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Prolog でわかる TAPL 4日目 - 第Ⅰ部 型無しの計算体系 (2)

Last updated at Posted at 2019-12-03


ヘルメース(古希: Ἑρμῆς、古代ギリシア語ラテン翻字: Hermēs)は、ギリシア神話に登場する青年神である[1]。長母音を省略してヘルメスとも表記される[1]。



今日は型無しラムダ計算を Prolog で実装します。




t ::=     項:
  x       変数
  λx.t   ラムダ抽象
  t t     関数適用

v::=      値:
  λx.t   ラムダ抽象値

評価 t ==> t’

t1 ==> t1’
------------------------------------------ (E-App1)
t1 t2 ==> t1’ t2

t2 ==> t2’
------------------------------------------ (E-App2)
v1 t2 ==> v1  t2’

(λx.t12) v2 ==> [x->v2]t12                (E-AppAbs)


:- style_check(-singleton).
:- op(920, xfx, [==>, ==>>]).
:- op(910, xfx, [/-]).
:- op(500, yfx, [$, !, subst, subst2]).
:- op(10, xf, [/]).

:- op(1200,xfx,::=), op(650,xfx,), op(250,yf,*).
G{G}. G(G|_). G(_|G1):-GG1. GG.
syntax(S/[S2],AEs) :- compound_name_arguments(AEs,A,Es),syntax(S,A),syntax(S2,Es).
syntax(atom,I):- atom(I),!.

% ------------------------   SYNTAX  ------------------------

x ::= atom.        % 識別子:
m ::=              % 項:
      x            % 変数
    | (fn(x) -> m) % ラムダ抽象
    | m $ m        % 関数適用
v ::=              % 値:
      fn(x) -> m   % ラムダ抽象

% ------------------------   SUBSTITUTION  ------------------------

            X![X -> M]  subst M              :- syntax(x,X).
            X![Y -> M]  subst X              :- syntax(x,X).
(fn(X) -> M2)![Y -> M]  subst (fn(X) -> M2_) :- M2![X, (Y -> M)] subst2 M2_.
      M1 $ M2![Y -> M]  subst (M1_ $ M2_)    :- M1![Y -> M] subst M1_, M2![Y -> M] subst M2_.
            A![Y -> M]  subst B              :- writeln(error : A![Y -> M] subst B), fail.
      M1![Y, (Y -> M)] subst2 M1.
      M1![X, (Y -> M)] subst2 M_             :- M1![Y -> M] subst M_.

% ------------------------   EVALUATION  ------------------------

Γ /- (fn(X) -> M12) $ V2 ==> R        :- syntax(v,V2), M12![X -> V2] subst R.
Γ /- V1 $ M2             ==> V1 $ M2_ :- syntax(v,V1), Γ /- M2 ==> M2_.
Γ /- M1 $ M2             ==> M1_ $ M2 :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- M                  ==>> M_       :- Γ /- M ==> M1, Γ /- M1 ==>> M_.
Γ /- M                  ==>> M.

% ------------------------   MAIN  ------------------------

run(X/, Γ/[X|Rs], [X - name | Γ]/Rs) :- !.
run(M, Γ/[M_|Rs], Γ/Rs) :- !, syntax(m,M), !, Γ /- M ==>> M_, !.
run(Ls,Rs)              :- foldl(run, Ls, []/Rs_, _/[]),!,Rs=Rs_.
run(Ls)                 :- run(Ls,Ms),writeln(Ms).

% ------------------------   TEST  ------------------------
:- begin_tests(untyped).
test(n):- run([x/, x],[x,x]). 
test(n):- run([(fn(x) -> x)],[(fn(x)->x)]). 
test(n):- run([(fn(x) -> x) $ (fn(x) -> x $ x)],[(fn(x)->x$x)]). 
test(n):- run([(fn(z) -> (fn(y) -> y) $ z) $ (fn(x) -> x $ x)],[(fn(x)->x$x)]). 
test(n):- run([(fn(x) -> (fn(x) -> x) $ x) $ (fn(x) -> x $ x)],[(fn(x)->x$x)]). 
test(n):- run([(fn(x) -> (fn(x) -> x) $ x) $ (fn(z) -> z $ z)],[(fn(z)->z$z)]).
:- end_tests(untyped).

:- run_tests.
:- halt.

