
More than 1 year has passed since last update.


Last updated at Posted at 2021-06-24

はじめに - Introduction


What is kind of OS, or rather a device, needed in the new generation? It should be a gate, a dock, a hub, or bridge that people meet, connect, think, learn, create, play, and produce. It may be functional, smart that have capability for complex things and however have simple, elegant, and beautiful operability and appearance.

クロスプラットフォームとシングルトン・アクセス - Cross-Platform and Singleton-Access


The OS will run the same on all devices it is adapted to and have a platform that applications and other software will run the same on. It has a palette that can be explored from the desktop, and all installed software is accessible from one place. Selecting an existing file will automatically launch its corresponding software, and by direct launching from the palette will create new file.

ソフトウェアとシングルトン・マネジメント - Software and Singleton-Management

ソフトウェア及びパッケージは統一的な機構を介してホストされ,入手・インストールされます.公式のストア・ホストサイトのほか,開発者はその提供するソフトウェアやパッケージを任意の場所からホストできますが,いずれの場合も,この機構のネットワークに登録することで,ユーザは一か所からソフトウェアやパッケージを探し,入手することができるようになります. また,入手・インストールを一元化することにより,保有するソフトウェアやパッケージを容易に管理することができるようになり,デバイス間の連携や共有,移行もシンプルにできるようになります.

Software and packages are hosted, obtained and installed through a common structure. In addition to the official stores and host sites, developers may host their software and packages from any location, although in all cases, by registering with the network, it allows users to find and obtain software and packages from a single location. Besides, the integrating the acquisition and installation of software and packages, provide users will be able to easily manage their software and packages, and simplify inter-device collaboration, sharing and migration.

マルチデバイスと分散システム - Multi-Device and Distributed-Device


最後に - At Least


We, Chetro project, are researching and developing this new OS "寧和(Bridge)" and various other systems. We welcome you to join our project, so please contact us if you are interested.


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