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Prolog でわかる TAPL 9日目 - 第Ⅴ部 多相性 (1)

Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-07





  • reconbase 型再構築のベース bool+nat+λ+単純型(22章)
  • recon 型再構築 bool+nat+λ+型推論(22章)
  • fullrecon フル型再構築 bool+nat+λ+let+型推論(22章)



:- discontiguous((/-)/2).
:- op(920, xfx, [==>, ==>>, <:]).
:- op(910, xfx, [/-]).
:- op(500, yfx, [$, !, subst, subst2]).
:- style_check(- singleton). 

% ------------------------   SYNTAX  ------------------------

:- use_module(rtg).

w ::= bool | nat | true | false. % キーワード:

syntax(x). x(X) :- \+ w(X), atom(X), sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, P), (char_type(P, lower) ; P = '_').  % 識別子:
syntax(tx). tx(TX) :- atom(TX), sub_atom(TX, 0, 1, _, P), char_type(P, upper). % 型変数:

t ::=                  % 型:
      bool             % ブール値型
    | nat              % 自然数型
    | tx               % 型変数
    | (t -> t)         % 関数の型
m ::=                  % 項:
      true             % 真
    | false            % 偽
    | if(m, m, m)      % 条件式
    | 0                % ゼロ
    | succ(m)          % 後者値
    | pred(m)          % 前者値
    | iszero(m)        % ゼロ判定
    | x                % 変数
    | (fn(x : t) -> m) % ラムダ抽象
    | m $ m            % 関数適用
n ::=                  % 数値:
      0                % ゼロ
    | succ(n)          % 後者値
v ::=                  % 値:
      true             % 真
    | false            % 偽
    | n                % 数値
    | (fn(x : t) -> m) % ラムダ抽象

% ------------------------   SUBSTITUTION  ------------------------

true![(J -> M)] subst true.
false![(J -> M)] subst false.
if(M1, M2, M3)![(J -> M)] subst if(M1_, M2_, M3_)         :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_, M2![(J -> M)] subst M2_,
                                                             M3![(J -> M)] subst M3_.
0![(J -> M)] subst 0.
succ(M1)![(J -> M)] subst succ(M1_)                       :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
pred(M1)![(J -> M)] subst pred(M1_)                       :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
iszero(M1)![(J -> M)] subst iszero(M1_)                   :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
J![(J -> M)] subst M                                      :- x(J).
X![(J -> M)] subst X                                      :- x(X).
(fn(X1 : T1) -> M2)![(J -> M)] subst (fn(X1 : T1) -> M2_) :- M2![X1, (J -> M)] subst2 M2_.
M1 $ M2![(J -> M)] subst (M1_ $ M2_)                      :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_, M2![(J -> M)] subst M2_. 
T![X, (X -> M)] subst2 T.
T![X, (J -> M)] subst2 T_                                 :- T![(J -> M)] subst T_.

% ------------------------   EVALUATION  ------------------------

Γ /- if(true, M2, _) ==> M2.
Γ /- if(false, _, M3) ==> M3.
Γ /- if(M1, M2, M3) ==> if(M1_, M2, M3) :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- succ(M1) ==> succ(M1_)             :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- pred(0) ==> 0.
Γ /- pred(succ(N1)) ==> N1              :- n(N1).
Γ /- pred(M1) ==> pred(M1_)             :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- iszero(0) ==> true.
Γ /- iszero(succ(N1)) ==> false         :- n(N1).
Γ /- iszero(M1) ==> iszero(M1_)         :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- (fn(X : T11) -> M12) $ V2 ==> R    :- v(V2), M12![(X -> V2)] subst R.
Γ /- V1 $ M2 ==> V1 $ M2_               :- v(V1), Γ /- M2 ==> M2_.
Γ /- M1 $ M2 ==> M1_ $ M2               :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_. 

Γ /- M ==>> M_ :- Γ /- M ==> M1, Γ /- M1 ==>> M_.
Γ /- M ==>> M. 

