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Splunk SmartStoreを用いたリモートストレージの活用

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1. 目的

SmartStoreとはSplunk Enterpriseのみで利用可能な機能であり、リモートのオブジェクトストレージ(Amazon S3など)をIndexの格納先として指定することができます。SmartStoreを利用することで以下利点が生まれます。

  • Reduced storage cost. Your deployment can take advantage of the economy of remote object stores, instead of relying on costly local storage.
  • Access to high availability and data resiliency features available through remote object stores.
  • The ability to scale compute and storage resources separately, thus ensuring that you use resources efficiently.
  • Simple and flexible configuration with per-index settings.
  • A bootstrapping capability that allows a new cluster or standalone indexer to inherit data from an old cluster or standalone indexer.


本投稿では、Splunk SmartStoreの設定手順について解説します。How to Deploy Splunk SmartStoreを参考にしました。

2. 設定方法

まず、$SPLUNK_HOME/etc/system/local/indexes.confに以下を編集したファイルを作成します。以下の設定ではIndexer内に保存された全てのIndexがAmazon S3への保管対象となっていますが、個別に指定することも可能です。詳細はこちらを参照してください。再起動すると設定が反映されます。

# Configure all indexes to use the SmartStore remote volume called
# "remote_store".
# Note: If you want only some of your indexes to use SmartStore,
# place this setting under the individual stanzas for each of the
# SmartStore indexes, rather than here.
#remotePath = volume:remote_store/$_index_name

# Configure the remote volume
storageType = remote

# On the next line, the volume's path setting points to the remote storage location
# where indexes reside. Each SmartStore index resides directly below the location
# specified by the path setting. The <scheme> identifies a supported remote
# storage system type, such as S3. The <remote-location-specifier> is a
# string specific to the remote storage system that specifies the location
# of the indexes inside the remote system.
# This is an S3 example: "path = s3://mybucket/some/path".

path = s3://<your S3 bucket and path>

# The following S3 settings are required only if you're using the access and secret
# keys. They are not needed if you are using AWS IAM roles.

remote.s3.access_key = <access key ID>
remote.s3.secret_key = <secret access key>
remote.s3.endpoint = https://s3.<your AWS region>.amazonaws.com



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