---+
            | .100                      | .110                     | .120
            |                           |                          |
              (Public Network)

2 Cephのバージョン管理について

  • コードネームは、A,B,C..順 ... Infernalis -> Jewel -> Kraken -> Luminous
  • バージョン番号の付け方がInfernalis より変更になった。X.Y.Z方式
  • X:リリース番号(Luminousの'L'はアルファベット順で12番目なので12)
  • Y:0(開発版), 1(RC版), 2(安定板)
  • Zはバグ修正でアップするのかな?
  • (例) Infernalisの安定板: v9.2.Zなる。

3 事前準備

3.1 仮想ディスクの追加

「仮想マシン設定の編集(D)」->「追加(A)」->「ハードディスクの追加」->「SCSI(s) (推奨)」
->「仮想ディスクの新規作成(V)」-> 「仮想ディスクを単一ファイルとして格納(O)」を実行して、

3.2 ホスト名の設定


[root@admin ~]# cat /etc/hosts   localhost localhost.localdomain localhost4 localhost4.localdomain4
::1         localhost localhost.localdomain localhost6 localhost6.localdomain6 admin s01 s02

3.3 パスワードなしでsshログイン可能にする


3.3.1 s01,s02にパスワードなしでログイン可能にする設定

[root@admin ~]# mkdir .ssh
[root@admin ~]# chmod 700 .ssh

[root@admin .ssh]# ssh-keygen -t dsa

[root@admin ~]# cd .ssh/
[root@admin .ssh]#  ls
id_dsa  ★id_dsa.pub

[root@admin .ssh]# scp id_dsa.pub root@s01:/root
[root@admin .ssh]# scp id_dsa.pub root@s02:/root

[root@s01 ~]# mkdir .ssh
[root@s01 ~]# chmod 700 .ssh
[root@s01 ~]# touch .ssh/authorized_keys

[root@s01 ~]# ls id_dsa.pub

[root@s01 ~]# cat id_dsa.pub >> .ssh/authorized_keys

[root@s01 ~]# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PubkeyAuthentication yes

[root@s01 ~]# systemctl restart sshd

3.3.2 adminにパスワードなしでログイン可能にする設定

[root@admin .ssh]# pwd

[root@admin .ssh]# cat id_dsa.pub >> authorized_keys
[root@admin .ssh]# ls
authorized_keys  id_dsa  id_dsa.pub

[root@admin .ssh]# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config
PubkeyAuthentication yes

[root@admin .ssh]# systemctl restart sshd

3.4 firewalld停止(暫定対処)


[root@admin ~]# systemctl stop firewalld
[root@admin ~]# systemctl disable firewalld

[root@s01 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld
[root@s01 ~]# systemctl disable firewalld

[root@s02 ~]# systemctl stop firewalld
[root@s02 ~]# systemctl disable firewalld

3.5 時刻同期


3.5.1 chronyd自動起動設定&起動


[root@admin ~]# systemctl enable chronyd
[root@admin ~]# systemctl start chronyd

[root@s01 ~]# systemctl enable chronyd
[root@s01 ~]# systemctl start chronyd

[root@s02 ~]# systemctl enable chronyd
[root@s02 ~]# systemctl start chronyd

3.5.2 chronydの状態確認

各ゲストマシンのchronyd がインターネット上のNTPサーバと時刻同期できているかどうかを確認する。

chronyd がアクセスしている現在の時間ソースについての情報を確認する。
[root@admin ~]# chronyc sources
210 Number of sources = 4
MS Name/IP address         Stratum Poll Reach LastRx Last sample
^+ sjkBBML24.bb.kddi.ne.jp       5   9   377   208  -1525us[-1525us] +/-   59ms
^+ hachi.paina.net               2   9   377   400   -905us[ -905us] +/-   37ms
^+ routerida1.soprano-asm.ne     2  10   377   460   -361us[ -361us] +/-   21ms
^* r017081.203112.miinet.jp★    4   9   377   19m  -1150us[-1288us] +/-   22ms

[root@admin ~]# chronyc tracking
Reference ID    : (★r017081.203112.miinet.jp) 
Stratum         : 5
Ref time (UTC)  : Thu Jun 22 00:54:40 2017
System time     : 0.000000024 seconds fast of NTP time
Last offset     : -0.000137531 seconds
RMS offset      : 0.000383716 seconds
Frequency       : 22.150 ppm slow
Residual freq   : -0.016 ppm
Skew            : 0.523 ppm
Root delay      : 0.025137 seconds
Root dispersion : 0.006982 seconds
Update interval : 257.0 seconds
Leap status     : Normal

3.6 SELinux無効化(暫定対処)


[root@admin ~]# vi /etc/sysconfig/selinux

4 Cephインストール手順

4.1 リポジトリの追加

[root@admin ~]# wget http://download.ceph.com/rpm-luminous/el7/noarch/ceph-release-1-1.el7.noarch.rpm
[root@admin ~]# ls ceph-release-1-1.el7.noarch.rpm

