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paizaラーニング解答: 算術・代入演算メニュー[Ruby]

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STEP: 1 足し算

puts 1_231 + 5_178

STEP: 2 引き算・掛け算

a, b = gets.split.map(&:to_i)
puts "#{a - b} #{a * b}"

STEP: 3 割り算

a = 437_326
b = 9_085 
puts "#{a / b} #{a % b}"

STEP: 4 掛け算 2

a, b, c = gets.split.map(&:to_i)
puts "#{a * a} #{b * b + c * c}"

STEP: 5 累乗

a, b, c = 202, 134, 107
puts ((a + b) * c) ** 2

FINAL問題 累乗 2

a, b, c, d = gets.split.map(&:to_i)
puts (((a + b) * c) ** 2) % d

STEP: 1 代入演算 1

n = 0
n += 3_286
n *= 4_736
n %= 12_312
puts n

STEP: 2 代入演算 2

a, b, c = gets.split.map(&:to_i)
n = 0
n += a
n *= b
n %= c
puts n

STEP: 3 代入演算 3

n = 10_000
n /= 361
n %= 28
puts n

FINAL問題 代入演算 4

a, b = gets.split.map(&:to_i)
n = 10_000
n /= a
n %= b
puts n

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