
More than 5 years have passed since last update.

linux版FlightRadar24 feederでサインアップ

Last updated at Posted at 2014-05-31


環境変数設定 (不要)

#export FR24AUTHIP=

2014.12.13: この設定はしないようにしましょう。エラーになっちゃいます。


linux版 fr24feedを以下の通り起動

$ ./fr24feed_arm-le_242s --signup
[i]FR24Feed v242 - built on Apr 23 2014/09:49:17
Welcome to the FR24 Feeder sign up wizard!

Before you continue please make sure that:

 1 - You have a working receiver/decoder providing Basestation compatible stream
 2 - You know the network address of the data feed (localhost:30003 by default)
 3 - You know your receivers location up to 1 decimal point
 4 - You have a working email address that will be used to contact you

To terminate - press Ctrl+C at any point

Step 1/5 - Enter Latitude  (DD.DDDD)
Step 2/5 - Enter Longitude (DD.DDDD)
Step 3/5 - Enter your email address (username@domain.tld)
Step 4/5 - Enter your the hostname of the data feed (leave empty for localhost)
Step 5/5 - Enter your the port number of the data feed (leave empty for 30003)

Validating form data...OK

The closest airport found is 'Tottori (ICAO:RJOR IATA:TTJ)' near Tottori.

Latitude: 35.530060
Longitude: 134.166504
Country: Japan

Would you like to conttinue using these settings?yesと答えればデータをいくつか受信してFR24のデータと照合し、問題なければ、共有キーとレーダーコード(ユーザID)が表示される。

Flightradar24 may, if needed, use your email address to contact you regarding your data feed.

Would you like to continue using these settings?


Taking data sample, minimum 3 AC required including at least 2 ADS-B:

[b]connecting to localhost:30003
[i]00:00 - Connected to the data feed
[i]Data feed time difference OK abs(17:57:59.688 - 17:57:59.659)=0
[b]00:06 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:11 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:16 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:21 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:26 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:31 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:36 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:41 - 2 AC in range
[b]00:46 - 3 AC in range
[i]Removed 0 of 3 AC

Sending data sample to the server, completing registration...OK

Account registered successfully!
Your sharing key is: *********
Your radar  code is: T-R****

Soon you should also receive an email containing this information.

To start sending data please start the feeder providing your key:
./fr24feed_arm-le_242s --fr24key=*******

あとは、https://www.flightradar24.com/premium/ で、設定時と同じメールアドレスを指定すればフィードを送る限り、タダでアカウント使える。


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