[root@admin ~]# rpm -ivh ceph-release-1-1.el7.noarch.rpm
[root@admin ~]# cat /etc/yum.repos.d/ceph.repo
name=Ceph packages for $basearch

name=Ceph noarch packages

name=Ceph source packages

4.2 ツール(ceph-deploy)のインストール


[root@admin ~]# mkdir mycluster
[root@admin ~]# cd mycluster/

[root@admin mycluster]# yum -y install ceph-deploy
[root@admin mycluster]# rpm -qa|grep ceph-deploy

4.3 OSDノードの登録(ceph-deploy new)


[root@admin mycluster]# ceph-deploy new s01 s02
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.38): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy new s01 s02
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function new at 0xf22578>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0xf93518>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ssh_copykey                   : True
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  mon                           : ['s01', 's02']
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  public_network                : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster_network               : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  fsid                          : None
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Creating new cluster named ceph
[ceph_deploy.new][INFO  ] making sure passwordless SSH succeeds
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: admin
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: ssh -CT -o BatchMode=yes s01
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ip link show
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ip addr show
[s01][DEBUG ] IP addresses found: [u'']
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Resolving host s01
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Monitor s01 at
[ceph_deploy.new][INFO  ] making sure passwordless SSH succeeds
[s02][DEBUG ] connected to host: admin
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: ssh -CT -o BatchMode=yes s02
[s02][DEBUG ] connected to host: s02
[s02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ip link show
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ip addr show
[s02][DEBUG ] IP addresses found: [u'']
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Resolving host s02
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Monitor s02 at
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Monitor initial members are ['s01', 's02']
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Monitor addrs are ['', '']
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Creating a random mon key...
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Writing monitor keyring to ceph.mon.keyring...
[ceph_deploy.new][DEBUG ] Writing initial config to ceph.conf...

4.4 定義ファイル(ceph.conf)編集

定義ファイルにpublic networkの定義を追加します。

[root@admin mycluster]# ls
ceph-deploy-ceph.log  ceph.conf  ceph.mon.keyring

[root@admin mycluster]# vi ceph.conf
[root@admin mycluster]# cat ceph.conf
fsid = 89e77f89-62d8-4a6c-ba64-85dc580f58e6
mon_initial_members = s01, s02
mon_host =,
auth_cluster_required = cephx
auth_service_required = cephx
auth_client_required = cephx
public network =   <===追加

4.5 cephパッケージのインストール


[root@admin mycluster]# ceph-deploy install --release luminous s01 s02 admin
[s01][DEBUG ] 完了しました!
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --version
[s01][DEBUG ] ceph version 12.1.1 (f3e663a190bf2ed12c7e3cda288b9a159572c800) luminous (rc)
[s02][DEBUG ] 完了しました!
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --version
[s02][DEBUG ] ceph version 12.1.1 (f3e663a190bf2ed12c7e3cda288b9a159572c800) luminous (rc)
[admin][DEBUG ] 完了しました!
[admin][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --version
[admin][DEBUG ] ceph version 12.1.1 (f3e663a190bf2ed12c7e3cda288b9a159572c800) luminous (rc)

4.6 監視ノード(MON)の初期化(ceph-deploy mon create-initial)