項書換えをするための述語 subst/2 と subst2/2 で項内を一部置換します。X![X -> M] subst M :- x(X). の規則では変数XをMに書き換えます。Prologでは関数のつながりをそのまま書けないので $ 2項演算子を用いて関数適用を示しています。

:- discontiguous((/-)/2).
:- op(1200, xfx, [:-]).
:- op(1100, xfy, [in]).
:- op(920, xfx, [==>, ==>>]).
:- op(910, xfx, [/-]).
:- op(600, xfy, [#]).
:- op(500, yfx, [$, !, subst, subst2]).
:- style_check(-singleton).

:- op(1200,xfx,::=), op(650,xfx,), op(250,yf,*).
G{G}. G(G|_). G(_|G1):-GG1. GG.
syntax(S/[S2],AEs) :- compound_name_arguments(AEs,A,Es),syntax(S,A),syntax(S2,Es).
syntax(E*,Ls) :- maplist(syntax(E),Ls).
syntax(x,X):- \+syntax(w,X),atom(X),!.                % 識別子:
syntax(floatl,F)   :- float(F).                       % 浮動小数点数:
syntax(stringl,S)  :- string(S).                      % 文字列:
syntax(l,L)        :- atom(L) ; integer(L).           % ラベル:

% 構文

w ::= true | false | zero.                            % キーワード:
m ::=                   % 項:
      true              % 真
    | false             % 偽
    | if(m,m,m)         % 条件式
    | 0                 % ゼロ
    | succ(m)           % 後者値
    | pred(m)           % 前者値
    | iszero(m)         % ゼロ判定
    | floatl            % 浮動小数点数値
    | m * m             % 浮動小数点乗算
    | stringl           % 文字列定数
    | x                 % 変数
    | fn(x)->m          % ラムダ抽象
    | m $ m             % 関数適用
    | let(x)=m in m     % let束縛
    | {(l=m)*}          % レコード
    | m # l             % 射影
n ::=                   % 数値:
      0                 % ゼロ
    | succ(n)           % 後者値
v ::=                   % 値:
      true              % 真
    | false             % 偽
    | n                 % 数値
    | unit              % 定数unit
    | floatl            % 浮動小数点数値
    | stringl           % 文字列定数
    | fn(x)->m          % ラムダ抽象
    | {(l=v)*}          % レコード

v(V) :- syntax(v,V). m(M) :- syntax(m,M).
x(X) :- syntax(x,X). n(X) :- syntax(n,X).
% 置換

               true![J -> M] subst true.
              false![J -> M] subst false.
     if(M1, M2, M3)![J -> M] subst if(M1_, M2_, M3_)     :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_, M2![J -> M] subst M2_,
                                                            M3![J -> M] subst M3_.
                  0![J -> M] subst 0.
           succ(M1)![J -> M] subst succ(M1_)             :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_.
           pred(M1)![J -> M] subst pred(M1_)             :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_.
         iszero(M1)![J -> M] subst iszero(M1_)           :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_.
                 F1![J -> M] subst F1                    :- float(F1).
            M1 * M2![J -> M] subst M1_ * M2_             :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_, M2![J -> M] subst M2_.
                  X![J -> M] subst X                     :- string(X).
                  J![J -> M] subst M                     :- x(J).
                  X![J -> M] subst X                     :- x(X).
      (fn(X) -> M2)![J -> M] subst (fn(X) -> M2_)        :- M2![X, (J -> M)] subst2 M2_.
            M1 $ M2![J -> M] subst (M1_ $ M2_)           :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_, M2![J -> M] subst M2_.
(let(X) = M1 in M2)![J -> M] subst (let(X) = M1_ in M2_) :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_, M2![X, (J -> M)] subst2 M2_.
               {Mf}![J -> M] subst {Mf_}                 :- maplist([L=Mi, L=Mi_]>>(Mi![J -> M] subst Mi_), Mf, Mf_).
           (M1 # L)![J -> M] subst (M1_ # L)             :- M1![J -> M] subst M1_.
                  S![J -> M] subst _                     :- writeln(error : subst(J, M, S)), fail.
             S![J, (J -> M)] subst2 S.
             S![X, (J -> M)] subst2 M_                   :- S![J -> M] subst M_.

% 評価

e([L = M | Mf], M, [L = M_ | Mf], M_)  :- \+ v(M).
e([L = M | Mf], M1, [L = M | Mf_], M_) :- v(M), e(Mf, M1, Mf_, M_).

