アレースもしくはアーレース(ΑΡΗΣ、Arēs、Ἄρης, Ārēs)は、ギリシア神話に登場する神で、戦を司る[1]。ゼウスとヘーラーの子とされる[1]。オリュンポス十二神の一柱[1]。アイオリス方言ではアレウスもしくはアーレウス(Ἄρευς、Areus)とも。日本語では長母音を省略してアレスとも呼ばれる[1]。聖獣はオオカミ、イノシシで聖鳥は啄木鳥、雄鶏。聖樹はトネリコ。
ローマ神話のマールスに相当し[1]、また火星と同一視される。このため黄道上に位置し火星とよく似た赤い輝きを放つ天体であるさそり座のα星はアンタレス[注 1]と呼ばれる[4][5]。火星の衛星フォボスとダイモスはアレースの子の名から採られている。
Wikipedia アレース より
0は0ですが、1はsucc(0)、2はsucc(succ(0))、3はsucc(succ(succ(0))) のように表すことで自然数を表します。
ペアの自然数は CPU の演算能力を使った処理系よりも動作が遅いですが、論理的単純さは勝っています。
t ::= 項:
true 定数真
false 定数偽
if t then t else t 条件式
v::= 値:
true 定数真
false 定数偽
評価 t ==> t’
if true then t2 else t3 ==> t2 (E-IfTrue)
if false then t2 else t3 ==> t3 (E-IfFalse)
t1 ==> t1’
-------------------------------- (E-If)
if t1 then t2 else t3
==> if t1’ then t2 else t3
この図は Bool のみがある最も簡単な言語です。以下のようにPrologで書くことができます:
:- op(1200,xfx,::=).
:- op(920, xfx, ['→', '↠']).
:- op(650,xfx,∈).
:- op(250,yf,*).
G∈{G}. G∈(G|_). G∈(_|G1):-G∈G1. G∈G.
syntax(S/[S2],AEs) :- compound_name_arguments(AEs,A,Es),syntax(S,A),syntax(S2,Es).
syntax(x,I):- atom(I),!.
syntax(E*,Ls) :- maplist(syntax(E),Ls).
% 構文
t ::= % 項:
true % 真
| false % 偽
| if(t, t, t) % 条件式
v ::= % 値:
true % 真
| false % 偽
% 評価 t → t'
if(true, T2, _) → T2. % (E-IfTrue)
if(false, _, T3) → T3. % (E-IfFalse)
if(T1, T2, T3) → if(T1_, T2, T3) :- T1 → T1_.% (E-If)
T ↠ T_ :- T → T1, T1 ↠ T_.
T ↠ T.
% Main
run(T, Γ/[T_|Ts], Γ/Ts) :- !, syntax(t,T), !, T ↠ T_, !.
run(Ls,Ts) :- foldl(run, Ls, []/Ts_, _/[]),!,Ts=Ts_.
run(Ls) :- run(Ls,Ts),writeln(Ts).
:- begin_tests(b).
test(true) :- run([true],[true]).
test(if) :- run([if(false, true, false),if(true,true,false)],[false,true]).
test(if) :- run([if(false, true, false),if(if(false, true, false),true,if(true, true, false))],[false,true]).
:- end_tests(b).
:- run_tests.
:- halt.