[root@admin mycluster]# ceph-deploy mon create-initial
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.38): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy mon create-initial
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : create-initial
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x114d908>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function mon at 0x1143668>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  keyrings                      : None
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] Deploying mon, cluster ceph hosts s01 s02
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] detecting platform for host s01 ...
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] distro info: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core
[s01][DEBUG ] determining if provided host has same hostname in remote
[s01][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[s01][DEBUG ] deploying mon to s01
[s01][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[s01][DEBUG ] remote hostname: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[s01][DEBUG ] create the mon path if it does not exist
[s01][DEBUG ] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/done
[s01][DEBUG ] done path does not exist: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/done
[s01][INFO  ] creating keyring file: /var/lib/ceph/tmp/ceph-s01.mon.keyring
[s01][DEBUG ] create the monitor keyring file
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: ceph-mon --cluster ceph --mkfs -i s01 --keyring /var/lib/ceph/tmp/ceph-s01.mon.keyring --setuser 167 --setgroup 167
[s01][INFO  ] unlinking keyring file /var/lib/ceph/tmp/ceph-s01.mon.keyring
[s01][DEBUG ] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment
[s01][DEBUG ] create the init path if it does not exist
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-mon@s01
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-mon@s01
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.s01.asok mon_status
[s01][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[s01][DEBUG ] status for monitor: mon.s01
[s01][DEBUG ] {
[s01][DEBUG ]   "election_epoch": 0,
[s01][DEBUG ]   "extra_probe_peers": [
[s01][DEBUG ]     ""
[s01][DEBUG ]   ],
[s01][DEBUG ]   "feature_map": {},
[s01][DEBUG ]   "features": {
[s01][DEBUG ]     "quorum_con": "0",
[s01][DEBUG ]     "quorum_mon": [],
[s01][DEBUG ]     "required_con": "0",
[s01][DEBUG ]     "required_mon": []
[s01][DEBUG ]   },
[s01][DEBUG ]   "monmap": {
[s01][DEBUG ]     "created": "2017-07-30 20:52:51.640090",
[s01][DEBUG ]     "epoch": 0,
[s01][DEBUG ]     "features": {
[s01][DEBUG ]       "optional": [],
[s01][DEBUG ]       "persistent": []
[s01][DEBUG ]     },
[s01][DEBUG ]     "fsid": "abf36c8d-ae59-4317-9822-e8b4c6c1ffe7",
[s01][DEBUG ]     "modified": "2017-07-30 20:52:51.640090",
[s01][DEBUG ]     "mons": [
[s01][DEBUG ]       {
[s01][DEBUG ]         "addr": "",
[s01][DEBUG ]         "name": "s01",
[s01][DEBUG ]         "public_addr": "",
[s01][DEBUG ]         "rank": 0
[s01][DEBUG ]       },
[s01][DEBUG ]       {
[s01][DEBUG ]         "addr": "",
[s01][DEBUG ]         "name": "s02",
[s01][DEBUG ]         "public_addr": "",
[s01][DEBUG ]         "rank": 1
[s01][DEBUG ]       }
[s01][DEBUG ]     ]
[s01][DEBUG ]   },
[s01][DEBUG ]   "name": "s01",
[s01][DEBUG ]   "outside_quorum": [
[s01][DEBUG ]     "s01"
[s01][DEBUG ]   ],
[s01][DEBUG ]   "quorum": [],
[s01][DEBUG ]   "rank": 0,
[s01][DEBUG ]   "state": "probing",
[s01][DEBUG ]   "sync_provider": []
[s01][DEBUG ] }
[s01][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[s01][INFO  ] monitor: mon.s01 is running
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.s01.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][DEBUG ] detecting platform for host s02 ...
[s02][DEBUG ] connected to host: s02
[s02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] distro info: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core
[s02][DEBUG ] determining if provided host has same hostname in remote
[s02][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[s02][DEBUG ] deploying mon to s02
[s02][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[s02][DEBUG ] remote hostname: s02
[s02][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[s02][DEBUG ] create the mon path if it does not exist
[s02][DEBUG ] checking for done path: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s02/done
[s02][DEBUG ] done path does not exist: /var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s02/done
[s02][INFO  ] creating keyring file: /var/lib/ceph/tmp/ceph-s02.mon.keyring
[s02][DEBUG ] create the monitor keyring file
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: ceph-mon --cluster ceph --mkfs -i s02 --keyring /var/lib/ceph/tmp/ceph-s02.mon.keyring --setuser 167 --setgroup 167
[s02][INFO  ] unlinking keyring file /var/lib/ceph/tmp/ceph-s02.mon.keyring
[s02][DEBUG ] create a done file to avoid re-doing the mon deployment
