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[3ds Max][TyFlow] TyFlow Script Operator Reference

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スクリーンショット 2022-10-11 160135.jpg



//////////                                   //////////
//////////   SCRIPT OPERATOR DOCUMENTATION   //////////					
//////////                                   //////////

///////////// BUILT-IN KEYBOARD SHORTCUTS /////////////					
// [CTRL+E]					= evaluate script

//////////////// SIMULATION PROPERTIES ////////////////					
// [tyFlow]	tf					= this tyFlow
// [INode]	node				= this tyFlow's scene node
// [tfObj]	obj[XXX]			= individual access to objects in operator scriptable-object listbox (ex: 'obj001')
// [List]	objects				= List<tfObj> of all objects in operator listbox (ex: 'objects[0]')
// [tfTex]	tex[XXX]			= individual access to texmaps in operator scriptable-texmap listbox (ex: 'tex001')
// [List]	texmaps				= List<tfTex> of all texmaps in operator listbox (ex: 'texmaps[0]')
// [float]	f					= current frame
// [float]	frameStep			= current timeStep (frames)
// [int]	t					= current tick
// [int]	tickStep			= current timeStep (ticks) 
// [int]	ticksPerFrame		= ticks per frame 
// [int]	eventParticleCount	= number of particles in this event prior to script execution
// [int]	totalParticleCount	= number of particles in this simulation prior to script execution
// [List<int>] GetEventParticles(string eventName) = gets a list of simulation indices for the particles of an event with the given name (name is not case-sensitive)

//////////////////// MISC FUNCTIONS ///////////////////
// [float]   GetFloat(string name)							= get the value, by name, of the float from the 'Floats' rollout
// [float]   GetFloat(string name, float frame)				= get the value, by name (at the specified frame), of the float from the 'Floats' rollout
// [float]	 Lerp(float f1, float f2, float interp)			= linearly interpolate between two numerical values 
// [Point3]  Lerp(Point3 f1, Point3 f2, float interp)		= linearly interpolate between two vectors 
// [Matrix3] Lerp(Matrix3 tm1, Matrix3 tm2, float interp)	= linearly interpolate between two matrices 
// [Quat]	 Lerp(Quat tm1, Quat tm2, float interp)			= linearly interpolate between two quaternions
// [Matrix3] Inverse(Matrix3 m)								= get the inverse matrix
// [void]	 Print(object value)							= prints a value to the maxscript listener (maximum 100 prints/step)
// [void]	 PrintAll(object value)							= prints a value to the maxscript listener (unlimited prints/step - may result in long timeouts!)
// [void]	 DrawMarker(Point3 pos, int r, int g, int b)				= draws a colored (rgb) marker in the viewport at a location (must be called in [simulationStep])
// [void]	 DrawLine(Point3 pos1, Point3 pos2, int r, int g, int b)	= draws a colored (rgb) line in the viewport at a location (must be called in [simulationStep])
// [void]	 DrawTM(Matrix3 tm, float size)								= draws a tri-colored Matrix3 axis in the viewport (must be called in [simulationStep])