B N(型無し) B(図3-1)の拡張
t ::= … 項:
0 定数ゼロ
succ t 後者値
pred t 前者値
iszero t ゼロ判定
v ::= … 値:
nv 数値
nv ::= 数値:
0 ゼロ
succ nv 後者値
新しい評価規則 t ==> t’
t1 ==> t1’
------------------------------------ (E-Succ)
succ t1 ==> succ t1’
pred 0 ==> 0 (E-PredZero)
pred(succ nv1) ==> nv1 (E-PredSucc)
t1 ==> t1’
------------------------------------ (E-Pred)
pred t1 ==> pred t1’
iszero 0 ==> true (E-IsZeroZero)
iszero(succ nv1) ==> false. (E-IsZeroSucc)
t1 ==> t1’
------------------------------------ (E-Zero)
iszero t1 ==> iszero t1’
v ⇓ v (B-Value)
t1 ⇓ true t2 ⇓ v2
------------------------------------------ (B-IfTrue)
if t1 then t2 else t3 ⇓ v2
t1 ⇓ false t3 ⇓ v3
------------------------------------------ (B-IfFalse)
if t1 then t2 else t3 ⇓ v3
t1 ⇓ nv1
------------------------------------------ (B-Succ)
succ t1 ⇓ succ nv1
t1 ⇓ 0
------------------------------------------ (B-PredZero)
pred t1 ⇓ 0
t1 ⇓ succ nv1
------------------------------------------ (B-PredSucc)
pred t1 ⇓ nv1
t1 ⇓ 0
------------------------------------------ (B-IszeroZero)
iszero t1 ⇓ true
t1 ⇓ succ nv1
------------------------------------------ (B-IszeroSucc)
iszero t1 ⇓ false
arith_big.pl はここをクリック
% ------------------------ SYNTAX ------------------------
:- op(1200,xfx,[::=,--]).
:- op(920, xfx, [⇓]).
:- op(650,xfx,∈).
:- op(250,yf,*).
G∈{G}. G∈(G|_). G∈(_|G1):-G∈G1. G∈G.
syntax(S/[S2],AEs) :- compound_name_arguments(AEs,A,Es),syntax(S,A),syntax(S2,Es).
syntax(x,I):- atom(I),!.
syntax(E*,Ls) :- maplist(syntax(E),Ls).
m ::= % 項:
true % 真
| false % 偽
| if(m, m, m) % 条件式
| 0 % ゼロ
| succ(m) % 後者値
| pred(m) % 前者値
| iszero(m) % ゼロ判定
v ::= % 値:
true % 真
| false % 偽
| nv % 数値
nv::= % 数値:
0 % ゼロ
| succ(nv) % 後者値
% ------------------------ EVALUATION ------------------------
--%---------------------------------------- (B-Value)
V ⇓ V.
T1 ⇓ true, T2 ⇓ V2
--%---------------------------------------- (B-IfTrue)
if(T1, T2, _) ⇓ V2.
T1 ⇓ false, T3 ⇓ V3
--%---------------------------------------- (B-IfFalse)
if(T1, _, T3) ⇓ V3.
T1 ⇓ NV1
--%---------------------------------------- (B-Succ)
succ(T1) ⇓ succ(NV1).
T1 ⇓ 0
--%---------------------------------------- (B-PredZero)
pred(T1) ⇓ 0.
T1 ⇓ succ(NV1)
--%---------------------------------------- (B-PredSucc)
pred(T1) ⇓ NV1.
T1 ⇓ 0
--%---------------------------------------- (B-IszeroZero)
iszero(T1) ⇓ true.
T1 ⇓ succ(NV1), syntax(nv,NV1)
--%---------------------------------------- (B-IszeroSucc)
iszero(T1) ⇓ false.
% ------------------------ MAIN ------------------------
run(M, Γ/[M_|Ms], Γ/Ms) :- !, syntax(m,M), !, M ⇓ M_, !.
run(Ls,Ms) :- foldl(run, Ls, []/Ms_, _/[]),!,Ms=Ms_.
run(Ls) :- run(Ls,Ms),writeln(Ms).
% ------------------------ TEST ------------------------
:- begin_tests(arith).
test(true) :- run([true],[true]).
test(if) :- run([if(false, true, false),if(true,true,false)],[false,true]).
test(nat) :- run([0,succ(0),succ(succ(0))],[0,succ(0),succ(succ(0))]).
test(pred) :- run([pred(succ(0)),pred(succ(succ(0))),succ(pred(0))],[0,succ(0),succ(0)]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(pred(succ(succ(0))))],[false]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(pred(pred(succ(succ(0)))))],[true]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(0)],[true]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(pred(0)), 0)],[succ(0)]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(succ(0)), 0)],[succ(succ(0))]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(pred(succ(0))), 0)],[succ(0)]).
:- end_tests(arith).
:- run_tests.
:- halt.