[s02][DEBUG ] create the init path if it does not exist
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph-mon@s02
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl start ceph-mon@s02
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.s02.asok mon_status
[s02][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[s02][DEBUG ] status for monitor: mon.s02
[s02][DEBUG ] {
[s02][DEBUG ]   "election_epoch": 1,
[s02][DEBUG ]   "extra_probe_peers": [
[s02][DEBUG ]     ""
[s02][DEBUG ]   ],
[s02][DEBUG ]   "feature_map": {
[s02][DEBUG ]     "mon": {
[s02][DEBUG ]       "group": {
[s02][DEBUG ]         "features": 1152323339925389307,
[s02][DEBUG ]         "num": 3,
[s02][DEBUG ]         "release": "luminous"
[s02][DEBUG ]       }
[s02][DEBUG ]     }
[s02][DEBUG ]   },
[s02][DEBUG ]   "features": {
[s02][DEBUG ]     "quorum_con": "0",
[s02][DEBUG ]     "quorum_mon": [],
[s02][DEBUG ]     "required_con": "0",
[s02][DEBUG ]     "required_mon": []
[s02][DEBUG ]   },
[s02][DEBUG ]   "monmap": {
[s02][DEBUG ]     "created": "2017-07-30 20:53:15.412659",
[s02][DEBUG ]     "epoch": 0,
[s02][DEBUG ]     "features": {
[s02][DEBUG ]       "optional": [],
[s02][DEBUG ]       "persistent": []
[s02][DEBUG ]     },
[s02][DEBUG ]     "fsid": "abf36c8d-ae59-4317-9822-e8b4c6c1ffe7",
[s02][DEBUG ]     "modified": "2017-07-30 20:53:15.412659",
[s02][DEBUG ]     "mons": [
[s02][DEBUG ]       {
[s02][DEBUG ]         "addr": "",
[s02][DEBUG ]         "name": "s01",
[s02][DEBUG ]         "public_addr": "",
[s02][DEBUG ]         "rank": 0
[s02][DEBUG ]       },
[s02][DEBUG ]       {
[s02][DEBUG ]         "addr": "",
[s02][DEBUG ]         "name": "s02",
[s02][DEBUG ]         "public_addr": "",
[s02][DEBUG ]         "rank": 1
[s02][DEBUG ]       }
[s02][DEBUG ]     ]
[s02][DEBUG ]   },
[s02][DEBUG ]   "name": "s02",
[s02][DEBUG ]   "outside_quorum": [],
[s02][DEBUG ]   "quorum": [],
[s02][DEBUG ]   "rank": 1,
[s02][DEBUG ]   "state": "electing",
[s02][DEBUG ]   "sync_provider": []
[s02][DEBUG ] }
[s02][DEBUG ] ********************************************************************************
[s02][INFO  ] monitor: mon.s02 is running
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.s02.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] processing monitor mon.s01
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.s01.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] mon.s01 monitor has reached quorum!
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] processing monitor mon.s02
[s02][DEBUG ] connected to host: s02
[s02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: ceph --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon /var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.s02.asok mon_status
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] mon.s02 monitor has reached quorum!
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] all initial monitors are running and have formed quorum
[ceph_deploy.mon][INFO  ] Running gatherkeys...
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] Storing keys in temp directory /tmp/tmpmYY82y
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s01][DEBUG ] get remote short hostname
[s01][DEBUG ] fetch remote file
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --admin-daemon=/var/run/ceph/ceph-mon.s01.asok mon_status
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get client.admin
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get-or-create client.admin osd allow * mds allow * mon allow * mgr allow *
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get client.bootstrap-mds
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get-or-create client.bootstrap-mds mon allow profile bootstrap-mds
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get client.bootstrap-mgr
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get-or-create client.bootstrap-mgr mon allow profile bootstrap-mgr
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get client.bootstrap-osd
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get-or-create client.bootstrap-osd mon allow profile bootstrap-osd
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get client.bootstrap-rgw
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/bin/ceph --connect-timeout=25 --cluster=ceph --name mon. --keyring=/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-s01/keyring auth get-or-create client.bootstrap-rgw mon allow profile bootstrap-rgw
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] Storing ceph.client.admin.keyring
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] Storing ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] Storing ceph.bootstrap-mgr.keyring
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] keyring 'ceph.mon.keyring' already exists
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] Storing ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] Storing ceph.bootstrap-rgw.keyring
[ceph_deploy.gatherkeys][INFO  ] Destroy temp directory /tmp/tmpmYY82y

