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EC2インスタンスの仮想OS上のログファイルをCloudwatch Logsに転送する設定手順

Last updated at Posted at 2023-10-28


EC2インスタンス上で稼働している仮想OS上のログ(/var/log/syslogなど)を,Cloudwatch Logsに転送する設定手順です。
<参考>コマンドラインを使用した CloudWatch エージェントのインストール(公式)


  • ubuntu2204のEC2インスタンス(AMIから展開)

IAMロールの作成 or 編集

EC2インスタンスに割り当てるIAMロールに,以下のポリシーを追加します。このポリシーによって,Cloudwatch Logsにログ送信できる権限をEC2インスタンスに付与できます。

仮想OSへCloudwatch Agentをインストール

EC2インスタンス作成時に標準のAMIから展開した場合は,すでにCloudwatch Agentが導入済の場合があります。この場合には,追加でインストールする必要はありません。ubuntu2204をAMIから展開した場合にはすでに導入済でした。


$ sudo apt install collectd


Cloudwatch Agentの設定ウィザード実行

仮想OSにログインし,Cloudwatch Agentの設定ウィザードを実行します。このウィザードではログ送信の設定に加え,メトリクス送信に関するパラメータも設定できます。

$ sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-config-wizard
= Welcome to the Amazon CloudWatch Agent Configuration Manager =
=                                                              =
= CloudWatch Agent allows you to collect metrics and logs from =
= your host and send them to CloudWatch. Additional CloudWatch =
= charges may apply.                                           =
On which OS are you planning to use the agent?
1. linux
2. windows
3. darwin
default choice: [1]: 

Trying to fetch the default region based on ec2 metadata...
I! imds retry client will retry 1 timesAre you using EC2 or On-Premises hosts?
1. EC2
2. On-Premises
default choice: [1]: 

Which user are you planning to run the agent?
1. root
2. cwagent
3. others
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you want to turn on StatsD daemon?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Which port do you want StatsD daemon to listen to?
default choice: [8125] ※デフォルトでOK

What is the collect interval for StatsD daemon?
1. 10s
2. 30s
3. 60s
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

What is the aggregation interval for metrics collected by StatsD daemon?
1. Do not aggregate
2. 10s
3. 30s
4. 60s
default choice: [4]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you want to monitor metrics from CollectD? WARNING: CollectD must be installed or the Agent will fail to start
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you want to monitor any host metrics? e.g. CPU, memory, etc.
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you want to monitor cpu metrics per core?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you want to add ec2 dimensions (ImageId, InstanceId, InstanceType, AutoScalingGroupName) into all of your metrics if the info is available?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you want to aggregate ec2 dimensions (InstanceId)?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Would you like to collect your metrics at high resolution (sub-minute resolution)? This enables sub-minute resolution for all metrics, but you can customize for specific metrics in the output json file.
1. 1s
2. 10s
3. 30s
4. 60s
default choice: [4]: ※デフォルトでOK

Which default metrics config do you want?
1. Basic
2. Standard
3. Advanced
4. None
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Current config as follows:
        "agent": {
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "run_as_user": "root"
        "metrics": {
                "aggregation_dimensions": [
                "append_dimensions": {
                        "AutoScalingGroupName": "${aws:AutoScalingGroupName}",
                        "ImageId": "${aws:ImageId}",
                        "InstanceId": "${aws:InstanceId}",
                        "InstanceType": "${aws:InstanceType}"
                "metrics_collected": {
                        "collectd": {
                                "metrics_aggregation_interval": 60
                        "disk": {
                                "measurement": [
                                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                                "resources": [
                        "mem": {
                                "measurement": [
                                "metrics_collection_interval": 60
                        "statsd": {
                                "metrics_aggregation_interval": 60,
                                "metrics_collection_interval": 10,
                                "service_address": ":8125"
Are you satisfied with the above config? Note: it can be manually customized after the wizard completes to add additional items.
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you have any existing CloudWatch Log Agent (http://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudWatch/latest/logs/AgentReference.html) configuration file to import for migration?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [2]: ※デフォルトでOK

Do you want to monitor any log files?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: 

Log file path:
/var/log/syslog  ※転送したいログの絶対パスを入力
Log group name:
default choice: [syslog]  ※CloudwatchLogs上でのロググループ名を入力

Log stream name:
default choice: [{instance_id}] ※デフォルトでOK。ログのストリーム名をインスタンスIDで表示する設定です。サーバ名とかでもいいかもしれません。

Log Group Retention in days
1. -1
2. 1
3. 3
4. 5
5. 7
6. 14
7. 30
8. 60
9. 90
10. 120
11. 150
12. 180
13. 365
14. 400
15. 545
16. 731
17. 1096
18. 1827
19. 2192
20. 2557
21. 2922
22. 3288
23. 3653
default choice: [1]: 

Do you want to specify any additional log files to monitor?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※追加のログがあれば1,これで最後なら2

Do you want the CloudWatch agent to also retrieve X-ray traces?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: 

Do you have an existing X-Ray Daemon configuration file to import for migration?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

What is the file path for the existing X-Ray Daemon configuration file?