% ------------------------   TYPING  ------------------------

Γ /- true : bool.
Γ /- false : bool.
Γ /- if(M1, M2, M3) : T2              :- Γ /- M1 : bool, Γ /- M2 : T2, Γ /- M3 : T2.
Γ /- 0 : nat.
Γ /- succ(M1) : nat                   :- Γ /- M1 : nat.
Γ /- pred(M1) : nat                   :- Γ /- M1 : nat.
Γ /- iszero(M1) : bool                :- Γ /- M1 : nat.
Γ /- X : T                            :- x(X), member(X:T, Γ).
Γ /- (fn(X : T1) -> M2) : (T1 -> T2_) :- [X:T1|Γ] /- M2 : T2_.
Γ /- M1 $ M2 : T12                    :- Γ /- M1 : (T11 -> T12), Γ /- M2 : T11. 
% ------------------------   MAIN  ------------------------

show(X : T) :- format('~w : ~w\n', [X, T]).

run(X : T, Γ, [X:T|Γ]) :- x(X), t(T), show(X : T).
run(M, Γ, Γ)           :- m(M), !, Γ /- M ==>> M_, !, Γ /- M_ : T, !, writeln(M_ : T).

run(Ls) :- foldl(run, Ls, [], _). 

% ------------------------   TEST  ------------------------

% lambda x:A. x;
:- run([(fn(x : 'A') -> x)]). 
% lambda x:Bool. x;
:- run([(fn(x : bool) -> x)]). 
% (lambda x:Bool->Bool. if x false then true else false)
%   (lambda x:Bool. if x then false else true); 
:- run([(fn(x : (bool -> bool)) -> if(x $ false, true, false)) $
           (fn(x : bool) -> if(x, false, true))]).  
% lambda x:Nat. succ x;
:- run([(fn(x : nat) -> succ(x))]). 
% (lambda x:Nat. succ (succ x)) (succ 0); 
:- run([(fn(x : nat) -> succ(succ(x))) $ succ(0)]).

:- halt.



:- discontiguous((/-)/2).
:- op(920, xfx, [==>, ==>>, <:]).
:- op(910, xfx, [/-]).
:- op(500, yfx, [$, !, subst, subst2]).
:- style_check(- singleton). 

% ------------------------   SYNTAX  ------------------------

:- use_module(rtg).

w ::= bool | nat | true | false | 0.  % キーワード:
syntax(x). x(X) :- \+ w(X), atom(X), sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, P), (char_type(P, lower) ; P = '_'). % 識別子:
syntax(tx). tx(TX) :- atom(TX), sub_atom(TX, 0, 1, _, P), (char_type(P, upper) ; P = '?'). % 型変数:
option(M) ::= none | some(M).  % オプション:

t ::=                          % 型:
      bool                     % ブール値型
    | nat                      % 自然数型
    | tx                       % 型変数
    | (t -> t)                 % 関数の型
m ::=                          % 項:
      true                     % 真
    | false                    % 偽
    | if(m, m, m)              % 条件式
    | 0                        % ゼロ
    | succ(m)                  % 後者値
    | pred(m)                  % 前者値
    | iszero(m)                % ゼロ判定
    | x                        % 変数
    | (fn(x : option(t)) -> m) % ラムダ抽象
    | m $ m                    % 関数適用
n ::=                          % 数値:
      0                        % ゼロ
    | succ(n)                  % 後者値
v ::=                          % 値:
      true                     % 真
    | false                    % 偽
    | n                        % 数値
    | (fn(x : option(t)) -> m) % ラムダ抽象

% ------------------------   SUBSTITUTION  ------------------------

true![(J -> M)] subst true.
false![(J -> M)] subst false.
if(M1, M2, M3)![(J -> M)] subst if(M1_, M2_, M3_)         :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_, M2![(J -> M)] subst M2_,
                                                             M3![(J -> M)] subst M3_.
0![(J -> M)] subst 0.
succ(M1)![(J -> M)] subst succ(M1_)                       :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
pred(M1)![(J -> M)] subst pred(M1_)                       :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
iszero(M1)![(J -> M)] subst iszero(M1_)                   :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
J![(J -> M)] subst M                                      :- x(J).
X![(J -> M)] subst X                                      :- x(X).
(fn(X1 : T1) -> M2)![(J -> M)] subst (fn(X1 : T1) -> M2_) :- M2![X1, (J -> M)] subst2 M2_.
M1 $ M2![(J -> M)] subst (M1_ $ M2_)                      :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_, M2![(J -> M)] subst M2_. 
T![X, (X -> M)] subst2 T.
T![X, (J -> M)] subst2 T_                                 :- T![(J -> M)] subst T_.