4.7 cephコマンドを利用可にする。

[root@admin mycluster]# ceph-deploy admin s01 s02 admin
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.38): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy admin s01 s02 admin
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x1facc68>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  client                        : ['s01', 's02', 'admin']
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function admin at 0x1f03938>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.admin][DEBUG ] Pushing admin keys and conf to s01
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s01][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph_deploy.admin][DEBUG ] Pushing admin keys and conf to s02
[s02][DEBUG ] connected to host: s02
[s02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s02][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[ceph_deploy.admin][DEBUG ] Pushing admin keys and conf to admin
[admin][DEBUG ] connected to host: admin
[admin][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[admin][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[admin][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf

[root@admin mycluster]# ls
ceph-deploy-ceph.log        ceph.bootstrap-mgr.keyring  ceph.bootstrap-rgw.keyring  ceph.conf
ceph.bootstrap-mds.keyring  ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring  ceph.client.admin.keyring   ceph.mon.keyring

4.8 OSDノードの作成(ceph-deploy osd create)

[root@admin mycluster]# ceph-deploy osd create s01:sdb s01:sdc s02:sdb s02:sdc
[ceph_deploy.conf][DEBUG ] found configuration file at: /root/.cephdeploy.conf
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] Invoked (1.5.38): /usr/bin/ceph-deploy osd create s01:sdb s01:sdc s02:sdb s02:sdc
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ] ceph-deploy options:
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  username                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  block_db                      : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  disk                          : [('s01', '/dev/sdb', None), ('s01', '/dev/sdc', None), ('s02', '/dev/sdb', None), ('s02', '/dev/sdc', None)]
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  dmcrypt                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  verbose                       : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  bluestore                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  block_wal                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  overwrite_conf                : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  subcommand                    : create
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  dmcrypt_key_dir               : /etc/ceph/dmcrypt-keys
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  quiet                         : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cd_conf                       : <ceph_deploy.conf.cephdeploy.Conf instance at 0x7f49ce08d950>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  cluster                       : ceph
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  fs_type                       : xfs
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  func                          : <function osd at 0x7f49ce07eed8>
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  ceph_conf                     : None
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  default_release               : False
[ceph_deploy.cli][INFO  ]  zap_disk                      : False
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing cluster ceph disks s01:/dev/sdb: s01:/dev/sdc: s02:/dev/sdb: s02:/dev/sdc:
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.osd][INFO  ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Deploying osd to s01
[s01][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[s01][WARNIN] osd keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[s01][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing host s01 disk /dev/sdb journal None activate True
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=fsid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] set_type: Will colocate block with data on /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_db_size
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_wal_size
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mkfs_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mount_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mount_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] set_data_partition: Creating osd partition on /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = data
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating data partition num 1 size 100 on /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --new=1:0:+100M --change-name=1:ceph data --partition-guid=1:a02129ba-1e8d-4465-aa7e-f192aa9fef4a --typecode=1:89c57f98-2fe5-4dc0-89c1-f3ad0ceff2be --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdb
[s01][DEBUG ] Creating new GPT entries.
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb1 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:17/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = block
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating block partition num 2 size 0 on /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --largest-new=2 --change-name=2:ceph block --partition-guid=2:1a37c09c-029d-4571-9922-3aed780f2516 --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdb
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb2 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:18/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/1a37c09c-029d-4571-9922-3aed780f2516
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 -- /dev/sdb
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/1a37c09c-029d-4571-9922-3aed780f2516
[s01][WARNIN] populate_data_path_device: Creating xfs fs on /dev/sdb1
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/mkfs -t xfs -f -i size=2048 -- /dev/sdb1
[s01][DEBUG ] meta-data=/dev/sdb1              isize=2048   agcount=4, agsize=6400 blks
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       crc=1        finobt=0, sparse=0
[s01][DEBUG ] data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=25600, imaxpct=25
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
[s01][DEBUG ] naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
[s01][DEBUG ] log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=864, version=2
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
[s01][DEBUG ] realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
[s01][WARNIN] mount: Mounting /dev/sdb1 on /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH with options noatime,inode64
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/mount -t xfs -o noatime,inode64 -- /dev/sdb1 /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH
[s01][WARNIN] populate_data_path: Preparing osd data dir /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/ceph_fsid.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/ceph_fsid.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/fsid.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/fsid.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/magic.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/magic.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/block_uuid.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/block_uuid.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] adjust_symlink: Creating symlink /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/block -> /dev/disk/by-partuuid/1a37c09c-029d-4571-9922-3aed780f2516
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/type.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH/type.1808.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH
[s01][WARNIN] unmount: Unmounting /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /bin/umount -- /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.x82pcH
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=1:4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d -- /dev/sdb
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm trigger --action=add --sysname-match sdb1
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[s01][INFO  ] checking OSD status...
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /bin/ceph --cluster=ceph osd stat --format=json
