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Hyperapp の重要なテクニックhypercraft(Memoization 編)

Last updated at Posted at 2018-10-25

1. はじめに


Memoization [訳: メモ化] について翻訳したものを記述します。


2. 翻訳



An optimization technique for faster renders and making sure onupdate is only called when something actually changed.


The general idea with memoization, is to avoid expensive calculations in functions by keeping a memo of the result of previous calls. Whenever you call a memoized function with the same arguments as a previous time, we skip over the actual calculation and simply return the previously calculated result


So memoization is best used only for pure functions. Functions who'se only output/effect is the returned value of a calculation, which is only based on input arguments. Also memoization is not free. There is a cost involved in comparing the input values to previous ones, and to storing the old results. You should chose a method appropriate to the types of input values you'll have, and the calculations involved.


Memoizing views


If you're composing your main view from sub-views, as described here (or similar), then your sub-views are pure functions which take a part of the state tree under a namespace: const fooView = fooModule.view(state.foo, actions.foo))

もし、ここで触れたように、サブビューでメインビューを構成している場合、サブビューは名前空間の中にあるstate treeの一部を利用するピュアファンクションですね: const fooView = fooModule.view(state.foo, actions.foo))

Because of the way hyperapp's state-management works, state.foo will be a new instance in the view only if some state has changed under state.foo -- otherwise, it will be the same object instance as the last time the view was called. This offers a perfect opportunity for memoization: the subview represents a significant chunk of the UI, and checking whether the input values have changed is dirt cheap: it's simply a matter of checking if prevState === state.

サブビューはUIに関して重要な表示を行なっており、インプットの値が変更されたかどうかチェックするのは楽勝です。単純に、prevState === state かどうかをチェックするだけの事です。

var prevState
var memo
const memoizeView = view => (state, actions) => {
    if (prevState === state) return memo
    prevState = state
    memo = view(state, actions)
    return memo


fooModule.view = memoizeView(fooModule.view)

Memoizing Components


Memoizing components is a bit more involved than the example above, because


  • components take an input argument wich is an object of attributes, and unlike the state of subviews, you'll typically need to check the properties of the input object, to determine if the arguments have changed

  • unlike subviews, a component is typically called many times every render. This means it's not enough to remember the input from just the previous call. You need to keep track of all the previous inputs and results to reap the benefits of memoization.

  • コンポーネントは属性のオブジェクトを使うので、サブビューのstateとは違い、inputのプロパティが変更したかどうか知る為に典型的なチェックをする必要があります

  • サブビューとは違い、コンポーネントは描画の度に毎回呼ばれます。これは前回呼び出しの際のinputを記憶するだけでは不十分という事です。過去の全てのinputの値と結果を持っておく必要があります

Thankfully are plenty of memoization implementations out there which take care of this for you, so you don't need to write it yourself. A popular one is moize


Speeds up rendering
The main reason you'd want to memoize components, is because during the patch operation (where hyperapp is busy comparing the old virtual-DOM to the new one, in order to figure out how to change the DOM), whenever a virtual node is encounterd which is the same instance as the previous one, it simply skips over that entire branch of the virtual-dom-tree. (See the discussion here).

virtual nodeが前回と同じ場合は、それ以下の階層の全てのdomの比較チェックをスキップします。(ここで議論しています。)

So, for a memoized component, not only do you not have to recreate the virtual nodes again -- but you also spare the patch algorithm from processing that part of the virtual tree again. For big, complicated components this might mean significantly faster rendering.

なので、コンポーネントのメモ化はvirtual nodeの再生成が不要になるだけではなく(patchアルゴリズムではvirtual treeの部分的な処理をさせない事できますが)大きく複雑なコンポーネントの場合、描画がかなり高速化する事もあります。

Onupdate only when component-attributes have changed
A common pitfall/surprise beginning Hyperapp:ers encounter is that if you have a component that produces a vnode with an onupdate lifecycle-event-handler, they often expect it will only run when one of the components attributes has changed. But this is not the case of course. onupdate handlers are run every render.

component-attributes が変更した時だけOnupdate

But since that happens as part of the patch process, if you memoize the component, you get the expected behavior, because patch will only process the vnodes (and call lifecycle events) if something has actually changed.



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