以下に arith.pl の実装を示します:
% ------------------------ SYNTAX ------------------------
:- op(1200,xfx,::=).
:- op(920, xfx, ['→', '↠']).
:- op(650,xfx,∈).
:- op(250,yf,*).
G∈{G}. G∈(G|_). G∈(_|G1):-G∈G1. G∈G.
syntax(S/[S2],AEs) :- compound_name_arguments(AEs,A,Es),syntax(S,A),syntax(S2,Es).
syntax(x,I):- atom(I),!.
syntax(E*,Ls) :- maplist(syntax(E),Ls).
m ::= % 項:
true % 真
| false % 偽
| if(m, m, m) % 条件式
| 0 % ゼロ
| succ(m) % 後者値
| pred(m) % 前者値
| iszero(m) % ゼロ判定
n ::= % 数値:
0 % ゼロ
| succ(n) % 後者値
v ::= % 値:
true % 真
| false % 偽
| n % 数値
% ------------------------ EVALUATION ------------------------
if(true, M2, _) → M2.
if(false, _, M3) → M3.
if(M1, M2, M3) → if(M1_, M2, M3) :- M1 → M1_.
succ(M1) → succ(M1_) :- M1 → M1_.
pred(0) → 0.
pred(succ(N1)) → N1 :- syntax(n,N1).
pred(M1) → pred(M1_) :- M1 → M1_.
iszero(0) → true.
iszero(succ(N1)) → false :- syntax(n,N1).
iszero(M1) → iszero(M1_) :- M1 → M1_.
M ↠ M_ :- M → M1, M1 ↠ M_.
M ↠ M.
% ------------------------ MAIN ------------------------
run(M, Γ/[M_|Ms], Γ/Ms) :- !, syntax(m,M), !, M ↠ M_, !.
run(Ls,Ms) :- foldl(run, Ls, []/Ms_, _/[]),!,Ms=Ms_.
run(Ls) :- run(Ls,Ms),writeln(Ms).
% ------------------------ TEST ------------------------
:- begin_tests(arith).
test(true) :- run([true],[true]).
test(if) :- run([if(false, true, false),if(true,true,false)],[false,true]).
test(nat) :- run([0,succ(0),succ(succ(0))],[0,succ(0),succ(succ(0))]).
test(pred) :- run([pred(succ(0)),pred(succ(succ(0))),succ(pred(0))],[0,succ(0),succ(0)]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(pred(succ(succ(0))))],[false]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(pred(pred(succ(succ(0)))))],[true]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(0)],[true]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(pred(0)), 0)],[succ(0)]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(succ(0)), 0)],[succ(succ(0))]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(pred(succ(0))), 0)],[succ(0)]).
:- end_tests(arith).
:- run_tests.
:- halt.
arith_macro.pl Prolog実装(マクロバージョン)
term_expansion/2 いわゆるマクロ的な項書換えを用いたバージョンは以下のとおりです:
% ------------------------ SYNTAX ------------------------
:- op(1200,xfx,[::=,--]).
:- op(920, xfx, ['→', '↠']).
:- op(650,xfx,∈).
:- op(250,yf,*).
G∈{G}. G∈(G|_). G∈(_|G1):-G∈G1. G∈G.
syntax(S/[S2],AEs) :- compound_name_arguments(AEs,A,Es),syntax(S,A),syntax(S2,Es).
syntax(x,I):- atom(I),!.
syntax(E*,Ls) :- maplist(syntax(E),Ls).
m ::= % 項:
true % 真
| false % 偽
| if(m, m, m) % 条件式
| 0 % ゼロ
| succ(m) % 後者値
| pred(m) % 前者値
| iszero(m) % ゼロ判定
n ::= % 数値:
0 % ゼロ
| succ(n) % 後者値
v ::= % 値:
true % 真
| false % 偽
| n % 数値
% ------------------------ EVALUATION ------------------------
--%-------------------------------- (E-IfTrue)
if(true, M2, _) → M2.
--%-------------------------------- (E-IfFalse)
if(false, _, M3) → M3.
M1 → M1_
--%-------------------------------- (E-If)
if(M1, M2, M3) → if(M1_, M2, M3).