[s01][WARNIN] there is 1 OSD down
[s01][WARNIN] there is 1 OSD out
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Host s01 is now ready for osd use.
[s01][DEBUG ] connected to host: s01
[s01][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s01][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.osd][INFO  ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing host s01 disk /dev/sdc journal None activate True
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=fsid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] set_type: Will colocate block with data on /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_db_size
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_wal_size
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mkfs_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mount_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mount_options_xfs
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] set_data_partition: Creating osd partition on /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = data
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating data partition num 1 size 100 on /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --new=1:0:+100M --change-name=1:ceph data --partition-guid=1:da29d66d-241d-4197-a3ed-6b50086dc3f5 --typecode=1:89c57f98-2fe5-4dc0-89c1-f3ad0ceff2be --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdc
[s01][DEBUG ] Creating new GPT entries.
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc1 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:33/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = block
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating block partition num 2 size 0 on /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --largest-new=2 --change-name=2:ceph block --partition-guid=2:6cc195e5-0062-4396-8f09-62db48c76b1c --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdc
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc2 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:34/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/6cc195e5-0062-4396-8f09-62db48c76b1c
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 -- /dev/sdc
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/6cc195e5-0062-4396-8f09-62db48c76b1c
[s01][WARNIN] populate_data_path_device: Creating xfs fs on /dev/sdc1
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/mkfs -t xfs -f -i size=2048 -- /dev/sdc1
[s01][DEBUG ] meta-data=/dev/sdc1              isize=2048   agcount=4, agsize=6400 blks
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       crc=1        finobt=0, sparse=0
[s01][DEBUG ] data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=25600, imaxpct=25
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
[s01][DEBUG ] naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
[s01][DEBUG ] log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=864, version=2
[s01][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
[s01][DEBUG ] realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
[s01][WARNIN] mount: Mounting /dev/sdc1 on /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi with options noatime,inode64
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/mount -t xfs -o noatime,inode64 -- /dev/sdc1 /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi
[s01][WARNIN] populate_data_path: Preparing osd data dir /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/ceph_fsid.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/ceph_fsid.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/fsid.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/fsid.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/magic.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/magic.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/block_uuid.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/block_uuid.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] adjust_symlink: Creating symlink /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/block -> /dev/disk/by-partuuid/6cc195e5-0062-4396-8f09-62db48c76b1c
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/type.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi/type.2613.tmp
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi
[s01][WARNIN] unmount: Unmounting /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /bin/umount -- /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.Lojqhi
[s01][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=1:4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d -- /dev/sdc
[s01][DEBUG ] Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table.
[s01][DEBUG ] The new table will be used at the next reboot.
[s01][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s01][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s01][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm trigger --action=add --sysname-match sdc1
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[s01][INFO  ] checking OSD status...
[s01][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s01][INFO  ] Running command: /bin/ceph --cluster=ceph osd stat --format=json
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Host s01 is now ready for osd use.
[s02][DEBUG ] connected to host: s02
[s02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.osd][INFO  ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Deploying osd to s02
[s02][DEBUG ] write cluster configuration to /etc/ceph/{cluster}.conf
[s02][WARNIN] osd keyring does not exist yet, creating one
[s02][DEBUG ] create a keyring file
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing host s02 disk /dev/sdb journal None activate True
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=fsid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] set_type: Will colocate block with data on /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_db_size
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_wal_size
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mkfs_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mount_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mount_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] set_data_partition: Creating osd partition on /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = data
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating data partition num 1 size 100 on /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --new=1:0:+100M --change-name=1:ceph data --partition-guid=1:1a874f43-9cfe-4021-83d0-7e48ac7ab950 --typecode=1:89c57f98-2fe5-4dc0-89c1-f3ad0ceff2be --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdb
[s02][DEBUG ] Creating new GPT entries.
[s02][DEBUG ] Warning: The kernel is still using the old partition table.
[s02][DEBUG ] The new table will be used at the next reboot.
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb1 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:17/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = block
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating block partition num 2 size 0 on /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --largest-new=2 --change-name=2:ceph block --partition-guid=2:5e4b6394-5347-4c10-862b-a68d7c3386c5 --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdb
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb2 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:18/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/5e4b6394-5347-4c10-862b-a68d7c3386c5
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 -- /dev/sdb
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/5e4b6394-5347-4c10-862b-a68d7c3386c5
[s02][WARNIN] populate_data_path_device: Creating xfs fs on /dev/sdb1
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/mkfs -t xfs -f -i size=2048 -- /dev/sdb1
[s02][DEBUG ] meta-data=/dev/sdb1              isize=2048   agcount=4, agsize=6400 blks
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       crc=1        finobt=0, sparse=0
[s02][DEBUG ] data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=25600, imaxpct=25
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
[s02][DEBUG ] naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
[s02][DEBUG ] log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=864, version=2
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
[s02][DEBUG ] realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
