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Safety rules for working with electrical tools and equipment

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Commercial electricians in Sydney need a safe working environment. However, a safe environment is not all that is needed to control all potential hazards while dealing with electricity. Electricians must work safely and be very cautious. You can apply safety rules to control risks of death or injury from workplace hazards. If you are working with electrical equipment and tools, you need to use the following safety rules.

Avoid contact with live circuits

You should never make fun of this important rule. It is important to know that touching live wires can cause death and if you are lucky you can sustain serious injuries. Always remember that if something bad happens, you won’t have a second chance.


Use tools with non-conducting handles

Using tools with conducting handles is just the same as touching live wires. Commercial electrical contractors in Sydney city have specialized tools that have non-conducting handles and they have testers to check whether the line has power or not. When dealing with electricity, you should never use metallic rulers and pencils. You should also avoid wearing metal watchbands or rings when dealing with electrical equipment. This is very easy to forget rule especially when you are pointing on an electric line with a metallic pencil.

Clothes, gloves and shoes

When it is very necessary to deal with equipment that is plugged into power, you should ensure that your hands are dry. Wear nonconductive protective clothes, gloves and shoes that have insulted soles.

Work with only one hand

Experienced commercial electricians Sydney in NSW have mastered the skill of working with only one hand with the other hand in the pocket or at their side. This is to ensure that the other hand is away from the conductive material. This will reduce the likelihood of accidents that can result in electricity passing through the chest cavity.


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