% ------------------------   EVALUATION  ------------------------

Γ /- if(true, M2, _) ==> M2.
Γ /- if(false, _, M3) ==> M3.
Γ /- if(M1, M2, M3) ==> if(M1_, M2, M3) :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- succ(M1) ==> succ(M1_)             :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- pred(0) ==> 0.
Γ /- pred(succ(N1)) ==> N1              :- n(N1).
Γ /- pred(M1) ==> pred(M1_)             :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- iszero(0) ==> true.
Γ /- iszero(succ(N1)) ==> false         :- n(N1).
Γ /- iszero(M1) ==> iszero(M1_)         :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- (fn(X : T11) -> M12) $ V2 ==> R    :- v(V2), M12![(X -> V2)] subst R.
Γ /- V1 $ M2 ==> V1 $ M2_               :- v(V1), Γ /- M2 ==> M2_.
Γ /- M1 $ M2 ==> M1_ $ M2               :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_. 

Γ /- M ==>> M_ :- Γ /- M ==> M1, Γ /- M1 ==>> M_.
Γ /- M ==>> M. 

% ------------------------   TYPING  ------------------------

nextuvar(I, A, I_) :- swritef(S, '?X%d', [I]), atom_string(A, S), I_ is I + 1.

recon(Γ, Cnt, X, T, Cnt, [])                             :- x(X), member(X:T, Γ).
recon(Γ, Cnt, (fn(X : some(T1)) -> M2), (T1 -> T2), Cnt_, Constr_)
                                                         :- recon([X:T1|Γ], Cnt, M2, T2, Cnt_, Constr_).
recon(Γ, Cnt, M1 $ M2, TX, Cnt_, Constr_)                :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1),
                                                            recon(Γ, Cnt1, M2, T2, Cnt2, Constr2),
                                                            nextuvar(Cnt2, TX, Cnt_),
                                                            flatten([[T1 - (T2 -> TX)], Constr1, Constr2], Constr_).
recon(Γ, Cnt, 0, nat, Cnt, []).
recon(Γ, Cnt, succ(M1), nat, Cnt1, [T1 - nat | Constr1]) :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1).
recon(Γ, Cnt, pred(M1), nat, Cnt1, [T1 - nat | Constr1]) :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1).
recon(Γ, Cnt, iszero(M1), bool, Cnt1, [T1 - nat | Constr1])
                                                         :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1).
recon(Γ, Cnt, true, bool, Cnt, []).
recon(Γ, Cnt, false, bool, Cnt, []).
recon(Γ, Cnt, if(M1, M2, M3), T1, Cnt3, Constr)          :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1),
                                                            recon(Γ, Cnt1, M2, T2, Cnt2, Constr2),
                                                            recon(Γ, Cnt2, M3, T3, Cnt3, Constr3),
                                                            flatten([[T1 - bool, T2 - T3], Constr1, Constr2, Constr3], Constr).
recon(Γ, Cnt, V, V2, Cnt_, [])                           :- writeln(error : recon((V ; V2))), fail.

substinty(TX, T, (S1 -> S2), (S1_ -> S2_)) :- substinty(TX, T, S1, S1_), substinty(TX, T, S2, S2_).
substinty(TX, T, nat, nat).
substinty(TX, T, bool, bool).
substinty(TX, T, TX, T)                    :- tx(TX).
substinty(TX, T, S, S)                     :- tx(S).
substinty(TX, T, S, S1)                    :- writeln(error : substinty(TX, T, S, S1)), fail.

applysubst(Constr, T, T_)                  :- reverse(Constr, Constrr), foldl(applysubst1, Constrr, T, T_).
applysubst1(Tx - Tc2, S, S_)               :- tx(Tx), substinty(Tx, Tc2, S, S_).

substinconstr(Tx, T, Constr, Constr_)      :- maplist([S1 - S2, S1_ - S2_] >> (substinty(Tx, T, S1, S1_),
                                              substinty(Tx, T, S2, S2_)), Constr, Constr_).

