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Last updated at Posted at 2018-09-09



マップの大きさは縦横ともに16の倍数 (例: 256 * 128)


#pragma once
#include <vector>
#include <iostream>
#include <random>

namespace world {

	using vsize_t = std::vector<size_t>;
	using vvsize_t = std::vector<vsize_t>;
	class Rand32 {
		std::mt19937 mt;
		void srand(const unsigned int seed_) { mt.seed(seed_); }
		void init() {
			std::random_device rd;
		unsigned int operator()(const int max_) {
			std::uniform_int_distribution<> uid(0, max_ - 1);
			return uid(mt);
	static thread_local Rand32 rand32;
	void worldMapMake(const size_t x_, const size_t y_, const size_t size_, const size_t t1_, const size_t t2_, const size_t t3_, const size_t t4_, size_t map_[17][17])
		if (size_ == 0) return;
		const size_t mapPlus = ((t1_ + t2_ + t3_ + t4_) >> 2) + (const size_t)rand32((const int)size_);
		map_[x_][y_] = (mapPlus >= 255) ? 255 : mapPlus;
		const size_t s1 = ((t1_ + t2_) >> 1);
		const size_t s2 = ((t1_ + t3_) >> 1);
		const size_t s3 = ((t2_ + t4_) >> 1);
		const size_t s4 = ((t3_ + t4_) >> 1);
		map_[x_ + size_][y_] = s3;
		map_[x_ - size_][y_] = s2;
		map_[x_][y_ + size_] = s4;
		map_[x_][y_ - size_] = s1;
		const size_t size = size_ >> 1;
		worldMapMake(x_ - size, y_ - size, size, t1_, s1, s2, map_[x_][y_], map_);
		worldMapMake(x_ + size, y_ - size, size, s1, t2_, map_[x_][y_], s3, map_);
		worldMapMake(x_ - size, y_ + size, size, s2, map_[x_][y_], t3_, s4, map_);
		worldMapMake(x_ + size, y_ + size, size, map_[x_][y_], s3, s4, t4_, map_);

	void worldMapSimple(size_t map_[17][17])
		worldMapMake(8, 8, 8, map_[0][0], map_[16][0], map_[0][16], map_[16][16], map_);

	constexpr size_t aslib_world_make_seed1 = 0x3220;
	constexpr size_t aslib_world_make_seed2 = 0x292;

	void worldMake(vvsize_t& world_map, size_t seed_ = 0)
		if (seed_ == 0) seed_ = size_t(rand32(65535));
		size_t map_[17][17]{};
		const size_t map_x = world_map.size();
		const size_t map_y = world_map.front().size();

		const size_t chunk_x = (map_x >> 4);
		const size_t chunk_y = (map_y >> 4);

		for (size_t i = 0; i < chunk_x; ++i) {
			for (size_t j = 0; j < chunk_y; ++j) {
				rand32.srand((unsigned int)(seed_ + i + (j * aslib_world_make_seed1) + ((i^j) * aslib_world_make_seed2)));
				map_[0][0] = size_t(rand32(255));
				rand32.srand((unsigned int)(seed_ + ((i + 1) % chunk_x) + (j * aslib_world_make_seed1) + ((((i + 1) % chunk_x) ^ j) * aslib_world_make_seed2)));
				map_[16][0] = size_t(rand32(255));
				rand32.srand((unsigned int)(seed_ + i + (((j + 1) % chunk_y) * aslib_world_make_seed1) + ((i ^ ((j + 1) % chunk_y)) * aslib_world_make_seed2)));
				map_[0][16] = size_t(rand32(255));
				rand32.srand((unsigned int)(seed_ + ((i + 1) % chunk_x) + (((j + 1) % chunk_y) * aslib_world_make_seed1) + ((((i + 1) % chunk_x) ^ ((j + 1) % chunk_y)) * aslib_world_make_seed2)));
				map_[16][16] = size_t(rand32(255));
				for (size_t i2 = 0; i2 < 16; ++i2)
					for (size_t j2 = 0; j2 < 16; ++j2)
						world_map[(i << 4) + i2][(j << 4) + j2] = map_[i2][j2];


#include "WorldMap.hpp"

constexpr size_t size_x = 304;
constexpr size_t size_y = 160;

int main() {
	world::vvsize_t wmap(size_y, world::vsize_t(size_x, 255));

	for (size_t i = 0; i < size_y; ++i) {
		for (size_t j = 0; j < size_x; ++j) {

			if (wmap[i][j] <= 30) std::cout << "▲";
			else if (wmap[i][j] <= 110) std::cout << "■";
			else if (wmap[i][j] <= 120) std::cout << "□";
			else std::cout << "△";
		std::cout <<  std::endl;
	return 0;


スクリーンショット 2018-09-06 22.45.21.png



#include "WorldMap.hpp"

constexpr size_t size_x = 304;
constexpr size_t size_y = 160;

int main() {
	world::vvsize_t wmap(size_y, world::vsize_t(size_x, 255));

	for (size_t i = 0; i < size_y; ++i) {
		for (size_t j = 0; j < size_x; ++j) {

			if (wmap[i][j] <= 30) std::cout << "\x1b[47m" << " ";
			else if (wmap[i][j] <= 110) std::cout << "\x1b[42m" << " ";
			else if (wmap[i][j] <= 120) std::cout << "\x1b[46m" << " ";
			else std::cout << "\x1b[44m" << " ";
		std::cout << "\x1b[0m" << " " << std::endl;
	return 0;

スクリーンショット 2018-09-06 21.14.36.png

スクリーンショット 2018-09-06 21.14.36_2.png


スクリーンショット 2018-08-13 06.34.31.png
スクリーンショット 2018-08-13 14.32.00.png


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