Γ /- if(true, M2, _)     ==> M2.
Γ /- if(false, _, M3)    ==> M3.
Γ /- if(M1, M2, M3)      ==> if(M1_, M2, M3)      :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- succ(M1)            ==> succ(M1_)            :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- pred(0)             ==> 0.
Γ /- pred(succ(N1))      ==> N1                   :- n(N1).
Γ /- pred(M1)            ==> pred(M1_)            :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- iszero(0)           ==> true.
Γ /- iszero(succ(N1))    ==> false                :- n(N1).
Γ /- iszero(M1)          ==> iszero(M1_)          :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- F1 * F2             ==> F3                   :- float(F1), float(F2), F3 is F1 * F2.
Γ /- V1 * M2             ==> V1 * M2_             :- v(V1), Γ /- M2 ==> M2_.
Γ /- M1 * M2             ==> M1_ * M2             :-        Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- X                   ==> M                    :- x(X), member(X - m(M), Γ).
Γ /- (fn(X) -> M12) $ V2 ==> R                    :- v(V2), M12![X -> V2] subst R.
Γ /- V1 $ M2             ==> V1 $ M2_             :- v(V1), Γ /- M2 ==> M2_.
Γ /- M1 $ M2             ==> M1_ $ M2             :-        Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- (let(X) = V1 in M2) ==> M2_                  :- v(V1), M2![X -> V1] subst M2_.
Γ /- (let(X) = M1 in M2) ==> (let(X) = M1_ in M2) :-        Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- {Mf}                ==> {Mf_}                :- e(Mf, M, Mf_, M_), Γ /- M ==> M_.
Γ /- {Mf} # L            ==> M                    :- member(L = M, Mf).
Γ /- M1 # L              ==> M1_ # L              :- Γ /- M1 ==> M1_.
Γ /- M                  ==>> M_                   :- Γ /- M  ==> M1, Γ /- M1 ==>> M_.
Γ /- M                  ==>> M.

% ------------------------   MAIN  ------------------------

show(X, name,R)                :- format(atom(R),'~w', [X]).
show(X, m(M),R)                :- format(atom(R),'~w = ~w', [X, M]).
run(X/nil, Γ/[R|Rs], [X-name|Γ]/Rs) :- show(X, name,R).
run(X = M, Γ/[R|Rs], [X-m(M)|Γ]/Rs) :- m(M), Γ /- M ==>> M_, show(X, m(M),R).
run(M, Γ/[M_|Rs], Γ/Rs)             :- !, m(M), !, Γ /- M ==>> M_, !, !.
run(Ls,Rs)      :- foldl(run, Ls, []/Rs_, _/[]),!,Rs=Rs_.
run(Ls)         :- run(Ls,Rs),writeln(Rs).

% ------------------------   TEST  ------------------------

:- begin_tests(fulluntyped).
test(true):- run([true],[true]). 
test('if false then true else false'):- run([if(false, true, false)],[false]). 
test(x):- run([x/nil, x],[x,x]). 
test(variable):- run([x = true, x, if(x, false, x)],['x = true',true,false]). 
test(lambda):- run([(fn(x) -> x)],[(fn(x) -> x)]). 
test(lambda_app):- run([(fn(x) -> x) $ (fn(x) -> x $ x)],[(fn(x)->x$x)]). 
test(record):- run(
    [{[x = (fn(x)->x), y=(fn(x)->x) $ (fn(x)->x)]}],
    [{[x = (fn(x)->x), y=(fn(x)->x)]}]
test(field):- run(
  [{[x = (fn(x) -> x), y = (fn(x) -> x) $ (fn(x) -> x)]} # x],
test(string):- run(["hello"],["hello"]). 
test(float):- run([2.0 * 3.0 * (4.0 * 5.0)],[120.0]). 
test(n):- run([0],[0]). 
test(n):- run([succ(pred(0))],[succ(0)]). 
test(iszero_succ):- run([iszero(pred(succ(succ(0))))],[false]). 
test(let):- run([(let(x) = true in x)],[true]). 
test(tuple):- run([{[1 = 0, 2 = 1.5]}],[{[1=0,2=1.5]}]).
:- end_tests(fulluntyped).

:- run_tests.
:- halt.

様々な機能を追加するとこのようになります。タプルはフィールド名が数字のレコードの構文糖として考えられるので、数字をそのまま用いています。これらの機能の図は 5日目 で紹介します。



Crested ibis From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The crested ibis (Nipponia nippon), also known as the Japanese crested ibis or Toki (トキ), variously written in kanji as 朱鷺, 鴇, 鵇, 鴾, or 桃花鳥, and written in hanzi as 朱䴉 or 朱鷺, is a large (up to 78.5 cm (30.9 in) long), white-plumaged ibis of pine forests. Its head is partially bare, showing red skin, and it has a dense crest of white plumes on the nape. This species is the only member of the genus Nipponia.

They make their nests at the tops of trees on hills usually overlooking their habitat. Crested ibises usually eat frogs, small fish, and small animals.

Crested ibis


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