occursin(Tx, (T1 -> T2)) :- occursin(Tx, T1).
occursin(Tx, (T1 -> T2)) :- occursin(Tx, T2).
occursin(Tx, Tx)         :- tx(Tx).

unify(Γ, [], []).
unify(Γ, [Tx - Tx | Rest], Rest_)                 :- tx(Tx), unify(Γ, Rest, Rest_).
unify(Γ, [S - Tx | Rest], Rest_)                  :- tx(Tx), !, \+ occursin(Tx, S), substinconstr(Tx, S, Rest, Rest1), unify(Γ, Rest1, Rest2), append(Rest2, [Tx - S], Rest_).
unify(Γ, [Tx - S | Rest], Rest_)                  :- tx(Tx), unify(Γ, [S - Tx | Rest], Rest_).
unify(Γ, [nat - nat | Rest], Rest_)               :- unify(Γ, Rest, Rest_).
unify(Γ, [bool - bool | Rest], Rest_)             :- unify(Γ, Rest, Rest_).
unify(Γ, [(S1 -> S2) - (T1 -> T2) | Rest], Rest_) :- unify(Γ, [S1 - T1, S2 - T2 | Rest], Rest_).
unify(_, A, B)                                    :- writeln(error : unify : A), fail.

typeof(Γ, Cnt, Constr, M, T_, Cnt_, Constr3) :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M, T, Cnt_, Constr1), !,
                                                   append(Constr, Constr1, Constr2), !,
                                                   unify(Γ, Constr2, Constr3), !,
                                                   applysubst(Constr3, T, T_). 

% ------------------------   MAIN  ------------------------

show(X : T) :- format('~w : ~w\n', [X, T]).

run(X : T, Γ, [X : T | Γ])             :- x(X), t(T), show(X : T).
run(M, (Γ, Cnt, Constr), (Γ, Cnt_, Constr_)) :- !, m(M), !, typeof(Γ, Cnt, Constr, M, T, Cnt_, Constr_), !,
                                                Γ /- M ==>> M_, !, writeln(M_ : T).

run(Ls) :- foldl(run, Ls, ([], 0, []), _). 

% ------------------------   TEST  ------------------------

% lambda x:Bool. x;
:- run([(fn(x : some(bool)) -> x)]). 
% if true then false else true;
:- run([if(true, false, true)]). 
% if true then 1 else 0;
:- run([if(true, succ(0), 0)]). 
% (lambda x:Nat. x) 0;
:- run([(fn(x : some(nat)) -> x) $ 0]). 
% (lambda x:Bool->Bool. if x false then true else false) 
%   (lambda x:Bool. if x then false else true); 
:- run([(fn(x : some((bool -> bool))) -> if(x $ false, true, false)) $
           (fn(x : some(bool)) -> if(x, false, true))]). 
% lambda x:Nat. succ x;
:- run([(fn(x : some(nat)) -> succ(x))]). 
% (lambda x:Nat. succ (succ x)) (succ 0);
:- run([(fn(x : some(nat)) -> succ(succ(x))) $ succ(0)]). 
% lambda x:A. x;
:- run([(fn(x : some('A')) -> x)]). 
% (lambda x:X. lambda y:X->X. y x);
:- run([(fn(x : some('X')) -> fn(y : some(('X' -> 'X'))) -> y $ x)]). 
% (lambda x:X->X. x 0) (lambda y:Nat. y);
:- run([(fn(x : some(('X' -> 'X'))) -> x $ 0) $ (fn(y : some(nat)) -> y)]).

:- halt.



:- discontiguous((/-)/2).
:- op(1100, xfy, [in]).
:- op(920, xfx, [==>, ==>>]).
:- op(910, xfx, [/-]).
:- op(500, yfx, [$, !, subst, subst2]).
:- style_check(- singleton). 