There was an error reading X-Ray Daemon config file. Using default traces configurations
Current Traces Configurations:
        "traces": {
                "traces_collected": {
                        "xray": {
                                "bind_address": "",
                                "tcp_proxy": {
                                        "bind_address": ""
                "concurrency": 8,
                "buffer_size_mb": 3,
                "insecure": false
Enter a number of the field you would like to update (or 0 to exit)
0: Keep this configuration and exit
1: UDP BindAddress
2: TCP BindAddress
3: concurrency
4: buffer_size_mb
5: resource_arn
6: local_mode
7: insecure
8: role_arn
9: endpoint_override
10: region_override
11: proxy_override

Existing config JSON identified and copied to:  /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/backup-configs
Saved config file to /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json successfully.
Current config as follows:
        "agent": {
                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                "run_as_user": "root"
        "logs": {
                "logs_collected": {
                        "files": {
                                "collect_list": [
                                                "file_path": "/var/log/syslog",
                                                "log_group_name": "syslog",
                                                "log_stream_name": "{instance_id}",
                                                "retention_in_days": 90
        "metrics": {
                "aggregation_dimensions": [
                "append_dimensions": {
                        "AutoScalingGroupName": "${aws:AutoScalingGroupName}",
                        "ImageId": "${aws:ImageId}",
                        "InstanceId": "${aws:InstanceId}",
                        "InstanceType": "${aws:InstanceType}"
                "metrics_collected": {
                        "collectd": {
                                "metrics_aggregation_interval": 60
                        "disk": {
                                "measurement": [
                                "metrics_collection_interval": 60,
                                "resources": [
                        "mem": {
                                "measurement": [
                                "metrics_collection_interval": 60
                        "statsd": {
                                "metrics_aggregation_interval": 60,
                                "metrics_collection_interval": 10,
                                "service_address": ":8125"
        "traces": {
                "buffer_size_mb": 3,
                "concurrency": 8,
                "insecure": false,
                "traces_collected": {
                        "xray": {
                                "bind_address": "",
                                "tcp_proxy": {
                                        "bind_address": ""
Please check the above content of the config.
The config file is also located at /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json.
Edit it manually if needed.
Do you want to store the config in the SSM parameter store?
1. yes
2. no
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK

What parameter store name do you want to use to store your config? (Use 'AmazonCloudWatch-' prefix if you use our managed AWS policy)
default choice: [AmazonCloudWatch-linux] ※デフォルトでOK

Trying to fetch the default region based on ec2 metadata...
I! imds retry client will retry 1 timesWhich region do you want to store the config in the parameter store?
default choice: [us-east-1] ※デフォルトでOK

Which AWS credential should be used to send json config to parameter store?
1. ***********************:(From SDK)
2. Other
default choice: [1]: ※デフォルトでOK(SDKからクレデンシャルを自動的に取得しているようです)

Successfully put config to parameter store AmazonCloudWatch-linux.
Program exits now.


$ sudo /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/amazon-cloudwatch-agent-ctl -a fetch-config -m ec2 -s -c file:/opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/bin/config.json


$ sudo systemctl stop amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service
$ sudo systemctl start amazon-cloudwatch-agent.service


"open /usr/share/collectd/types.db: no such file or directory"が表示される

2023-10-22T14:08:05Z E! [telegraf] Error running agent: Error loading config file /opt/aws/amazon-cloudwatch-agent/etc/amazon-cloudwatch-agent.toml: error parsing socket_listener, open /usr/share/collectd/types.db: no such file or directory


"no identity-based policy allows the ssm:PutParameter action"が表示される

Please make sure the creds you used have the right permissions configured for SSM access.
Error in putting config to parameter store AmazonCloudWatch-linux: AccessDeniedException: User: arn:aws:sts::************:assumed-role/ロール名/インスタンスID is not authorized to perform: ssm:PutParameter on resource: arn:aws:ssm:us-east-1:202676725572:parameter/AmazonCloudWatch-linux because no identity-based policy allows the ssm:PutParameter action
        status code: 400, request id:*********************
Program exits now.



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