[s02][WARNIN] mount: Mounting /dev/sdb1 on /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB with options noatime,inode64
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/mount -t xfs -o noatime,inode64 -- /dev/sdb1 /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB
[s02][WARNIN] populate_data_path: Preparing osd data dir /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/ceph_fsid.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/ceph_fsid.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/fsid.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/fsid.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/magic.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/magic.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/block_uuid.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/block_uuid.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] adjust_symlink: Creating symlink /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/block -> /dev/disk/by-partuuid/5e4b6394-5347-4c10-862b-a68d7c3386c5
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/type.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB/type.1479.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB
[s02][WARNIN] unmount: Unmounting /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /bin/umount -- /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.1pPbZB
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdb uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:16/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=1:4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d -- /dev/sdb
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdb /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdb
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm trigger --action=add --sysname-match sdb1
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[s02][INFO  ] checking OSD status...
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: /bin/ceph --cluster=ceph osd stat --format=json
[s02][WARNIN] there is 1 OSD down
[s02][WARNIN] there is 1 OSD out
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Host s02 is now ready for osd use.
[s02][DEBUG ] connected to host: s02
[s02][DEBUG ] detect platform information from remote host
[s02][DEBUG ] detect machine type
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[ceph_deploy.osd][INFO  ] Distro info: CentOS Linux 7.3.1611 Core
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Preparing host s02 disk /dev/sdc journal None activate True
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: /usr/sbin/ceph-disk -v prepare --cluster ceph --fs-type xfs -- /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-osd --cluster=ceph --show-config-value=fsid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] set_type: Will colocate block with data on /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_db_size
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_size
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup bluestore_block_wal_size
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mkfs_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mkfs_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_mount_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/ceph-conf --cluster=ceph --name=osd. --lookup osd_fs_mount_options_xfs
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] set_data_partition: Creating osd partition on /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = data
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating data partition num 1 size 100 on /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --new=1:0:+100M --change-name=1:ceph data --partition-guid=1:bcc72f49-6d66-4b8b-a326-0cbbfe06caf0 --typecode=1:89c57f98-2fe5-4dc0-89c1-f3ad0ceff2be --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdc
[s02][DEBUG ] Creating new GPT entries.
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc1 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:33/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] ptype_tobe_for_name: name = block
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] create_partition: Creating block partition num 2 size 0 on /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --largest-new=2 --change-name=2:ceph block --partition-guid=2:0cd4257f-0a9c-471b-b488-3818f4b2b03a --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 --mbrtogpt -- /dev/sdc
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on created device /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc2 uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:34/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/0cd4257f-0a9c-471b-b488-3818f4b2b03a
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=2:cafecafe-9b03-4f30-b4c6-b4b80ceff106 -- /dev/sdc
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] prepare_device: Block is GPT partition /dev/disk/by-partuuid/0cd4257f-0a9c-471b-b488-3818f4b2b03a
[s02][WARNIN] populate_data_path_device: Creating xfs fs on /dev/sdc1
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/mkfs -t xfs -f -i size=2048 -- /dev/sdc1
[s02][DEBUG ] meta-data=/dev/sdc1              isize=2048   agcount=4, agsize=6400 blks
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   attr=2, projid32bit=1
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       crc=1        finobt=0, sparse=0
[s02][DEBUG ] data     =                       bsize=4096   blocks=25600, imaxpct=25
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       sunit=0      swidth=0 blks
[s02][DEBUG ] naming   =version 2              bsize=4096   ascii-ci=0 ftype=1
[s02][DEBUG ] log      =internal log           bsize=4096   blocks=864, version=2
[s02][DEBUG ]          =                       sectsz=512   sunit=0 blks, lazy-count=1
[s02][DEBUG ] realtime =none                   extsz=4096   blocks=0, rtextents=0
[s02][WARNIN] mount: Mounting /dev/sdc1 on /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s with options noatime,inode64
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/mount -t xfs -o noatime,inode64 -- /dev/sdc1 /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s
[s02][WARNIN] populate_data_path: Preparing osd data dir /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/ceph_fsid.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/ceph_fsid.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/fsid.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/fsid.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/magic.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/magic.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/block_uuid.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/block_uuid.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] adjust_symlink: Creating symlink /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/block -> /dev/disk/by-partuuid/0cd4257f-0a9c-471b-b488-3818f4b2b03a
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/type.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s/type.2316.tmp
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/sbin/restorecon -R /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/chown -R ceph:ceph /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s
[s02][WARNIN] unmount: Unmounting /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /bin/umount -- /var/lib/ceph/tmp/mnt.tHM88s
[s02][WARNIN] get_dm_uuid: get_dm_uuid /dev/sdc uuid path is /sys/dev/block/8:32/dm/uuid
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/sbin/sgdisk --typecode=1:4fbd7e29-9d25-41b8-afd0-062c0ceff05d -- /dev/sdc
[s02][DEBUG ] The operation has completed successfully.
[s02][WARNIN] update_partition: Calling partprobe on prepared device /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command: Running command: /usr/bin/flock -s /dev/sdc /usr/sbin/partprobe /dev/sdc
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm settle --timeout=600
[s02][WARNIN] command_check_call: Running command: /usr/bin/udevadm trigger --action=add --sysname-match sdc1
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: systemctl enable ceph.target
[s02][INFO  ] checking OSD status...
[s02][DEBUG ] find the location of an executable
[s02][INFO  ] Running command: /bin/ceph --cluster=ceph osd stat --format=json
[s02][WARNIN] there is 1 OSD down
[s02][WARNIN] there is 1 OSD out
[ceph_deploy.osd][DEBUG ] Host s02 is now ready for osd use.