% ------------------------   SYNTAX  ------------------------

:- use_module(rtg).

w ::= bool | nat | true | false | 0.  % キーワード:
syntax(x). x(X) :- \+ w(X), atom(X), sub_atom(X, 0, 1, _, P), (char_type(P, lower) ; P = '_'). % 識別子:
syntax(tx). tx(TX) :- atom(TX), sub_atom(TX, 0, 1, _, P), (char_type(P, upper) ; P = '?'). % 型変数:
option(M) ::= none | some(M).  % オプション:

t ::=                          % 型:
      bool                     % ブール値型
    | nat                      % 自然数型
    | tx                       % 型変数
    | (t -> t)                 % 関数の型
m ::=                          % 項:
      true                     % 真
    | false                    % 偽
    | if(m, m, m)              % 条件式
    | 0                        % ゼロ
    | succ(m)                  % 後者値
    | pred(m)                  % 前者値
    | iszero(m)                % ゼロ判定
    | x                        % 変数
    | (fn(x : option(t)) -> m) % ラムダ抽象
    | m $ m                    % 関数適用
n ::=                          % 数値:
      0                        % ゼロ
    | succ(n)                  % 後者値
v ::=                          % 値:
      true                     % 真
    | false                    % 偽
    | n                        % 数値
    | (fn(x : option(t)) -> m) % ラムダ抽象

% ------------------------   SUBSTITUTION  ------------------------

true![(J -> M)] subst true.
false![(J -> M)] subst false.
if(M1, M2, M3)![(J -> M)] subst if(M1_, M2_, M3_)          :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_, M2![(J -> M)] subst M2_, M3![(J -> M)] subst M3_.
0![(J -> M)] subst 0.
succ(M1)![(J -> M)] subst succ(M1_)                        :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
pred(M1)![(J -> M)] subst pred(M1_)                        :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
iszero(M1)![(J -> M)] subst iszero(M1_)                    :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_.
J![(J -> M)] subst M                                       :- x(J).
X![(J -> M)] subst X                                       :- x(X).
(fn(X : T1) -> M2)![(J -> M)] subst (fn(X : T1) -> M2_)    :- M2![X, (J -> M)] subst2 M2_.
M1 $ M2![(J -> M)] subst (M1_ $ M2_)                       :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_, M2![(J -> M)] subst M2_.
(let(X) = M1 in M2)![(J -> M)] subst (let(X) = M1_ in M2_) :- M1![(J -> M)] subst M1_, M2![X, (J -> M)] subst2 M2_.
S![J, (J -> M)] subst2 S.
S![X, (J -> M)] subst2 M_                                  :- S![(J -> M)] subst M_.

% ------------------------   EVALUATION  ------------------------

Γ /- if(true, M2, _) ==> M2.
Γ /- if(false, _, M3) ==> M3.
Γ /- if(M1, M2, M3) ==> if(M1_, M2, M3)           :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- succ(M1) ==> succ(M1_)                       :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- pred(0) ==> 0.
Γ /- pred(succ(N1)) ==> N1                        :- n(N1).
Γ /- pred(M1) ==> pred(M1_)                       :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- iszero(0) ==> true.
Γ /- iszero(succ(N1)) ==> false                   :- n(N1).
Γ /- iszero(M1) ==> iszero(M1_)                   :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- (fn(X : _) -> M12) $ V2 ==> R                :- v(V2), M12![(X -> V2)] subst R.
Γ /- V1 $ M2 ==> V1 $ M2_                         :- v(V1), Γ /- M2 ==> M2_.
Γ /- M1 $ M2 ==> M1_ $ M2                         :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- (let(X) = V1 in M2) ==> M2_                  :- v(V1), M2![(X -> V1)] subst M2_.
Γ /- (let(X) = M1 in M2) ==> (let(X) = M1_ in M2) :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.

Γ /- M ==>> M_ :- Γ /- M ==> M1, Γ /- M1 ==>> M_.
Γ /- M ==>> M. 

% ------------------------   TYPING  ------------------------

nextuvar(I, A, I_) :- swritef(S, '?X%d', [I]), atom_string(A, S), I_ is I + 1. 

