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Top 5 Python Frameworks For Test Automation In 2019

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As every online business runs on software, all the software needs to be tested before releasing it to the users. Automation software testing is very important when it comes to releasing productive and reliable software at a fast pace. Automation frameworks allow developers to build their codes effectively and enable testers to manage code testing on shorter development time.

In the year 2018, Python was voted as the best programming language and is still rising the charts. It is as of now positioned as the third-best programming language soon after Java and C, according to the index published by Tiobe.

As the popularity for Python web development grows, the popularity for test automation frameworks is also rising. Here we've concentrated on the top 5 Python frameworks for test mechanization in 2019 to settle on a perfect decision according to the need.

Robot Framework

Robot Framework, fully developed in python framework, is considered one of the best for testing codes. Robot as a Python framework is fit for running in .NET and Java and is compatible with all major platforms – Windows, MacOS, or Linux. It is an open-source framework and there is a great scope for API extension.


Used for a wide range of programming testing, Pytest is an automation platform with less complexity. Pytest is an open source and easy-to-learn tool that can be used by teams such as development or quality analysts (QA), improvement groups and in open source projects. The best traits of Pytest is that it offers informative data for the failures in the testing cases with the goal that the developers can choose the issue suitably and quickly.

UnitTest or PyUnit

UnitTest, also known as PyUnit, is highly encouraged by JUnit for the compatible performance of Selenium with Python programming language. PyUnit is quite a popular testing automation framework for unit testing that accompanies Python. Unit Testing identifies the bugs right off the bat in the development phase of the application when bugs are less intermittent and can be fixed.


Behave is another popular Python test framework that allows teams to perform BDD testing with no complications. The idea of the Behave framework is much the same to SpecFlow and Cucumber for automation testing. Test cases are in a readable language that is easy-to-learn. The behavior is designed by the behavior specs and then, the steps are reused by other testing situations.


Lettuce is another easy-to-use behavior-driven automation tool that is based on Python and Cucumber. Lettuce basically focuses on the behavior-driven development tasks, making the automated Python test manageable and engaging. Like any other BDD testing framework, Lettuce allows developers to create scenarios and describe the features in the simple natural language.

Final Thoughts!

To conclude, we talked about the top 5 Python frameworks for test automation in 2019 as per various testing procedures. We hope the article would enable you to make the right choice out of the top Python test frameworks to get ahead on the track effectively.
So, which one are you picking? Do let us know in the comments given below.


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