////////////// [tyFlow] CLASS PROPERTIES ////////////// 
// [void]	 SetThreaded(bool val)			= set whether or not the script will be multithreaded (SimulationStepThreaded will be evaluated by multiple threads)
// [void]    SetThreadedIterations(int n)	= set the number of times SimulationStepThreaded will be re-evaluated from start to finish
// [int]	 GetThreadedIteration()			= get the current iteration being processed (call from within SimulationStepThreaded)
// [int]	 GetSimIndex(int eInx)		= get simulation index of a particle in the current event
// [int]	 GetSimIndexFromID(int ID)	= get simulation index of a particle from its ID [-1 == deleted]
// [int]	 CopyParticle(int sInx)		= copy a particle by simulation index and get the new particle's event index [WARNING: NOT thread safe!]
// [int]	 NewParticle()				= spawn a new particle and get its event index [WARNING: NOT thread safe!]
// [void]    DeleteParticle(int sInx)   = delete a particle by simulation index
// [void]	 TestTrue(int eInx)			= set test condition for event particle to true
// [void]	 OutputParticle(int eInx)	= equivalent to TestTrue(eInx)
// [int]	 GetID(int sInx)			= get particle ID from simulation index
// [int]	 GetParentID(int sInx)		= get particle ID of parent from simulation index
// [float]	 GetAge(int sInx)			= get particle age (in frames) from simulation index
// [int]	 GetAgeTicks(int sInx)		= get particle age (in ticks) from simulation index
// [float]	 GetEventAge(int sInx)		= get particle event age (in frames) from simulation index
// [int]	 GetEventAgeTicks(int sInx)	= get particle event age (in ticks) from simulation index
// [Point3]	 GetPos(int sInx)				= get particle position from simulation index
// [Quat]	 GetRot(int sInx)				= get particle rotation (quaternion) values from simulation index
// [Point3]	 GetScale(int sInx)				= get particle scale from simulation index
// [Matrix3] GetTM(int sInx)				= get particle transform from simulation index
// [Point3]	 GetSpin(int sInx)				= get particle spin from simulation index
// [Point3]	 GetVel(int sInx)				= get particle velocity from simulation index
// [int]	 GetSimulationGroups(int sInx)	= get particle simulation group flags (1 << [0-15])
// [int]	 GetExportGroups(int sInx)		= get particle export group flags (1 << [0-15])
// [int]	 GetMatID(int sInx)				= get particle materialID from simulation index [range 1-99] [0 == not assigned]
// [Point3]  GetUVW(int sInx, int channel)	= get particle mapping UVW from simulation index and map channel index [range 0-99]
// [float]	 GetMass(int sInx)				= get particle bind mass
// [float]   GetRadius(int sInx)			= get particle radius from simulation index
// [float]   GetVolume(int sInx)			= get particle volume from simulation index
// [tfMesh]	 GetMesh(int sInx)				= get tfMesh wrapper for particle shape mesh
// [void]	 SetPos(int sInx, Point3 pos)				= set particle position from simulation index
// [void]	 SetRot(int sInx, Quat rot)					= set particle rotation (quaternion) values from simulation index
// [void]	 SetScale(int sInx, Point3 scale)			= set particle scale from simulation index
// [void] 	 SetTM(int sInx, Matrix3 tm)				= set particle transform from simulation index
// [void]	 SetSpin(int sInx, Point3 spin)				= set particle spin from simulation index
// [void]	 SetVel(int sInx, Point3 vel)				= set particle velocity from simulation index
// [void]	 SetSimulationGroups(int sInx, int flags)	= set particle simulation group flags (1 << [0-15])
// [void]	 SetExportGroups(int sInx, int flags)		= set particle export group flags (1 << [0-15])
// [void]	 SetMatID(int sInx, int matID)				= set particle materialID from simulation index [range 1-99] [0 == unassign]
// [void]	 SetUVW(int sInx, int channel, Point3 uvw)	= set particle mapping UVW from simulation index and map channel index [range 0-99]
// [void]	 SetMass(int sInx, float mass)				= set particle bind mass
// [float]	 GetCustomFloat(int sInx, string channel)	= get particle custom float from simulation index
// [Point3]	 GetCustomVector(int sInx, string channel)	= get particle custom vector from simulation index
// [Matrix3] GetCustomTM(int sInx, string channel)		= get particle custom transform from simulation index
// [void]	 SetCustomFloat(int sInx, string channel, float val)		= set particle custom float from simulation index
// [void]	 SetCustomVector(int sInx, string channel, Point3 val)		= set particle custom vector from simulation index
// [void]	 SetCustomTM(int sInx, string channel, Matrix3 val)		= set particle custom transform from simulation index
// [float]	 GetNoise(float x, float y, float z)								= get random noise from coordinates
// [Point3]	 GetCurlNoise(int time, Point3 pos, float frequency, float scale, float phase)	= get curl noise from time, coordinates, frequency, scale and phase
// [Point3]  GetTurbulence(int time, Point3 pos, float frequency, float scale, float phase)	= get turbulent noise from time, coordinates, frequency, scale and phase
// [void]	 SetSeed(int sInx, int seed)					= set particle random seed from simulation index
// [int]	 GetRandInt(int sInx, int min, int max)			= get random integer from simulation particle [>= min && < max]
// [float]	 GetRandFloat(int sInx, float min, float max)	= get random float from simulation particle [>= min && <= max]
// [Point3]	 GetRandVector(int sInx)						= get random vector on unit sphere from simulation particle
// [void]			SetBindsActive(int sInx, bool val)		= set whether the particle will be affected by its bindings
// [List<tfBind>]	GetBinds(int sInx)						= get the bindings of a particle [WARNING: NOT thread safe!]
// [void]			SetBinds(List<tfBind> binds)			= apply changes to particle bindings retrieved with GetBinds [WARNING: NOT thread safe!]
// [void]			NewBind(int sInx1, int sInx2, int id, float length, float stiffness) = create a new binding between two particles from their simulation indices [WARNING: NOT thread safe!]
// [void]		PrepNeighbors(bool addVelocities)			= build data structure for doing neighbor searches, with option to integrate velocities. MUST be called before any calls to "GetNeighbors" [WARNING: call this OUTSIDE of your particle loop!]
// [List<int>]	GetNeighbors(Point3 pos, float radius)		= get simulation indices of particles within radius of position
// [void]	UpdatePhysXTM(int sInx)													= updates an existing particle's PhysX transform [WARNING: NOT thread safe!]
// [bool]	PhysXOverlapTest(int sInx1, Matrix3 tm1, int sInx2, Matrix3 tm2)		= true if two PhysX particle hulls overlap, from simulation index and transform
// [bool]	PhysXSweepTest(int sInx, Matrix3 tm, Point3 sweepVec, bool includeSelf)	= true if a PhysX particle hull overlaps with another PhysX particle, from simulation index, transform and sweep vector [includeSelf == sweep test will include query particle]
// [tfObj]	GetObject(string name)	= get tfObj wrapper for scene object by name
// [tfObj]	GetObject(int handle)	= get tfObj wrapper for scene object by handle