M1 → M1_
--%-------------------------------- (E-Succ)
succ(M1) → succ(M1_).
--%-------------------------------- (E-PredZero)
pred(0) → 0.
--%-------------------------------- (E-PredSucc)
pred(succ(N1)) → N1.
M1 → M1_
--%-------------------------------- (E-Pred)
pred(M1) → pred(M1_).
--%-------------------------------- (E-IsZeroZero)
iszero(0) → true.
--%-------------------------------- (E-IsZeroSucc)
iszero(succ(N1)) → false.
M1 → M1_
--%-------------------------------- (E-IsZero)
iszero(M1) → iszero(M1_).
M → M1, M1 ↠ M_
--%-------------------------------- (E-All1)
M ↠ M_.
M ↠ M. % (E-All2)
% ------------------------ MAIN ------------------------
run(M, Γ/[M_|Ms], Γ/Ms) :- !, syntax(m,M), !, M ↠ M_, !.
run(Ls,Ms) :- foldl(run, Ls, []/Ms_, _/[]),!,Ms=Ms_.
run(Ls) :- run(Ls,Ms),writeln(Ms).
% ------------------------ TEST ------------------------
:- begin_tests(arith).
test(true) :- run([true],[true]).
test(if) :- run([if(false, true, false),if(true,true,false)],[false,true]).
test(nat) :- run([0,succ(0),succ(succ(0))],[0,succ(0),succ(succ(0))]).
test(pred) :- run([pred(succ(0)),pred(succ(succ(0))),succ(pred(0))],[0,succ(0),succ(0)]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(pred(succ(succ(0))))],[false]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(pred(pred(succ(succ(0)))))],[true]).
test(iszero):- run([iszero(0)],[true]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(pred(0)), 0)],[succ(0)]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(succ(0)), 0)],[succ(succ(0))]).
test(expr):- run([if(true, succ(pred(succ(0))), 0)],[succ(0)]).
:- end_tests(arith).
:- run_tests.
:- halt.
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaFor other uses, see Yggdrasil (disambiguation).
"The Ash Yggdrasil" (1886) by Friedrich Wilhelm HeineYggdrasil (from Old Norse Yggdrasill) is an immense mythical tree that plays a central role in Norse cosmology, where it connects the Nine Worlds.
Yggdrasil is attested in the Poetic Edda, compiled in the 13th century from earlier traditional sources, and the Prose Edda, written in the 13th century by Snorri Sturluson. In both sources, Yggdrasil is an immense ash tree that is center to the cosmos and considered very holy. The gods go to Yggdrasil daily to assemble at their things, traditional governing assemblies. The branches of Yggdrasil extend far into the heavens, and the tree is supported by three roots that extend far away into other locations; one to the well Urðarbrunnr in the heavens, one to the spring Hvergelmir, and another to the well Mímisbrunnr. Creatures live within Yggdrasil, including the dragon Níðhöggr, an unnamed eagle, and the stags Dáinn, Dvalinn, Duneyrr and Duraþrór.
Conflicting scholarly theories have been proposed about the etymology of the name Yggdrasill, the possibility that the tree is of another species than ash, its connection to the many sacred trees and groves in Germanic paganism and mythology, and the fate of Yggdrasil during the events of Ragnarök.
World tree
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaThis article is about the religious motif. For other uses, see World Tree (disambiguation).
The world tree is a motif present in several religions and mythologies, particularly Indo-European religions, Siberian religions, and Native American religions. The world tree is represented as a colossal tree which supports the heavens, thereby connecting the heavens, the terrestrial world, and, through its roots, the underworld. It may also be strongly connected to the motif of the tree of life, but it is the source of wisdom of the ages.
Specific world trees include égig érő fa in Hungarian mythology, Ağaç Ana in Turkic mythology, Modun in Mongol mythology, Yggdrasil (or Irminsul) in Norse (including Germanic) mythology, the oak in Slavic, Finnish and Baltic, Iroko in Yoruba religion,[citation needed] Jianmu in Chinese mythology, and in Hindu mythology the Ashvattha (a Ficus religiosa).