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Intro to cloud computing: Describing cloud concepts

Define cloud models

The three main cloud models: private, public, and hybrid.

Private cloud

  • What is it?
    • Cloud used by a single entity.
  • Pros
    • Provides much greater control for the company and its IT department.
  • Cons
    • Comes with greater costs
    • Comes with fewer of the benefits of a public cloud deployment
    • may be hosted from consumer's on site datacenter
    • may be hosted in a dedicated datacenter:
      • ex: third party that has deticated datacenter to consumer's company

Public cloud

  • What is it?
    • Cloud that is built, controlled, and maintained by a third-party cloud provider.
  • Pros
    • Unlike private cloud, anyone that wants to purchase cloud services can access and use resources.

Hybrid cloud

  • What is it?
    • A computing environment that uses both public and private clouds in an inter-connected environment.
  • Pros
    • Allows private cloud to adapt to increased, temporary demand by deploying public cloud resources.
    • Can be used for providing an extra layer of security
      • ex: choosing services to keep in public cloud or deploy to their private cloud infrastructure
Public cloud Private cloud Hybrid cloud
CapEx doesn't scale up Organizations' control over resources and security: yes Provides most flexibility
The proces of creating, updating and deleting user accounts (provisioned and deprovisioned) can be quickly done Data is not collocated with other organizations' data Where to run applications are determinied by organizations
Organizations only pay for what they use Startup and maintenance: hardwared must be purchased Organizations' control over security, compliance, or legal requirements: yes
Organizations' control over resources and security: no Organizations' responsibility for hardware maintenance and updates: yes


  • Uses two or more public cloud providers
  • Manages resources and serucirty in all the environments

Azure Arc

  • Set of technologies
  • helps manage cloud environment
    • the cloud type doesn't matter: it can be private cloud in consumer's datacenter or public cloud solely on azure.

Azure VMware Solution

  • can be used when migration to public or hybrid cloud from private cloud environment is needed.
  • lets the consumer's VMware workloads in Azure with seamless integration and scalability

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