///////////// [tfTex] CLASS PROPERTIES ////////////////
// [float]	 GetMonoVal(int t, Point3 uvw)				= get texture mono value based on time (in ticks) and UVW coordinates (range: 0.0 - 1.0)
// [Point3]	 GetColorVal(int t, Point3 uvw, bool gamma)	= get texture color value (optionally, gamma corrected) based on time (in ticks) and UVW coordinates (range: 0.0 - 1.0)

///////////// [tfBounds] CLASS PROPERTIES ////////////////
// [Point3]	 min	= the minimum extents of the bounding box
// [Point3]	 max	= the maximum extents of the bounding box

///////////// [tfMesh] CLASS PROPERTIES ////////////////
// [int]	 GetNumFaces()							= get number of mesh faces in tfObj 
// [int]	 GetNumVerts()							= get number of mesh vertices in tfObj 
// [tfFace]	 GetFace(int inx)						= get face from index
// [Point3]	 GetVert(int inx)						= get vertex position from index
// [Point3]	 GetNormal(int vInx)					= get normal on mesh from vertex index
// [Point3]	 GetVel(int vInx)						= get velocity on mesh from vertex index
// [Point3]	 GetUVW(int vInx, int channel)			= get UVW on mesh from vertex index and map channel
// [Point3]	GetRandPointOnMesh(int seed)			= get random point on mesh using seed
// [tfFace]	GetRandFaceOnMesh(int seed)				= get random face on mesh using seed
// [int]	GetRandVertOnMesh(int seed)				= get random vertex on mesh using seed
// [tfBounds]	GetBounds()							= get the local bounds of the mesh
// [Point3]		GetPosOffset()						= get the local pivot position offset for the mesh

///////////// [tfObj] CLASS PROPERTIES ////////////////
// [tfMesh]  GetMesh()								= get the mesh of the tfObj
// [Matrix3] GetTM()								= get the world-space transform of the tfObj
// [Point3]  GetPos()								= get the world-space position of the tfObj
// [Quat]	 GetRot()								= get the world-space rotation (quaternion) of the tfObj
// [Point3]  GetScale()								= get the world-space scale of the tfObj
// [tfFace]	 GetClosestFace(Point3 p)				= get closest face on mesh from point (hybrid)
// [tfFace]	 GetClosestFaceAccurate(Point3 p)		= get closest face on mesh from point (accurate)
// [int]	 GetClosestVert(Point3 p)				= get closeset vertex index on mesh from point
// [Point3]	 GetClosestNormal(Point3 p)				= get closest normal on mesh from point
// [Point3]	 GetClosestPoint(Point3 p)				= get closest point on mesh from point (hybrid)
// [Point3]	 GetClosestPointAccurate(Point3 p)		= get closest point on mesh from point (accurate)
// [Point3]	 GetClosestUVW(Point3 p, int channel)	= get closest UVW coordinate on mesh from point and map channel
// [Point3]	 GetClosestVel(Point3 p)				= get closest velocity on mesh from point
// [Point3]	 GetClosestBary(Point3 p)				= get closest barycentric coordinate on mesh from point
// [RayHit]	GetRaycastHit(Point3 p, Point3 dir)		= cast a ray (from p along dir) towards mesh and return hit data
// [bool]	PointInside(Point3 p)					= tests if point is inside mesh 

///////////// [tfFace] CLASS PROPERTIES ///////////////
// [int]	inx					= get the index of the face on its mesh
// [int]	v1					= get vertex index 1 of the face
// [int]	v2					= get vertex index 2 of the face
// [int]	v3					= get vertex index 3 of the face
// [float]	area				= get the area of the face
// [Point3]	normal				= get the normal of the fac
// [int]	matID				= get the matID of the face
// [bool]	selected			= get the selection state of the face