recon(Γ, Cnt, X, T, Cnt, [])                             :- x(X), member(X:T, Γ).
recon(Γ, Cnt, (fn(X : some(T1)) -> M2), (T1 -> T2), Cnt_, Constr_)
                                                         :- recon([X:T1|Γ], Cnt, M2, T2, Cnt_, Constr_).
recon(Γ, Cnt, (fn(X : none) -> M2), (U -> T2), Cnt2, Constr2)
                                                         :- nextuvar(Cnt, U, Cnt_), recon([X:U|Γ], Cnt_, M2, T2, Cnt2, Constr2).
recon(Γ, Cnt, M1 $ M2, TX, Cnt_, Constr_)                :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1),
                                                            recon(Γ, Cnt1, M2, T2, Cnt2, Constr2),
                                                            nextuvar(Cnt2, TX, Cnt_),
                                                            flatten([[T1 - (T2 -> TX)], Constr1, Constr2], Constr_).
recon(Γ, Cnt, (let(X) = M1 in M2), T_, Cnt_, Constr_)    :- v(M1), M2![(X -> M1)] subst M2_,
                                                            recon(Γ, Cnt, M2_, T_, Cnt_, Constr_).
recon(Γ, Cnt, (let(X) = M1 in M2), T2, Cnt2, Constr_)    :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cn1, Constr1),
                                                            recon([X:T1|Γ], Cnt1, M2, T2, Cnt2, Constr2),
                                                            flatten([Constr1, Constr2], Constr_).
recon(Γ, Cnt, 0, nat, Cnt, []).
recon(Γ, Cnt, succ(M1), nat, Cnt1, [T1 - nat | Constr1]) :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1).
recon(Γ, Cnt, pred(M1), nat, Cnt1, [T1 - nat | Constr1]) :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1).
recon(Γ, Cnt, iszero(M1), bool, Cnt1, [T1 - nat | Constr1])
                                                         :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1).
recon(Γ, Cnt, true, bool, Cnt, []).
recon(Γ, Cnt, false, bool, Cnt, []).
recon(Γ, Cnt, if(M1, M2, M3), T1, Cnt3, Constr)          :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M1, T1, Cnt1, Constr1),
                                                            recon(Γ, Cnt1, M2, T2, Cnt2, Constr2),
                                                            recon(Γ, Cnt2, M3, T3, Cnt3, Constr3),
                                                            flatten([[T1 - bool, T2 - T3], Constr1, Constr2, Constr3], Constr).

substinty(TX, T, (S1 -> S2), (S1_ -> S2_)) :- substinty(TX, T, S1, S1_), substinty(TX, T, S2, S2_).
substinty(TX, T, nat, nat).
substinty(TX, T, bool, bool).
substinty(TX, T, TX, T)                    :- tx(TX).
substinty(TX, T, S, S)                     :- tx(S).
applysubst(Constr, T, T_)                  :- reverse(Constr, Constrr), foldl(applysubst1, Constrr, T, T_).
applysubst1(Tx - Tc2, S, S_)               :- tx(Tx), substinty(Tx, Tc2, S, S_).

substinconstr(Tx, T, Constr, Constr_) :- maplist([S1 - S2, S1_ - S2_] >> (
                                           substinty(Tx, T, S1, S1_),
                                           substinty(Tx, T, S2, S2_)
                                         ), Constr, Constr_).

occursin(Tx, (T1 -> T2)) :- occursin(Tx, T1).
occursin(Tx, (T1 -> T2)) :- occursin(Tx, T2).
occursin(Tx, Tx) :- tx(Tx). 

unify(Γ, [], []).
unify(Γ, [Tx - Tx | Rest], Rest_)                 :- tx(Tx), unify(Γ, Rest, Rest_).
unify(Γ, [S - Tx | Rest], Rest_)                  :- tx(Tx), !, \+ occursin(Tx, S),
                                                     substinconstr(Tx, S, Rest, Rest1), unify(Γ, Rest1, Rest2),
                                                     append(Rest2, [Tx - S], Rest_).
unify(Γ, [Tx - S | Rest], Rest_)                  :- tx(Tx), unify(Γ, [S - Tx | Rest], Rest_).
unify(Γ, [nat - nat | Rest], Rest_)               :- unify(Γ, Rest, Rest_).
unify(Γ, [bool - bool | Rest], Rest_)             :- unify(Γ, Rest, Rest_).
unify(Γ, [(S1 -> S2) - (T1 -> T2) | Rest], Rest_) :- unify(Γ, [S1 - T1, S2 - T2 | Rest], Rest_).

typeof(Γ, Cnt, Constr, M, T_, Cnt_, Constr3) :- recon(Γ, Cnt, M, T, Cnt_, Constr1), !,
                                                   append(Constr, Constr1, Constr2), !,
                                                   unify(Γ, Constr2, Constr3), !,
                                                   applysubst(Constr3, T, T_). 

