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Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-22

ERC20とETHのためのオープンソースな銀行とレンディングプラットフォームを作成する。著者は、Merunas Grincalaitis merunasgrincalaitis@gmail.com氏である。世界初の仮想通貨銀行がスイスで営業を始めています。 ドイツの銀行、2020年から仮想通貨の販売・カストディが可能に:報道などがある。新しい技術にキャッチアップする。












event CreatedLoan(uint256 indexed id, address indexed token, uint256 indexed borrowedEth, address receiver);


event UpdatedLoanTokenPrice(uint256 indexed id, int256 indexed tokenPrice);


貸し出しの基本構成です。id、借りている人のアドレス、検索ID、ステイクしているERC20トークンのコントラクトアドレス、ステイクしているERC20トークンの量、預けた時のERC20トークンの価格、現在のトークンの価格、貸し出したETHの量、貸し出しを行った時のunix time stamp、返済を行った時のunix time stamp、pending(検討中)・started(貸し出し中)・expired(返済済)の状態などから構成される。

struct Loan {
       uint256 id;
       address receiver;
       bytes32 queryId;
       address stakedToken;
       uint256 stakedTokenAmount;
       int256 initialTokenPrice;
       int256 currentTokenPrice;
       uint256 borrowedEth;
       uint256 createdAt;
       uint256 expirationDate;
       bool isOpen;
       string state; // It can be 'pending', 'started', 'expired', or 'paid'


struct Hold {
       uint256 id;
       address holder;
       uint256 date;
       uint256 quantity;



   // User address => eth holding
   mapping(address => Hold[]) public holdings;


// User address => amount of ETH currently lend for a particular user
mapping(address => uint256) public lendEth;


// Query id by oraclize => Loan
mapping(bytes32 => Loan) public queryLoan;


// Query id => The loan to update the current price to check for collaterals
mapping(bytes32 => Loan) public queryUpdateLoanPrice;


// Id => Loan
mapping(uint256 => Loan) public loanById;


// User address => loans by that user
mapping(address => Loan[]) public userLoans;



Loan[] public loans;


Loan[] public closedLoans;



address[] public holders;


address[] public operators;


address public owner;


uint256 public lastId;
uint256 public earnings;



/// @notice To add ETH funds to the bank, those funds may be used for loans and if so, the holder won't be able to extract those funds in exchange for a 5% total payment of their funds when the loan is closed

function addFunds() public payable {
       require(msg.value > 0, 'You must send more than zero ether');
       if(!checkExistingHolder()) {
       if(holdingEth[msg.sender].holder != address(0)) {
           Hold memory hold = holdingEth[msg.sender];
           holdingEth[msg.sender] = hold;
       } else {
           Hold memory hold = Hold(msg.sender, new uint256[](now), new uint256[](msg.value), new uint256[](now));
           holdingEth[msg.sender] = hold;


/// @notice To get a loan for ETH in exchange for the any compatible token note that you need to send a small quantity of ETH to process this transaction at least 0.01 ETH so that the oracle can pay for the cost of requesting the token value
   /// @param _receivedToken The token that this contract will hold until the loan is payed
   /// @param _quantityToBorrow The quantity of ETH that you want to receive as the loan
   function loan(address _receivedToken, uint256 _quantityToBorrow) public payable {
       require(_quantityToBorrow > 0, 'You must borrow more than zero ETH');
       require(address(this).balance >= _quantityToBorrow, 'There are not enough ETH funds to lend you right now in this contract');
       require(msg.value >= 10 finney, 'You must pay at least 0.01 ETH to run this function so that it can read the current token price');

       string memory symbol = IERC20(_receivedToken).symbol();
       // Request the price in ETH of the token to receive the loan
       bytes32 queryId = oraclize_query(oraclize_query("URL", strConcat("json(https://api.bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getticker?market=ETH-", symbol, ").result.Bid"));)
       Loan memory l = Loan(lastId, msg.sender, queryId, _receivedToken, 0, 0, _quantityToBorrow, now, 0, false, 'pending');
       queryLoan[queryId] = l;
       loanById[lastId] = l;


   /// @notice The function that gets called by oraclize to get the price of the symbol to stake for the loan
   /// @param _queryId The unique query id generated when the oraclize event started
   /// @param _result The received token price with decimals as a string
   /// @param _proof The unique proof to confirm that this function has been called by a valid smart contract
   function __callback(
      bytes32 _queryId,
      string memory _result,
      bytes memory _proof
   ) public {
      require(msg.sender == oraclize_cbAddress(), 'The callback function can only be executed by oraclize');

      Loan memory l = queryUpdateLoanPrice[_queryId];
      Loan memory l = queryLoan[_queryId];
      if(l.receiver != address(0)) {
          updateLoanPrice(_result, _queryId);
      } else if(l.receiver != address(0)) {
          setLoan(_result, _queryId);


/// @notice To update the price of a token used in a loan to close it if the value drops too low
   function updateLoanPrice(string _result, bytes32 _queryId) internal {
       Loan memory l = queryLoan[_queryId];
       int256 tokenPrice = parseInt(_result);
       l.currentTokenPrice = tokenPrice;

       loanById[l.id] = l;
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < userLoans[l.receiver].length; i++) {
           if(userLoans[l.receiver][i].id == l.id) {
               userLoans[l.receiver][i] = l;
       emit UpdatedLoanTokenPrice(l.id, tokenPrice);


function setLoan(string _result, bytes32 _queryId) internal {
       Loan memory l = queryLoan[_queryId];
       int256 tokenPrice = parseInt(_result);
       uint256 amountToStake = l.stakedTokenAmount * tokenPrice * 0.5; // Multiply it by 0.5 to divide it by 2 so that the user sends double the quantity to borrow worth of tokens
       require(tokenPrice > 0, 'The token price must be larger than absolute zero');
       require(amountToStake >= l.borrowedEth, 'The quantity of tokens to stake must be larger than or equal twice the amount of ETH to borrow');