///////////// [tfBind] CLASS PROPERTIES ///////////////
// [int]	Type()				= get the type of bind (1 = stretch, 2 = shear, 3 = bend, 4 = volume)
// [int]	id					= get the ID of the binding
// [int]	sInx1				= get the simulation index of the first particle of the bind
// [int]	sInx2				= get the simulation index of the second particle of the bind
// [float]	length				= get the rest length of the binding
// [float]	OrigLength()		= get the original rest length of the binding
// [float]	CurrentLength()		= get the current length of the binding
// [float]	stiffness			= get the stiffness of the binding
// [float]	OrigStiffness()		= get the original stiffness of the binding
// [bool]	enableCollisions		= controls whether the bind will be processed by the CCCS
// [bool]	enableObjectCollisions	= controls whether the bind will collide with objects
// [float]	collisionThickness		= controls the bind's collision thickness
// [float]	collisionFriction		= controls the bind's collision friction
// [void]	Break()					= break the bind
// [void]	UnBreak()				= unbreak the bind
// [bool]	IsBroken()				= returns true if bind is currently broken 

///////////// [RayHit] CLASS PROPERTIES ///////////////
// [bool]   hit					= true if hit valid
// [Point3] hitPoint			= get the hit point
// [int]	hitFace				= get the index of the hit face on the mesh
// [Point3]	hitBary				= get the barycentric coordinates of the hitPoint on the hitFace

////////////// [Point2] CLASS PROPERTIES //////////////
// [float]	x			= get x value
// [float]	y			= get y value

////////////// [Point3] CLASS PROPERTIES //////////////
// [float]	x					= get x value
// [float]	y					= get y value
// [float]	z					= get z value
// [Point3]	normalized			= get normalized vector
// [float]	magnitude			= get vector magnitude
// [float]	sqrMagnitude		= get squared vector magnitude
// [void]	Normalize()			= normalize the vector
// [void]	Scale(Point3 p)		= scale by vector
// [float]	Point3.Angle(Point3 p1, Point3 p2)				= get angle between vectors
// [Point3]	Point3.ClampMagnitude(Point3 p1, float length)	= clamp vector by maximum length
// [Point3] Point3.Cross(Point3 p1, Point3 p2)				= get cross product of vectors
// [float]	Point3.Distance(Point3 p1, Point3 p1)			= get distance between vectors
// [float]	Point3.Dot(Point3 p1, Point3 p2)				= get dot product of vectors
// [Point3]	Point3.Normalize(Point3 p1)						= get normalized vector
// [Point3]	Point3.ProjectOnPlane(Point3 p1, Point3 plane)	= project vector onto plane
// [Point3] Point3.Reflect(Point3 dir, Point3 plane)		= get reflected vector

////////////// [Point4] CLASS PROPERTIES //////////////
// [float]	x			= get x value
// [float]	y			= get y value
// [float]	z			= get z value
// [float]	w			= get w value

////////////// [Matrix3] CLASS PROPERTIES /////////////
// [Point3]	 row1		= get row1 (forward) of the matrix
// [Point3]	 row2		= get row2 (right) of the matrix
// [Point3]	 row3		= get row3 (up) of the matrix
// [Point3]	 row4		= get row4 (translation) of the matrix
// [Matrix3] inverted	= get the inverted matrix
// [void] PreRotate(int axis, float ang)			= pre-rotate the matrix along (0-based axis) by (ang) degrees
// [void] PostRotate(int axis, float ang)			= post-rotate the matrix along (0-based axis) by (ang) degrees
// [void]	 Invert()					= invert the matrix
// [Point3]  Transform(Point3 p)		= transform a point with the matrix 
// [Point3]  VectorTransform(Point3 p)	= transform a point with the matrix (without translation)

////////////// [Quat] CLASS PROPERTIES /////////////
// [float]	 x		= get x value of the quaternion
// [float]	 y		= get y value of the quaternion
// [float]	 z		= get z value of the quaternion
// [float]	 w		= get w value of the quaternion
// [Quat] normalized	= get normalized quaternion
// [Quat] conjugated	= get the conjugated quaternion
// [Quat] inverted		= get the inverted quaternion
// [void] Conjugate()	= conjugate the quaternion
// [void] Invert()		= invert the quaternion
// [void] Normalize()	= normalize the quaternion

////////////// [AngAxis] CLASS PROPERTIES /////////////
// [Point3]	 axis	= get the axis of the AngAxis
// [float]	 angle	= get the angle of the AngAxis



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