% ------------------------   MAIN  ------------------------

show(X : T) :- format('~w : ~w\n', [X, T]).

run(X : T, (Γ, Cnt, Constr), ([X:X|Γ], Cnt, Constr))
                                             :- x(X), t(T), show(X : T).
run(M, (Γ, Cnt, Constr), (Γ, Cnt_, Constr_)) :- !, m(M), !, typeof(Γ, Cnt, Constr, M, T, Cnt_, Constr_), !,
                                                Γ /- M ==>> M_, !, writeln(M_ : T).

run(Ls) :- foldl(run, Ls, ([], 0, []), _). 

% ------------------------   TEST  ------------------------

% lambda x:Bool. x;
:- run([(fn(x : some(bool)) -> x)]). 
% if true then false else true;
:- run([if(true, false, true)]). 
% if true then 1 else 0;
:- run([if(true, succ(0), 0)]). 
% (lambda x:Nat. x) 0;
:- run([(fn(x : some(nat)) -> x) $ 0]). 
% (lambda x:Bool->Bool. if x false then true else false) 
%   (lambda x:Bool. if x then false else true); 
:- run([(fn(x : some((bool -> bool))) -> if(x $ false, true, false)) $
           (fn(x : some(bool)) -> if(x, false, true))]). 
% lambda x:Nat. succ x;
:- run([(fn(x : some(nat)) -> succ(x))]). 
% (lambda x:Nat. succ (succ x)) (succ 0);
:- run([(fn(x : some(nat)) -> succ(succ(x))) $ succ(0)]). 
% lambda x:A. x;
:- run([(fn(x : some('A')) -> x)]). 
% (lambda x:X. lambda y:X->X. y x);
:- run([(fn(x : some('X')) -> fn(y : some(('X' -> 'X'))) -> y $ x)]).
:- halt. 
% (lambda x:X->X. x 0) (lambda y:Nat. y);
:- run([(fn(x : some(('X' -> 'X'))) -> x $ 0) $ (fn(y : some(nat)) -> y)]). 
% (lambda x. x 0);
:- run([(fn(x : none) -> x $ 0)]). 
% let f = lambda x. x in (f 0);
:- run([(let(f) = (fn(x : none) -> x) in f $ 0)]). 
% let f = lambda x. x in (f f) (f 0);
:- run([(let(f) = (fn(x : none) -> x) in f $ f $ (f $ 0))]). 
% let g = lambda x. 1 in g (g g);
:- run([(let(g) = (fn(x : none) -> succ(0)) in g $ (g $ g))]).

:- halt.



Bernardino Cametti: Diana as Huntress, Rome 1717/1720, marble (pedestal by Pascal Latour, 1754). Skulpturensammlung (Inv. 9/59; acquired in 1959), Bode-Museum Berlin.

Diana (Classical Latin: [dɪˈaːna]) is a Roman goddess of the hunt, the Moon, and nature, associated with wild animals and woodland. She is equated with the Greek goddess Artemis, and absorbed much of Artemis' mythology early in Roman history, including a birth on the island of Delos to parents Jupiter and Latona, and a twin brother, Apollo,[2] though she had an independent origin in Italy.

Diana was known as the virgin goddess of childbirth and women. She was one of the three maiden goddesses, along with Minerva and Vesta, who swore never to marry. Oak groves and deer were especially sacred to her. Diana made up a triad with two other Roman deities; Egeria the water nymph, her servant and assistant midwife; and Virbius, the woodland god.[3]

Diana is revered in modern Neopagan religions including Roman Neopaganism, Stregheria, and Wicca. From the medieval to the modern period, as folklore attached to her developed and was eventually adapted into neopagan religions, the mythology surrounding Diana grew to include a consort (Lucifer) and daughter (Aradia), figures sometimes recognized by modern traditions.[4] In the ancient, medieval, and modern periods, Diana has been considered a triple deity, merged with a goddess of the moon (Luna/Selene) and the underworld (usually Hecate).[5][6]


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