4.9 ceph-mgrの起動


[root@admin mycluster]# mkdir /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-admin
[root@admin mycluster]# touch /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-admin/keyring
[root@admin mycluster]# ceph --cluster ceph auth get-or-create mgr.admin mon 'allow profile mgr' osd 'allow *' mds 'allow *'
        key = AQDmy31ZXIQuChAAW6a/RHstNjaAAPZFW3UwJg==

[root@admin mycluster]# vi /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-admin/keyring
[root@admin mycluster]# cat /var/lib/ceph/mgr/ceph-admin/keyring
        key = AQDmy31ZXIQuChAAW6a/RHstNjaAAPZFW3UwJg==

[root@admin mycluster]# ceph-mgr -i admin

[root@admin mycluster]# ps -C ceph-mgr
   PID TTY          TIME CMD
   927 ?        00:00:03 ceph-mgr

5 設定完了後の各種状態チェック

5.1 クラスタの状態確認

[root@admin ~]# ceph health

[root@admin ~]# ceph -s
    id:     abf36c8d-ae59-4317-9822-e8b4c6c1ffe7
    health: HEALTH_OK

    mon: 2 daemons, quorum s01,s02
    mgr: admin(active)
    osd: 4 osds: 4 up, 4 in

    pools:   0 pools, 0 pgs
    objects: 0 objects, 0 bytes
    usage:   4286 MB used, 77229 MB / 81515 MB avail

5.2 OSDの確認

[root@admin ~]# ceph osd tree
-1       0.07758 root default
-3       0.03879     host s01
 0   hdd 0.01939         osd.0      up  1.00000 1.00000
 1   hdd 0.01939         osd.1      up  1.00000 1.00000
-5       0.03879     host s02
 2   hdd 0.01939         osd.2      up  1.00000 1.00000
 3   hdd 0.01939         osd.3      up  1.00000 1.00000

5.3 OSDノード初期化後のディスクの状態確認

[root@s01 ~]# df -hT
ファイルシス   タイプ   サイズ  使用  残り 使用% マウント位置
/dev/sda3      xfs         18G  1.8G   17G   10% /
devtmpfs       devtmpfs   466M     0  466M    0% /dev
tmpfs          tmpfs      489M     0  489M    0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs      489M  572K  488M    1% /run
tmpfs          tmpfs      489M     0  489M    0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1      xfs       1014M  106M  909M   11% /boot
tmpfs          tmpfs       98M     0   98M    0% /run/user/0
/dev/sdb1      xfs         97M  5.4M   92M    6% /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-0
/dev/sdc1      xfs         97M  5.4M   92M    6% /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-1

[root@s02 ~]# df -hT
ファイルシス   タイプ   サイズ  使用  残り 使用% マウント位置
/dev/sda3      xfs         18G  1.8G   17G   10% /
devtmpfs       devtmpfs   479M     0  479M    0% /dev
tmpfs          tmpfs      489M     0  489M    0% /dev/shm
tmpfs          tmpfs      489M  600K  488M    1% /run
tmpfs          tmpfs      489M     0  489M    0% /sys/fs/cgroup
/dev/sda1      xfs       1014M  116M  899M   12% /boot
/dev/sdb1      xfs         97M  5.4M   92M    6% /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-2
/dev/sdc1      xfs         97M  5.4M   92M    6% /var/lib/ceph/osd/ceph-3
tmpfs          tmpfs       98M     0   98M    0% /run/user/0

6 オブジェクトストレージにオブジェクトを格納する方法

[root@admin ceph]# ceph osd pool create pool0001 128
pool 'pool0001' created

[root@admin ceph]# ceph osd lspools
1 pool0001,

[root@admin ceph]# ceph osd map pool0001 obj0001
osdmap e32 pool 'pool0001' (1) object 'obj0001' -> pg 1.c1fd732a (1.2a) -> up ([0,2], p0) acting ([0,2], p0)

[root@admin ceph]# echo "1234567890" > testfile0001.txt
[root@admin ceph]# echo "abcdefghij" > testfile0002.txt

[root@admin ceph]# rados put myobj01 ./testfile0001.txt --pool=pool0001
[root@admin ceph]# rados put myobj02 ./testfile0002.txt --pool=pool0001

[root@admin ceph]# rados -p pool0001 ls

[root@admin ceph]# rm testfile000*
rm: 通常ファイル `testfile0001.txt' を削除しますか? y
rm: 通常ファイル `testfile0002.txt' を削除しますか? y

[root@admin ceph]# rados get myobj01 ./output1.txt --pool=pool0001
[root@admin ceph]# rados get myobj02 ./output2.txt --pool=pool0001
[root@admin ceph]# ls output*
output1.txt  output2.txt

[root@admin ceph]# cat output1.txt
[root@admin ceph]# cat output2.txt

7 プールを削除する方法


[root@admin ~]# vi /etc/ceph/ceph.conf
mon_allow_pool_delete = true   <=追加

[root@admin ~]# ssh s01 systemctl restart ceph-mon.target
[root@admin ~]# ssh s02 systemctl restart ceph-mon.target

Y インストール中にエラーがでたときの対処


[root@admin ~]# ceph-deploy purge admin node1 node2
[root@admin ~]# ceph-deploy purgedata admin node1 node2
[root@admin ~]# ceph-deploy forgetkeys

[root@admin ~]# shutdown -r now
[root@node1 ~]# shutdown -r now
[root@node2 ~]# shutdown -r now

X 参考情報

CentOS 7実践ガイド (impress top gear)
Ceph の覚え書きのインデックス
How to Setup Red Hat Ceph Storage on CentOS 7.0
Configuring the Storage Cluster
My adventures with Ceph Storage. Part 5: install Ceph in the Lab


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