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EthFund: A Crowdfunding Decentralized Application

Last updated at Posted at 2018-10-26




About EthFund

"EthFund" is a crowdfunding decentralized application. EthFund uses ether for funding. The developers of EthFund created the project with the idea of where they can use blockchain. Users of EthFund need to have metamask account and installed in their web browser to be able to use the application.

Why the developers created EthFund

The developers want to create a crowdfunding application where users don`t have to wait long just to confirm their transaction and so that they can already get the funding for their project once its done or the goal amount is completed.


Things user can do do when they use EthFund:
- Create a fund raising project
- Browse for a project to fund
- Fund a project

Technologies used in EthFund

For the front-end of EthFund the developers used reactjs and python for the back-end. Solidity is used to create the smart contract and it was connected in the front-end using the web3.js.

EthFund screenshots

Home page

This is the home page of EthFund, there are 2 options in the navigation bar, one is the "Start fundraising"and the other one is "Fund projects".

Start fundraising

In this screen, users who want to create a fund raising project can fill the details needed and submit. Users just need to confirm their transaction in Metamask to finish the transactions.

Funding project list

This is where all the fund raising projects were listed. Funders or investors can see minimal details about the project such as project status, how much the project needs in terms of eth and until when the project can be funded.

Funding project details

Here is where the funder or investors can see the full details of the project. They can also fund the project in this page using their ether.

Please check the application: https://github.com/gwendanielle/crowdfundingDapps


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