       IERC20(l.stakedToken).transferFrom(l.receiver, address(this), l.stakedTokenAmount);
       l.initialTokenPrice = tokenPrice;
       l.currentTokenPrice = tokenPrice;
       l.expirationDate = now + 6 months;
       l.isOpen = true;
       l.state = 'started';
       loanById[l.id] = l;
       queryLoan[_queryId] = l;

       emit CreatedLoan(l.id, l.stakedToken, l.borrowedEth, l.receiver);


/// @notice To pay a given loan with the 5% fee of the lend ETH
   /// @param _loanId The loan id to pay
   function payLoan(uint256 _loanId) public payable {
       Loan memory l = loanById[_loanId];
       uint256 priceWithFivePercentFee = l.borrowedEth + (l.borrowedEth * 0.05);
       require(l.isOpen, 'The loan must be open to be payable');
       require(msg.value >= priceWithFivePercentFee, 'You must pay the ETH borrowed by the loan plus the five percent fee not less');
       // If he paid more than he borrowed, return him the difference without the fee tho
       if(msg.value > priceWithFivePercentFee) {
           l.receiver.transfer(msg.value - priceWithFivePercentFee);
       // Send him his tokens back

       earnings += l.borrowedEth * 0.05;
       l.isOpen = false;
       l.state = 'paid';
       queryLoan[l.queryId] = l;
       loanById[l.id] = l;

       // Update the loan from the array of user loans with the paid status
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < userLoans[l.receiver].length; i++) {
           if(userLoans[l.receiver][i].id == l.id) {
               userLoans[l.receiver][i] = l;


/// @notice To pay a holder depending on time holding up to 5% per year of the current dynamic earnings
   function payHolder() public {
       require(holdingEth[msg.sender].holder != address(0), 'You must hold more than zero ether to earn a profit');
       int256 totalEarnings = checkEarnings();

       // Update the state of the holdings before sending the ether to avoid reentrancy
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < holdings[msg.sender].length; i++) {
           holdings[msg.sender][i].date = now;



   /// @notice To extract the funds that a user may be holding in the bank
   function extractFunds() public {
       uint256 totalFunds;
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < holdings[msg.sender].length; i++) {
           totalFunds += holdings[msg.sender][i].quantity;
           holdings[msg.sender][i].quantity = 0;


   /// @notice To add an operator Ethereum address or to remove one based on the _type value
   /// @param _type If it's an 'add' or 'remove' operation
   /// @param _user The address of the operator
   function modifyOperator(bytes32 _type, address _user) public onlyOwner {
       bool operatorExists = false;
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < operators.length; i++) {
           if(_type == 'add' && operators[i] == _user) {
               operatorExists = true;
           } else if(_type == 'remove' && operators[i] == _user) {
               address lastOperator = operators[operators.length - 1];
               operators[i] = lastOperator;
       if(_type == 'add' && !operatorExists) {


   function closeLoan(uint256 _loanId) public onlyOwnerOrOperator {
       Loan memory l = loanById[_loanId];
       require(l.receiver != address(0), 'The selected loan is invalid');

       int256 percentageDrop =

       // If the price of the token used in the loan dropped below or equal 40% the initial value, close it
       if(l.currentTokenPrice <= l.initialTokenPrice * 0.6)  {

       } else if() {
           // Or if the time to pay the loan has expired it, close it


       l.isOpen = false;
       l.state = 'expired';
       queryLoan[l.queryId] = l;
       loanById[l.id] = l;

       // Update the loan from the array of user loans with the paid status
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < userLoans[l.receiver].length; i++) {
           if(userLoans[l.receiver][i].id == l.id) {
               userLoans[l.receiver][i] = l;


   /// @notice To compare the price of the token used for the loan so that we can detect drops in value for selling those tokens when needed
   function monitorLoan(uint256 _loanId) public payable {
       Loan memory l = loanById[_loanId];
       require(l.receiver != address(0), 'The loan id must be an existing loan');
       string memory symbol = IERC20(l.stakedToken).symbol();
       // Request the price in ETH of the token to receive the loan
       bytes32 queryId = oraclize_query(oraclize_query("URL", strConcat("json(https://api.bittrex.com/api/v1.1/public/getticker?market=ETH-", symbol, ").result.Bid"));)
       queryUpdateLoanPrice[queryId] = l;

利子=収益の5%預金期間 365日預金額

   /// @notice To check how much ether you've earned
   /// @return int256 The number of ETH
   function checkEarnings() public view returns(int256) {
       int256 quantityOfEarnings;
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < holdings[msg.sender].length; i++) {
           int256 percentageOfHoldings = holdingEth[msg.sender].quantity * 100 / address(this).balance;
           uint256 daysPassed = now - holdings[msg.sender][i].date;
           int256 thisEarnings = earnings * 0.05 * daysPassed / 365 days * percentageOfHoldings;

           /* 365 days = earnings * 0.05 * percentage of holdings
           timeSinceLastExit days = x earnings */
           quantityOfEarnings += thisEarnings;
       return quantityOfEarnings;


   /// @notice To check if a user is already added to the list of holders
   function checkExistingHolder() public view returns(bool) {
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < holders.length; i++) {
           if(holders[i] == msg.sender) {
               return true;
       return false;


   /// @notice To check if a user is already added to the list of operators
   function checkExistingOperator(address _operator) public view returns(bool) {
       for(uint256 i = 0; i < operators.length; i++) {
           if(operators[i] == _operator) {
               return true;
       return false;



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